Sunday, November 4, 2007

Is GlobalCanada, The 5th Reich, Realistic?

March 30 2008
Blog Revised/Edited
by members of SSWIGS:

"The Sane Seniors World Institute for Global Studies"

Heil Y'all,

Chapter 1
In the Beginning There was The sWord?

This week I'll tackle the problem of establishing credibility with Blog readers for Canada as a Global reference for all all that's possibly civil and good on Earth in 2OO8.

Defined, ideally. by Canada's major academic Universities, past an present, and Canada's brightest of the bright, and best of the best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. Who, unfortunately, never get elected into public (funded) office by socially and otherwise literate populations of "Sane Adults" voting for realistic, logical and reasonable human beings.

Soon, to enhance my ability to do this and recruit members to The Sane Seniors World Institute of Global Studies on my Blog, I will be conducting an Ph D lottery with $100 CAN tickets buying a chance for anyone to win a doctorate from Global Canada's Universities in "ologies' , theoretical 'ics' and or 'political science' (whatever that is) many BOOMERS took for easy credits. This will allow lottery winners to not only become honorary members (emeritus) of The San Seniors World Institute for Global Studies, but also be addressed as Dr. __________ .

My ambition for GlobalCanada thus
includes changing how Medical Doctors and other legitimate products of higher... (or advanced?) education are addressed by the public; their employers.

Please send suggestions for a new way to address legitimate Medical Doctors to Each acceptable suggestion will win a free ticket on my Ph D lottery

Today's GlobalCanada picture is Earth as if
seen from The Moon by someone there. Mercator 500 years ago? After these ancient geniuses figured out that Earth was a Globe, but before modern scientists discovered that The Universe has no center or exterior?

Today I'll blog as if I was still teaching nonsense to grade 7s about my tribe's (British,
actually Germ-manic) ambitions for everyone to live like royalty would if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed.

We'll discuss places where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for examples are apparently professions and sex is a trade. Venus? Mars? Canada? The USA?

We'll discuss the absurd idea of a Global CommonWealth for 6+ billion people to live like we're all in the movies or on TV.

If, for example, The Nazis had won WW1 or WW2 and Hitler had established The 3rd Reich with Germ-mania as a version of Washington DC per The American Empire .

We'll discuss the comic 4th Reich, "The Holy American Empire(c)", a ridiculous SUPERpower that's been re-invaded recently by rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe and Asia trying to re-create the ancient and con-temporary social sewers and cultural toilets on "The Old World?" that got rid of them.

We'll discuss the fact that United States and Canada have always been led by intellectually juvenile adult aged boys who seem to be constantly worried about 'what women want' in the context of 'Mom and Apple Pie' i.e. matriarchy and food. With American and Canadian women managing everything through drones and goons in terms of "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" and the fact that everyone was first exposed to their Mother-Figure's touch, smell, sight, taste and sound (including a mother's voice).

Then, in Canada and The USA, about 100% of teachers in "the early grades", Kto4, are also women?

Leaving Canadian and American men, at best, as remote beings. Perhaps in the image of God? Especially if He has sufficient chari$ma to provide "what women want"?

Women of both official sexes I guess? On planets where sex is a trade and prostitution, politics, crime and wrestling are professions?

Is then The 5th Reich, Global Canada, a realistic alternative to Global USA, Global China and other tribal (racial) agendas for Global CommonWealth?

Or is the only reasonable alternative to "Global Stupidity" in 2008 that the world's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers get elected into public (funded) office in Canada and elsewhere by socially and otherwise literate populations of "Sane Adults"?

The following is a lecture to my grade 7 class, honors social studies. A class of very bright 12 year olds who all want to pass on the grade 8 (graduate school in The USA?)

"So Today Class [:@)

Let's discuss a Global CommonWealth (of
200+ nations???) and 6+ billion people on Earth in 2OO8 living like the average Canadian 'family unit'- Including one person families.

Perhaps an Ideal "Family Unit" of Statistics Canada employees?

A "family unit" somehow scraping by with a mere $64,239.37 CAN of taxable 'family income' in 2007

Playing house and playing family with only about about $1000 a week; after income taxes*
. How do they do it????

First, however, we'll discuss how simple reason and elementary logic may be the best treatment for a virulent form of mental illness that afflicts too many occupants of public (funded) office in Canada and The USA, and criminals; inmates of asylums and, of course, most children until they take responsibility for themselves and their behaviors.

We'll refer to this form of insanity as "Paranoid Schizophrenic Global Delusions and Hallucinations" PSGDH.

A condition associated with the behavior of Adult ADD sufferers most easily recognized by observing the absurd lifestyles of those who require audiences of 'the poor" to admire them.

To better understand this in a realistic social context we'll discuss global government in the context
of global material prosperity for everyone in the world to live like you, grade 7s, do here in Vancouver BC's suburbs.

Taking Vancouver BC as an example for an Ideal Global Village defined by The University of British Columbia , and some of Canada's world class brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers.

I'll ask you to imagine 40 million Canadians ( about 10 million Average Family Units of Statistics Canada Employees) all living like they're in the movies or on TV playing house and playing family like all Canada's and The USA's politicians do?

As you can see this 'scenario' would require the entire Gross Domestic Product of North America, leaving about 400 million Americans and about 100 million Mexicans as "the poor" required to admire The Canadian (British) Dream, The 5th Reich?

A dream shared by psychotics, by their own definitions, it seems, everywhere on Earth in 2008 . YOU?

Lunatics suffering from world-visions and global(once flat?)hallucinations for various Utopias, where they never work for a living but everyone else (the human recourses) does, to pay tithes/income taxes that penalize productive work but rewards the sleaziest and sleazier among us with greater and great wealth until, hopefully, their life(as)styles in 2008 provide overwhelming evidence that they're insane?

Like all of history's Royalty. (other) Successful criminals? Most Movie and TV Stars? And The World's Richest Morons

A Dream apparently shared among lunatics in public (funded) office in Canada who refer to Canadians as human resources, objects/commodities? As if, somehow, getting elected by a socially and otherwise illiterate populations of "Insane Adult Aged Children" brainwashed from birth to be obsessed with "what women want" (Mel Gibson with lots of chari$ma?), elevates them to embarrass us in public (funded) office in 2008, including kowtowing to The Ugly American Dream, "Global USA", an international joke among "Sane Adults" including members of SSWIGS, The Sane Seniors World Institute for Global Studies?

Perhaps this Blog today lends to movie or TV show about ideal Average Canadian 'family units' of government (funded) lifestyles of adult aged children playing house and playing family in Canada desperately trying to impress 'the poor'?

Audiences of 'the poor' required to admire how Canada's comic 'elite?" live when lunatics get elected into public (funded) office by socially and otherwise illiterate populations that vote for anyone who promises CommonWealth (as Hitler did) for everyone to live like royalty (as Hitler would have) if The Nazis had won WW2 with the help of The Japanese Empire and Italy (as Rome) to establish The 3rd Reich, Global Germ-many.

The 3rd Reich as Global Germ-many as a version of The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire , thank God in ruins.

A reality-show with dozens of writers, editors and props. Exotic sets and production crews? Featuring stories told to children by human parents about ancient and con-temporary 'men?' who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other?

Storys about desperately lonely 'men?' in history's huge armies, navies, monasteries, secret societies, Masons, biker and other gangs, gay communities, The Vatican, all male legislatures. senates, parliaments, congresses, judiciaries?

95% of homeless people in Canada and The USA a males. Yet about 100% of the social system in Canada and The USA is managed in favor of "what women want" where prostitution, politics, crime and sports are apparently professions and sex is a trade?

Perhaps a show about an ideal Canadian 'family unit' here in Vancouver/Victoria BC struggling with $1000 a week (after taxes) of taxable 'family income' paid from Canada's public trusts to supp0rt a model TV "family unit" where the 'man?' makes all the money, the wife stays home and takes care of the house and "kids" (livestock)?

Anyway, we're out of time for today. Please do the following homework before next weeks' class:

Please read Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' and define Greek 'culture?' in terms of the fact that The Barbarian Romans had/have no concept of the number 0 but nevertheless invented cement.

Think about The Holy Roman Empire (of the Germ-man N
ations?) about 1000 years ago and WW2 , after which The USA, Japan and Germ-many slowly became the largest 3 'industrial' economies on Earth by the mid 1960s.

Producing more junk that no-one needs in greater quantities than ever before in the history of tribal 'manifest destiny'.

Next class we'll discuss how Europe became and still is a social toilet and economic sewer where audiences of 'the poor' are still required to admire the lifestyles of adult aged children who're playing house and playing family there, too often at public expense. Living like they're in the movies or on TV?


Bryan Clifford Bs D
Publisher (self appointed) of The CBC* Press

Phone 604 529-6612 , to discuss anything at least global

*tax - income tax is actually a tithe, within Church as/or State dialogs among psychotics, by their own definitions, that limit conclusions to bizarre either/or differentials that lead to penalties on productive labor/work that discourage pro-active participation in civil process. Tithes/taxes-on-incomes are always levied by creatures that refer to humans as resources as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? Blood sucking insects.

And, don't criminals and other parasites, generally, regard humans as resources?

*CBC- The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation- a public funded Clown Corporation cloned from The BBC, representing rejects from 'Great?' Britain on Canada trying to ape English culture that's defined by Oxford in terms of University (Universe-City) and The Oxford Press that I've transposed to be The CBC Press to background all literate media in Canada with classical motifs that should define all Canada's major social sewer and cultural toilet cities in terms of the behaviors of Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers getting elected into public (funded) office instead of adult aged children, as in BC, who embarrass Canadians internationally while trying to impress equally demented American adult aged children with how 12 year olds would live, they say, if grade 7s got elected in Canada and The USA to play house and play family like morons in the movies and idiots on TV?

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