A SWIGS(c)Production
The picture today was taken on the evening of Dec. 2 2OO7 while I was walking with my wife on Columbia Street in New Westminster BC watching The Santa Parade.
I was sober but my wife thought she saw strange lights?
The USA: The Original American Dream, TOAD:
21 score years ago The Constitution of The USA per The Birth(?) of a Nation per The Founding Fathers(?) of The USA; after winning Independence from "Great?' Britain and The Comic British Empire re: CommonWealth for everyone to live like royalty and/or how my class, grade 7 honors social studies, would if 12 year olds were rich, begins:
<"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America ."> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Constitution
A tad simple minded, but easily amended to serve:
An Example:
The Constitution Of Global Canada, preamble: (draft)
"We,the humans (people) of Canada, in order to form a more perfect World, establish justice for everyone, insure international tranquility, provide for civil behaviors among individuals, promote general well-being, and secure opportunities for proactive liberty to other human beings and thus hope for the future of civilization on Earth, do herewith ordain and establish simple logic and elementary reasoning as the basis of seeking practicable truth and promoting an interactive trust among sane humans; sanity defined by the thoughts and actions of Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers , to guide us, the humans, in sharing a laugh at comic SUPERpowers in 2OO7, re: CommonWealth (of 200+ nations???) and 6+ billi0n people, world-wide, including 2.5 billion Chinese, living like The Average American or Canadian in the movies or on TV?"
Hi from New Westminster BC,
Today we'll discuss: The Rise of Canada<> The Holy Canadian Empire, The 5th Reich; as a reference for Globalization of Evil and Ugliness vs The Original American Dream, TOAD; including, we hope, everyone eventually sharing a laugh at The Roman, The Brutish and other comic empires, public funded fairy tale kingdoms and other versions of CommonWealth (communism) based on materialistic dialogues formatted by various genius philosophers and intellectuals (all guys, including Ayn Rand) in the past, and perpetuated today by various econo-in-the-mists' theories, all requiring audiences of 'the poor' to admire how adult aged children live when even modest wealth allows social illiterates to play house and play family like we're all in the movies and on TV.
We'll begin this discussion with a grade 7 class exercise: Writing a 'Constitution for the Earth/World as a Global Village'.
This document will be a written thesis/dissertation based on major academic Universities, and thus the thoughts and ideas of The World's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosopher's.
Perhaps employing Hegel's trilogy of criteria for thought process? 'Thesis. Anti-thesis. Synthesis= Opinion. Debate.Agreement ? Then combining inductive and deductive reasoning into Common-Sense blended with simple logic to form practicable solutions to problems on Earth?
This Constitution should address: human social evolution and human law, both tribal=common and statute=codified, blending Common-Sense with logic and reason into practicable formats for civil behaviors by everyone, including jurists. Thus your paper will be composed in terms of international local* media in 2OO7. Media as a function of the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature provided by human journalists and other sane writers observing what 'really happens' locally*.
Of special interest, in order to write a pro-human Constitution, would be the NEWS we get after parasites that refer to humans as resources; as if they're not human themselves, win wars and/or get elected; by other morons, into public (funded) office by their peers, i.e. other socially and ethically illiterate adult aged children. NEWS; usually about ancient 'civilizations?"; social toilets then and now, that support a comic 'elite?' of geniuses who're always, it seems, desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class was rich. Creepy ancient 'civilizations?' that, at best, provided a history we (the humans) can learn from? So, like the 3rd Reich; that included Germ-many, Italy (as Rome), Rome-ania and The entire Empire of Japan, never 'happens' again.
Todays' Global Canada Question is:
Are Sane Adults (taxpayers etc.), human-resources for:
1.human children?
3.proactive charities?
4.sick and injured?
5.elected governments of sane adults?
6.domestic animals?
7.and other positive potentials?
Or, are Canadians and other human-resources (taxpayers etc.):
1. human resources for public funded adult aged children's life-styles who're trying to impress 'the poor" required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class was rich?
2. human resources for creatures that define themselves (and thus everyone else) as 'sexuals' so are psychotic, by their own definitions, that should not be anywhere near human children, especially in public (funded) schools?
3.human resources for self indulgent,bloated, generous to themselves first corrupt charitable organizations and government social programs that require 'the poor' to define their existence?
4. human resources for self abusive druggy, food addicted, mindless generation of socially and otherwise illiterate and increasingly boring bOOmers, who now need increasing populations (of taxpayers) to provide for social programs that favor sloth and ignorance, to provide healthcare for an aging population of slobs who, as they say, would eat their children (and do metaphorically) if they thought that would improve their life-styles?
5. human resources for governments of lunatics voted into power by other illiterate savages who require 'the poor' as audiences for Canada's rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed, who're playing house and playing family like royalty would, they say, if public (funded) education included bizarre ideas for CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2OO7???) and 6+ billion people trying to live like we're all in American movies or 'on' TV*?
6. human resources for zoos and other collections of critters admired by geniuses who admit that apes and monkeys are their ancestors, insulting the 'animal kingdom?' and degrading civil processes to conform to their rather ugly perceptions of themselves and/or A God in the image(s) of A "white?' Man? 2000 years ago? In The Holy Land? And other social sewers and political toilets then and now?
-Or, my tribe's preference, A Goddess (like my wife) in the images of A "white?" Woman (like Britannia) in the Germ-manic traditions of Father-Lands rather than Mother-Earth among Nordic (white?) Tribes?-
7. but also ...perhaps co-incidentally, because they're not very bright, are we human resources (journalists) for publishers of international English style American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor in their own media products?
Helping 'the poor' (about 100% of the market for literate popular media) to share a laugh at the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed,adult aged children I've mentioned, who, after all, like to be flattered?
- I was asked recently, in this context, "are Americans getting dumber?'. I said, "is that possible?".-
11:05am here* in New Westminster BC. My wife's (33 years) using the last of the Thanksgiving Turkey ( a country too?) to make a Turkey Pie (my son's, 21, favorite) for Sunday dinner.
I live in Vancouver/Victoria BC so will be promoting BC as an ideal model for a "Global Provence". An Utopia based on our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers at The University of British Columbia http://www.ubc.ca/
UBC is an internationally renowned institution of higher... learning administrated and staffed by geniuses, they say.
UBC is admired all over the world for absolutely nothing. Yet, along with about 200 other Universities, Colleges and University Colleges in BC serving about 4 million people in BC; most of whom work for a living at something worthwhile, UBC consistently ranks in top 5% of drains on BC's public trusts, but also in the bottom 5% of graduates from academic faculties being qualified to teach anything?
Apparently tourism is an industry in BC? And prostitution, politics, crime and sports are professions? Sex is apparently a trade in BC? Inviting "The World" to see "Beautiful BC" in this regard?
This according to Angus Reid and Statistics Canada (average government employees) and the average Canadian 'family unit' (of government employees) that, they say, somehow gets along with a mere $68.376.23 CAN of taxable (actually a tithe) 'family income' (2006 figures)? How do they do it??? $1000 a week??? For a family of 3.79 human-resources???
If any "Sane Adult" with an iQ over 100 in the US or Europe is reading this, it might be fun to compare average Canadian 'family units' with average American 'family units'? Then perhaps notice that it would take the entire GDP of 12 planets like Earth to support The American Dream 2OO7; everyone living like movie and TV characters?
We'll see if this changes that ads?: I hope I win a lottery (or get elected) so I can afford a new car... like a "Lexus", or Ultima or "Ford Bronco", or, in fact, any new car? Or, maybe I'll buy real-estate in Vancouver BC? If I have $745,267.33 to invest in an average house for my average family? Or... maybe I'll but shares in Google or Microsoft? But is the Vi$ta OS crap like the geeks say, or are they confused?
I'll publish another BLOG next Sun-day from Vancouver/Victoria BC. A sensible BLOG on an entirely different theme. Something the average genius BLOG reader/writer (of note) will appreciate.
Something so trite and fluffy and positive with kind intentions stuff that I'll seem like a professional politician trying to get elected? Promising CommonWealth for everyone... free Medicare... farmers giving food away; and/or the government stealing 'revenue' from 'the poor' to feed the rich?
Having been a broker and chartered financial planner, I may write about corruption at every level of Canada's hand in glove banks as government participation in global financial dealings with characters who use leverage and arbitrage to gain minority 'share positions' in very large (and out of control) multi-international corporations that allow companies individuals that produce absolutely nothing but BS, to control 'the means of production' of everything?
Then, oddly, is history holds, they deplete all the resources of the company/corporation, county/nation, planet/galaxy, then move on someplace else where really stupid people vote for other really stupid people who then spend the public's money on really stupid things, in BC, while schools are closing, homelessness in increasing exponentially and yet, thank God, BC's hillbillies are getting richer and richer while trying to impress 'the poor' who are, generally, about 100% of the market for popular/mass media...
Just now, noon, however, I should shower etc... My wife's beginning to make loud noises? Meaning "what the h... are you sitting there typing in the middle of the day???". On my $1000 computer, my son's old one. He needed a better one for his $500 video card. "BLOGS??? for God's sake.... grow up??? Only children write and read f...ing BLOGS!!! Don't you have work to do???"
"Bryan Clifford" Bs D
- Founding Member of SWIGS(c), a "think tank" of high. . . iQ (bored) "Sane Seniors".
*here- Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings/Humans
*TV- sound/pictures including radio (voice), movies and now internet requiring the intellect of a 5 year old to watch nonsense provided by emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions; who should probably read more literature printed by the humans?
*Truly- the TRUTH will make us free they say? A good thing unless they're prostitutes and/or professional politicians?
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