Saturday, October 20, 2007


Heil Y'all,

Picture today is an altered for accuracy iQ distribution map depicting another author's need for BLOGGER therapy

The intent of this blog is to make fun of hypocrites and adult aged children.border="0"

If it offends anyone, good.

Map is perhaps as if seen from The Moon by Blog, the God of interpolated eidetics of Ancient Isreal
re: Rev. 22:22 "Go love Thyselves": Jesus (HeyZeus) addressing the composers/translators of The Bible in The Holy Land 2000+ years ago; a social toilet then and now.

If this fellow BLOGGER concerned with iQ distribution, as I am, is, say a 'native?' 'Chinese or Japanese?'; all geniuses according to their Blog, how is it that The Ancient Chinese/Japanese tribes (race) spent the past 5000 years, they say, without democracy allowing their brightest and best to be elected into public (funded) office by literate populations of literate high iQ sane adults, as here in Canada re: The Canadian Dream, Global Canada?

Instead in 2OO8 China is groveling in Communism (legislated CommonWealth=dialectical materialism) requiring yet another comic SUPERPOWER and moron armies with potentials for mass and individual destruction to, I guess? , eventually have 2.5 billion Chinese living like the Average Canadian or American in the movies or on TV?

This blog is dedicated to my best friend for the past 47 years "Brenda Margaret Lavender" who is by far the best teacher and Story teller I've ever met, who always tells the truth and can be contacted through if you too want to save the world from pollution, poverty and injustice required to define how psychotics, by their own definitions, live trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how all Canadian, American and Mexican politicians and other hypocrites live today.

Chapter O


The ideas relative to 'before in the beginning' (a priori) are among dozens of 'absolutes' that limit human thought to either^or ('maybes/ifs') such as Church and/or State=tithing and/or taxing the human-resources , always it seems to fund primitive governance led by emotionally disturbed psychotic, by their own definitions, adult aged children? Mostly, historically, 'men?' who seem terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other.

Ideas that restrict dialogues among humans limited to observations by^of the 5 corporeal senses: touch, sight, smell and taste, hearing (including of voice) and perhaps a 6th sense, depending on perspective---> intuition{-/+}intellect <=>inductive{+/-}deductive reasoning i.e. human-intelligence Hi..

With Hi = rationalreasoning ->perhaps leading to simple then complex syllogistic logic+imagination=proactive->productive->intellect over recent millennia creating human languages?

Tongues(?) based on vocalizations represented by 'speech' (voice) that every child on Earth, so far, has first heard from their mothers?

Mothers we must hope are reasonable human-beings. Not creatures that regard humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens?

And, don't criminals, generally, regard humans as resources?

The GlobalCanada question today is:

Q- Are human babies born with Human-intelligence-Quotients, HiQ (nature)?

Or are the creatures that refer to humans as resources from public (funded) and^or private (funded) office and^or swamps; as if they're not human themselves, all morons due to lack of human qualities (nurture/education)?

Or are history's and most of today's world leaders emotionally disturbed psychotics only because they were born without any good character (nature)?

Or are creatures that refer to Canadians, for example, as human resources from public (funded) office mindless intellectual juveniles because they aren't educable (nurture=proper grade school or higher...academic education) and thus have little or no sense of humor.

Is then the 6th sense, in-tuition; requiring an High...Human iQ. HHiQ, necessary for Rational Thought among adult humans in 2008 to make fun of adult aged children who're trying to impress "the poor" by living like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7s, were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed like royalty, successful criminals and/or the world's funniest clowns

The High Human iQ Question, HHiQQ for today is then, really:

Is laughter the best medicine/therapy? Especially laughter at ourselves?

The Possible Roots of My Absolute Yet Growing Contempt for Creatures That Refer to Humans as Resources From Public (funded) Office in Canada As If They're Not Human Themselves

is an ancestor of mine who wrote Albert Einstein's theories, 36 years before Einstein was born, some of whose work I read while in high school:

"As a philosopher, Clifford's name is chiefly associated with two phrases of his coining, "mind-stuff" and the "tribal self." The former symbolizes his metaphysical conception, suggested to him by his reading of Spinoza. Sir Frederick Pollock wrote about Clifford as follows:

"Briefly put, the conception is that mind is the one ultimate reality; not mind as we know it in the complex forms of conscious feeling and thought, but the simpler elements out of which thought and feeling are built up. The hypothetical ultimate element of mind, or atom of mind-stuff, precisely corresponds to the hypothetical atom of matter, being the ultimate fact of which the material atom is the phenomenon. Matter and the sensible universe are the relations between particular organisms, that is, mind organized into consciousness, and the rest of the world. This leads to results which would in a loose and popular sense be called materialist. But the theory must, as a metaphysical theory, be reckoned on the idealist side. To speak technically, it is an idealist monism."

The other phrase, "tribal self," gives the key to Clifford's ethical view, which explains conscience and the moral law by the development in each individual of a "self," which prescribes the conduct conducive to the welfare of the "tribe." Much of Clifford's contemporary prominence was due to his attitude toward religion. Animated by an intense love of truth and devotion to public duty, he waged war on such ecclesiastical systems as seemed to him to favour Obscurantism, and to put the claims of sect above those of human society. The alarm was greater, as theology was still unreconciled with Darwinism; and Clifford was regarded as a dangerous champion of the antispiritual tendencies then imputed to modern science.

For arguing that it was immoral to believe things for which one lacks evidence, in his 1879 essay "The Ethics of Belief", which contains the famous principle: "it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." As such, he was arguing in direct opposition to religious thinkers for whom faith (i.e. belief in things in spite of the lack of evidence for them) was a virtue. This paper was famously attacked by pragmatist philosopher William James in his "Will to Believe" lecture. Often these two works are read and published together as touchstones for the debate over evidentialism, faith, and overbelief."

It seems to me that William Clifford's thoughts conform to criticize (make fun of) global political and economic theory in 2008 by giving us a mathematical and spiritual model for English style Canadian perfected but evolving humor?

Including mercilessly flattering the lifestyles of the rich and famous adult aged children who're playing house and playing family, always somehow at public expense, trying to impress "the poor" required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7s, won a lottery, found shiny rock or other treasure and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada or The USA in 2008?


Bryan Clifford Bs D (Oxford)
Publisher of The CBC Press (self appointed)
Founder of SSWIGS, "Sane Seniors" World Institute for Global Studies.

phone - 604 520-6612 days
email- about anything global

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