Or, even better, donate $10 US or more to The Fraser Institute https://www.fraserinstitute.org/commerce.web/supportus/donate.aspxin my name, Bryan Clifford, toward my buying a place at their "Founders Circle", $10,000 CAD so I can make fun of them in their own publications, including the products of Canwest Global like The Vancouver Sun, The Times Colonist in Victoria BC and The National comPost representing the highest and best ideals in journalism, adding significantly to the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature published by the world's greatest minds in several major different, yet essentially the same, human languages that, despite clerics and other arbiters of "free speech", languages that evolve to represent real life in the real world where you live*.
Please contact Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford) with any ideas about anything at least global. Mail will be answered if it makes any sense or is amusing.
Please note, before reading further, that the "white space" below representing an "empty mind" is the property of Google Inc.
Why are The USA, "Great?' Britain, Western* Europe and Russia the largest markets in the world for:
- booze
- tobacco
- fast unhealthy convenience food
- pornography
- drugs,legal and not
- fluff TV, moronic movies and BS media
- guns and other weapons
- ugly often useless architecture
- predatory salespeople and corrupt businesses
- comic life(as)styles of obviously emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who're, generally, trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and chronically narcissistic attention seeking adult aged brat children?
POLITICAL SCIENCE (whatever that means?):
POLITICAL SCIENCE (whatever that means?):
The first lecture I heard in economic theory was about 50 years ago in junior high school in Calgary Alberta Canada.
Calgary then contained the largest population of expatriate oil and gas finding genius Americans in the world, about 30,000 typical obnoxious socially challenged rejects from The USA bringing with them American Culture as in the movies and on TV, often with wealthy yet socially and otherwise illiterate slob families, who were and are a joke in The USA to Real Americans*, moo-ving from Texas and Oklahoma, to the delight of "Sane Texans" and "Sane Oklahomans" Oklahomanians? Oklahomites??? .
The school I was attending was "Vincent Massey Junior High", and the class was grade 7 honors social studies, the teacher, Mr. Mac Donald, was about 30 years old, and began the term with a lecture that went something like this:
"Good morning class, my name is Mr. MacDonald. If you're here toward getting a University education to make money, please drop out now and become a plumber,accountant, salesperson, drug dealer (pharmacist?) , politician, or criminal, rather than wasting my time. (today of course that would include webmaster, drop-outs blogging for money, ad executives etc.)
And, if there's anyone in this class that's smarter than I are, please let me know, because I have much to learn."
The 'white space' below is for the average ordinary blog reader to take time to think about this and other questions.
Empty your mind of all except the basic element of your being. Become your little helpless 'inner child/baby' when you were age 0 to 3. Perhaps a gleam in your mother's eye? A potential kid (livestock) within what kindergarten means to psychotics, by their own definitions, who,even today, "have?' children as pets, toys or dolls, perhaps after 'having?' secks, instead of 'having?' lunch? Livestock , human resources, to raise and reap and feed on within tribal, and thus inherently racial, creepy "family values" promoted by psychotics, by their own definitions, who're suffering from weird world visions and, they claim, global (once flat?) thinking about way complicated stuff requiring higher.... intelligence. And they must be very bright, non of them work for a living at anything worthwhile yet live like kings and/or like all The USA's and Canada's politicians do.
The 'white space' below is empty of all the feelings, sensations, pain, touch, sights, smells, tastes and, most important, sounds- including voices- you heard as a baby, infant and toddler, when your mother, Parents and other Adults must have seemed like Gods (in the image of man?) to you? Perhaps teaching you tribal, and thus inherently racial, gender roles? Boys will be boys...and girls are sugar and spice and everything nice? Training boys, from birth, as with Hindus, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and The Nazis, to be obsessed with "what women want". Women we must hope are sane?
The 'white space' below is an allowance for reason and logic to define your existence among 6+ billion people in 200+ countries on Earth today.
If you have read this far, you are capable of choosing to become a Canadian..., for example, per The Canadian Dream, Global Canada, and a subject of The Holy Canadian Empire, The 5th Reich, New Canada and CommonWealth (communism) for everyone on Earth to live like the average blog reader does,you?, sitting on your butt staring at what's, after all, a TV (monitor) perhaps lOOking for answers about the meaning of your life?
The 'white space' below is a tabula rosa, a clean slate, for the pen*, that's, they say, mightier than the sWORD?= The word processor that's mightier than all the weapons of individual and mass destruction in the hands of psychotics, by their own definitions, today = this and other blogs that, we, the humans, hope helps you share a laugh at yourself?
Please stare at the 'white space' below as if it was a one way mirror I'm behind watching you "through a glass darkly" ...because, as you may know, in each newer LCD or plasma TV, monitor and laptop screen and digital converter there's a tiny camera installed by the government of the world.
Also, as you may know, all new computers have a 'special chip' in them that transmits your location and what your thinking to Egypt where there's a huge NEW Google server that looks like an ancient pyramid but is really thousands of huge very heavy boxes filled with $US, gold and other shiny rocks and treasures, stacked up to, like, 10,000 ft. and topped with a pyramid shaped space-ship where Google executives are planning, even as you read this, to force all humans to on Earth to become Canadians and enjoy The Canadian Dream:
1. adequate food clothing and shelter, especially in winter, for all Americans
2. access to adequate medical care for all Americans provided by sane medical professionals where prostitution, politics, crime and wrestling, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade. The USA?
3. a proper public funded grade 7 or better (higher... advanced?) education provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments, before anyone can vote, occupy public (funded) office, become President of The USA, an (elected) senator, judge, medical doctor or journalist, or, most important, teach anyone anything.
However, really, like, the Ancient Pyramids and other huge useless buildings, even today, were probably built thousands of years ago with the help of aliens or really stupid slaves? Admired today by psychotics, by their own definitions, where touring (wandering around) is apparently an industry? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
So, as you stare at the 'white space' below with your mind empty and your thoughts focused on 'nothingness' and the void, because the creatures that refer to us as "humane rezources?" as if they're not human themselves, are always lOOking for "suckers" to sell something to, you will begin to remember being programmed by your socially and otherwise illiterate Parents and Teachers to become mindless consumers of "goods?' and "services".
You will recall the past 50 years of ads that create 'demand' for junk no-one needs, Junk that's happily supplied by mer-chants (sea songs?) in a now borderless global 'marketplace' as promoted by psychotic econo-in-the-mists who're functions of "pimp governments" that are, in turn, functions of ancient creepy "pimp religions" that target human children as the NeXt generation of consumers/customers, within CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today to live like most genius American movie and TV stars, articulate high iQ professional athletes, lottery winners and all Canada's and The USA's politician do today?
However, I am, with Goggle's permission per http://www.google.ca/accounts/TOS?loc=CA selling 'off-white and colored space' on my blog to advertisers who provide me with sophisticated 'embedded flash images' that strobe so quickly only your subconscious mind sees and records pictures worth a thousand words to morons, and text with Koranic and Biblical, Hindu and Buddhist, Judeo-Christian and Global Canada, Nazi and Orwellian, moronic media and other satanic messages. Strobing cartoon images and comic text hypnotizing you toward enjoying laughter (at yourself), as the best medicine? And/or at least taking absolute responsibility for what you choose to do every day, especially if you're a parent or guardian, in public (funded) office*, public (funded) jobs and public (funded) schools, and/or a "Sane Adult" anywhere on Earth today?
HOW GENERATION Y* (WHY?) HAS BECOME BORED WITH AGING BOOMERS AND THE WHINING SNIVELING GENERATION X OF EQUALLY SOCIALLY AND OTHERWISE GREEDY DEPRAVED DRUNK DRUGGY ILLITERATE SAVAGES THAT DEFINE THEMSELVES AND EVERYONE ELSE AS 'SEcksUALS' PER TRIBAL (AND THUS RACIAL) UGLY "FAMILY VALUES?" AMONG PSYCHOTICS, BY THEIR OWN DEFINITIONS, WHO ALSO IDENTIFY WITH (OTHER) ANIMALS AND PERHAPS HAVE DIAMONDS AND DOGS AS BEST FRIENDS BECAUSE, LIKE, THEY'RE CLINICALLY INSANEAs you know, and as Google and others tell us, the average blog reader with a $1000+ computer connected to $100 month high speed internet with time to sit on our butts for hours (I'm retired= bored) is lOOking for 'intelligent conversation' with like minded people who are hopefully, as here, sympathetic with the plight of aging boomers on North America and elsewhere who're, generally, it seems, obsessed with demon-strating to today's youth, generation Y (WHY?), that socially and otherwise illiterate savages always make fools of themselves when wealth allows adult aged children to play house and play family where you live, desperately trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for how Adolph Hitler and The Nazis, who were elected, would have lived if The Axis Powers, Germ-many, Italy (as Rome = The Roman Catholic Church), The entire Japanese Empire and Rome-mania had won WW2?
Or... I guess?, the real question is, just how stupid is the average German, Italian, Japanese, Rome-anian and/or American Moron today, compared to the average Allied survivor of WW2 as the "we won the war" generation then, magically, beginning in 1945, The USA, Japan, Germany and "Great?' Britain slowly became the largest so called industrialized economies the world has ever seen?
If you see a jumping monk-ey above it means that you are not mentally ill but also that, in a former life, you were among the royalty and other great historical heroes of your tribe (race) so shouldn't have to work for a living because you are, like, very special. A fact that will be discovered eventually by a prince or princess looking for rich people with huge... brains resulting from millions of years of evolution producing the brightest and best people on Earth today amid 6+ billion people in 200+ countries who look to the world's greatest scholars, most intelligent intellectuals and sane philosophers to become political leaders elected into public (funded) office by populations of sane adults as in Canada, per The Canadian Dream: everyone in Canada living like Canada's politicians and bureauc-rats do?
NB- Please read TERMS and CONDITIONS http://www.google.ca/accounts/TOS?loc=CA for USING DEFINED 'WHITE SPACE' ON ANY Blogger BLOGS before you copy/paste and/or otherwise steal my idea that, however, is the property of the world's greatest inventor, an Irishman of course, Pat Pending.
The 'white space' above is provided by Google free of charge and is only to be used within Goggle's terms and condition of use, privacy policies and other codicils, written and implied, and cannot be copied or re-transmitted without the written consent of Google and/or the author of this blog or our agents without severe penalties. Please notify The FBI, The RCMP, KGB or other public (funded) police forces or agencies if you suspect there's been a violation of Google's or my proprietary rights re: defined 'white space' on blogs as explained above.
Note: space/backgrounds other than white representing an "empty mind" are in the process of being developed by SSWIGS, The Sane Senior-Citizens World Institute... for Global Studies, such as 'black space', 'polka dot space' and 'tartan space', for example, with all proceeds of sales donated to The University of British Columbia, UBC, in the hope of creating an "School of Journalism" there offering PhDs in (English) Journalism, the NEWEST profession where, however, prostitution, politics, wrestling and crime, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade. Certainly Canada. Where you live?
WORKING FOR A LIVING IN THE 21st CENTURY The 'white space' above is provided by Google free of charge and is only to be used within Goggle's terms and condition of use, privacy policies and other codicils, written and implied, and cannot be copied or re-transmitted without the written consent of Google and/or the author of this blog or our agents without severe penalties. Please notify The FBI, The RCMP, KGB or other public (funded) police forces or agencies if you suspect there's been a violation of Google's or my proprietary rights re: defined 'white space' on blogs as explained above.
Note: space/backgrounds other than white representing an "empty mind" are in the process of being developed by SSWIGS, The Sane Senior-Citizens World Institute... for Global Studies, such as 'black space', 'polka dot space' and 'tartan space', for example, with all proceeds of sales donated to The University of British Columbia, UBC, in the hope of creating an "School of Journalism" there offering PhDs in (English) Journalism, the NEWEST profession where, however, prostitution, politics, wrestling and crime, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade. Certainly Canada. Where you live?
With the advent of robotics, computer assisted everything and less and less access to a proper grade 7 or better (higher...advanced?) public funded education, the 21st century looms ahead as a future without hope for people whose identity is derived from their jobs (Job was a moron in The Bible), who define themselves in terms of possessions and/or are practicably devoid of human intellect required to work for a living at anything worthwhile in the 21st century.
Thus, willingly, these morons will increasingly become functions of other mindless idiots who're also psychotic, by their own definitions, many trained from birth to regard themselves as members of a tribe (race) within creepy "family values" among socially and otherwise illiterate savages that define themselves, and thus everyone else, as "sexuals" with their behaviors predicated on body functions, violence and, generally, trying to be more like "what women want" where, they say, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
Where pimp governments collect "income tax" and "pimp religions" collect tithes penalizing productive work while rewarding an always increasingly embarrassing comic "elite?" of cartoon pseudo-intellectuals and obviously emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions; who could benefit from contacting http://www.psych.org/ ASAP, a bizarre "class system" develops that's, they say, similar to/the same as social hierarchies among groups of (other) animals ultimately leading to both evolutionary theory's "survival of the fittest" and creationist theory's "man in the image of God" producing the same result, i.e. "Moron Man" as a function of "what women want". Women we must hope are sane? Liberated to DO! what? Equal to whom? Equally psychotic 'men?'?
My next blog will explore the future of 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today all becoming more like American movie and TV heroes and living like American movie and TV stars do today, desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how all American (and Canadian) politicians live today.
Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)
-Publisher of The CBC Press (self appointed) but the entirely public funded bastards who're direct functions of the incumbent Canadian federal government in public (funded) office won't pay me
-Co-Founder of SSWIGS, The Sane Senior-Citizens' World Institute... for Global Studies attempting to mock other 'think tanks' of self proclaimed geniuses, non of whom have a legitimate academic degree from any local* University
*pen- as in penitentiary, pentagram, Pentagon, pencil, pendulum, Pennsylvania etc., all signs of The D'evil = Witchcraft and Satanic processes including miracles Jesus (HeyZeus) supposedly performed in The Bible, making Him a war-lock and pagan in The Holy Land, a politically polluted social sewer and economic joke 2000 years and today. Which, of course, generates Christian reason, logic and common sense today as defined by our brightest and best sane scholars, intellectuals and philosophers perhaps teaching the truth at Canada's and other major academic Universities?
*generation Y (WHY?)- sane youth and young adults and ordinary/average/normal people of all ages, of either official gender, wealthy and not, in public (funded) office or working for a living, of all races (tribes). People (humans) with iQs over 100 (average/normal) required to read this blog and/or the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature provided by "sane journalists/writers" concerned with real life in the real world where they lived 5000 years ago and and we all live today, Earth.
*public (funded) office- basically all "offices" are publicly funded in Canada, with rent paid either through tithes=income tax, other taxes or selling stuff to consumers/customers, or in communism/fascism/socialism, forcing people to buy stuff predetermined by psychotics, by their own definitions, to be "good for the people" rather than allowing choices by hopefully socially and otherwise literate populations of "Sane Adults" deciding what's worth buying or not.
*Real Americans- humans who live and work for a living in The USA and mind their own fu.king business per "The American Dream":
1. adequate food, clothing and shelter, especially in winter, for all Americans
2. adequate medical care provided by sane doctors perhaps employed by "sane governments" "of the people" (humans) elected "by the people (sane humans" and legislating "sane laws" "for the people" to be ruled by
3. a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better (higher... advanced?) education for all Americans provided by ""Sane Teachers" before any American can drive a car, occupy public (funded) office, become President of The USA, a senator, congressperson, judge, teach anyone anything, become a medical doctor and/or a journalist, the NEWest profession where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade---> Earth!
* wherever they may be- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
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