If you click on the title above ^ you will be introduced to Mary T Cleary's attempt to address the fact that every boy on Earth, so far, was first exposed to a "Mother Figure" in terms of touch, smell, sight, taste and, most important to the thesis of this blog, sound ---> of a "Mother's Voice", everyone's first teacher. Mother's we must hope are sane.
In The West*, including Canada, average men who work for a living die, most gratefully?, about ten years younger than average women.
In England reported domestic violence against (gentle)men is 5 times greater than incidents reported (to the police) of "battered wives" by goons who, I guess?, may not have enough chari$ma to impress fee-males there?
Women who are usually about 10 years younger than the men they "marry" i.e hook "good catches" they hope, where drones and goons are expected to be 'good providers' for "what women want". Women we must hope are sane?
Eventually leaving most wealth in so called "Industrialized Countries" today controlled by liberated women. Liberated to DO! what???: Spend the money on wine men and song then join AA etc.? Where touring (wandering around) is an industry? And snowbirdbrains, as Canadians are called by Americans who live and work in Florida and Southern California, for example, embarrass "Sane Canadians", most of whom live and work for a living in Canada, hopefully sharing a laugh at Canada's always increasingly embarrassing comic 'elite?' of adult aged children who need audiences of 'the poor' to admire their life(as)styles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed.
Women who live about 20 years longer than their "mates" or "husbands":
Husband from the Olde English "house-bound", a derogatory description of men by history's psychotics, by their own definitions, who, even today, seem terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other.
Heroic psychotic men in literature written by adult aged boys, heroic emotionally disturbed men in movies produced and directed by other juvenile men, and heroic men in TV shows about fierce strong dauntless yet narcissistic and schizophrenic bi-polar 'men?' preferring the company of other 'men?' in ferocious ancient and today's armies; and we all know about navies, biker and other gangs, the Masons, The KKK, all male senates of yore, all male parliaments, legislatures, congresses, gay communities, characters in bibles and other adventure Storys about various Holy Lands etc.. All apparently terrified of women, yet obsessed with "what women want" where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
Please contact Bryan Clifford BsD if, while you are sober, you are still suffering from uncontrollable weird world visions, UWWVs, grotesque global thinking, GGDs, and/or any other at least Universal or bigger social, political, economic or any hallucinations and delusions of any sort.
These psychological problems are, as you know, promoted by psychotics, by their own definitions, who, even today, somehow objectify 'the human condition', 'the human experience', 'humanity' and/or 'human resources' as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Parasites? Predatory Salespeople? Blood Sucking Insects?
And, don't criminals, generally, regard their victims as 'human resources'?
Treatment for these hallucinations and delusions, obtuse global thinking, weird world visions and other 'psychological problems' can be accessed near where you live in Canada or The USA by enrolling in a proper public (funded) junior high school grade 7 or better (higher... advanced?) class taught by a 'sane teacher*', including some elementary logic and simple reason relative to real life in the real world where you live*.
Failing that, again, please contact Bryan Clifford BsD so we can share a laugh at 'the poor', the homeless and children in Canada and The USA in winter who, however, thank God and Bill Gates et al, have increasing access to TV, radio+pictures, including movies and U Tube etc., all over the world (Earth) today. Perhaps beginning to wonder 'What The F.ck?' is wrong with adults in 2009?
The Global Canada picture today is of the world's largest malignant flora tumor removed from a really big tree by "Samurai of the Forests" called "fallers" in Canada who, at best, clear areas for human settlement with 'selective logging' and at worst 'clear cut' forests destroying watersheds and polluting everything then, in primitive places like BC, the same logging companies, sometimes by different names, get paid by governments to clean up the mess they made?
We, SSWIGS, The Sane Senior-Citizens' Institute... for Global Studies in Vancouver BC, will also continue to try to make fun of the idea that CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today to live like royalty, politicians, (other) successful criminals, lottery winners, oil and shiny rock finding geniuses, real estate flippers, stock market manipulators, bankers, landlords (landgods?), characters that play sports real good, movie and TV stars and most of these assholes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires do in 2009, is viable... globally?
However, since we live in Vancouver BC, SWWIGS will concentrate on making fun of BC's comic 'elite?' who, as you know, like to be flattered in terms of their achievements and their ability to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how all Canada's, The USA's and Mexico's politicians and bureaucrats and others in public (funded) office live today.
Our blogs will be shorter, more to the point and, generally, we hope, more fun for both the authors and the reader... whomever that may be.
So, this blog will be about "women's liberation" (to DO! what???"), "what men want" today, and also "what women want". Women we must hope are sane.
The thesis of this blog will, once again, be relative to the idea that, while Global Canada as a concept is absurd, Global Washington DC, for example, as a model for an ideal Global Village, is even funnier. Given that the average American male today may be the stupidest product of either Creationist Theory or Evolution and getting dumber and dumber as functions of 'American Women' in terms of 'what women want' from American drones and goons where, they say, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
However, it's also interesting to us at SSWIGS to see what ads are generated on a blog like this, and if there are any humans involved in "content" on a blog intended to be purely altruistic and designed to serve the general good and civil behaviors of human adults who choose to do what we do every day? A blog that. we hope, asks the question " is there intelligent life on The USA today?" and/or "What The Fu.k Happened to The American Dream?":
1. adequate food clothing and shelter for ALL Americans
2. adequate medical care for ALL Americans
3. a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better (higher...advanced?) education for ALL Americans before anyone can drive a car, vote, occupy public (funded) office, become a teacher, jurist, medical doctor or journalist etc..
Imagine http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1847778207986315796&hl=en
This blog will be edited and added to as we get time from looking for a new Mercedes to impress 'the poor' and maybe moo-ving to a castle in Vancouver BC.
Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford) PhD (UCLA) and, more pertinent to blogging, grade 7 (second form) honors graduate 50 years ago
-Lonely man seeking a quiet rich blond woman with an high... iQ to share... companionship and possible matri-money ASAP if my wife will let me
-Publisher (self appointed) of The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Press, CBC* Press, but the bastards won't pay me
- Founder of SSWIGS, The Sane Senior -Citizens' World Institute for Global Studies in Vancouver BC, remotely associated with The University of British Columbia, UBC, and The UBC Press, that should define all that's possibly civil and good in BC, with respect to BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, i.e. sane teachers (professors) employed by sane governments in public (funded) office
-Retired (bored) Canadian-Canadian who finds rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe, Asia and The USA et al amusing as they try to re-create the politically polluted social sewers, creepy cultures and ugly economic toilets that got rid of them here on Canada and. generally, 'The New World' (whatever that means?) using thousands of years of exploitative (exploitive) and destructive technology developed on 'The Old World' (whatever that means?) combined with psychotic economic theories that have been an international academic joke for centuries, to, basically, satisfy the nesting ambitions of socially and otherwise illiterate savages who're, generally, trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for movie and TV life(as)styles, including here* in Vancouver BC.
* The West- is actually, on a map, The North, per eccentric/concentric migrations of primitive hunting and gathering tribes (races) away from the 'sun belt' after using up all the natural resources there, then looking for 'The Promised Land' of 'milk and honey' to 'go forth and multiply' in so there'd be more and more 'human resources' to tithe and tax to support the life(as)styles of an always increasingly embarrassing comic 'elite?' of psychotics, by their own definitions, who, even today, seem terrified of woe'men?' and/or working for a living, but very very fond of each other as with Greek fraternities, preisthoods, The Masons, biker and other gangs, The Vatican, gay communities, organized religion, ferocious armies and navies, all male senates, legislatures, parliaments, judiciaries, congresses of yore and today, exclusive boys will be boys clubs, Universities were once resticted to 'men?' only, 95% of homeless in Canada and The USA (in winter) are men, 95% of prisoners in 2009 in Canada and The USA are men today, yet about 100% of humans over all of human history, so far, were first exposed to "Mother Figures" ---> everyone's first teacher?
*sane teachers- wil be discussed in my next blog as the possible solution to morons being elected into public (funded) office by populations of socially and otherwise illiterate savages who, as individuals, were likely intellectually, spiritually and perhaps otherwise raped as children when Parenst and other Adults must seem like Gods (in the image of man?) to human babies, infants and toddlers.
CBC- an entirely pubic funded Clown Coropration and function of the incumbent federal government in Canada and clone of The British Broadcasting Corp. that continues to represent The Comic British Empire and CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today to ape... roylaty and/or live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for how Adolf Hitler, for example, and The Nazi comic 'elite?', who were elected, would have lived if Germ-many, Italy (as Rome), The Japanese Empire and Rome-mania had won WW2?
Thanks for listening.... stay tuned.... my next blog will explore "Sane Teachers" employed by "Sane Governments" in public (funded) office in Canada and where you live*.
*where you live- Earth
*here- Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
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