Tuesday, October 2, 2007

" Ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it."

Hi from New Westminster BC,

By clicking on the title above ^ you will be taken to information about several adult aged children, all trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how geniuses live when wealth allows narcissists to make fools of themselves on The World Stage today, i.e. with TV= radio+pictures, including movies and Internet, available to more and more of 6+ billion people in 200+ countries on Earth today and "Sane Media" provided by "Sane Broadcasters" (including ancient and today's orators) and "Sane Publishers" eventually, we hope, allowing everyone on Earth to share a laugh at life(as)styles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed where you live; perhaps trying to impress you?

The picture today is of The Last Cinemas in New Westminster BC, now being demolished.

The Last Picture Shows, as listed on the marquee, perhaps explain the theater's demise?

Boring at best. Comical yet tragic. Subjects effecting so many of us today. Most living as if we're in the movies or on TV? Or wanting to?

Today's Global Canada question:

Q- If "Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it." Thomas Paine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Paine" is reason obeying reason reasonable?

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in Vancouver/Victoria BC and elsewhere. Thanksgiving is an American invention. Thanking New England's Native Indians for helping them survive over the winter http://snipurl.com/1rvn7

The Holiday (HolyDay?) has, however, now been co-opted by the original 'mass.. media', pimp religions, and now addresses the pagan notions of 'harvest' (of food) in the context of CommonWealth for everyone, and 6+ billion people on Earth living I do, for example. Not to mention how I will live after I'm elected (as Hitler was) by promising CommonWealth for all 40 million Canadians. A plan, a New World Order, that will require the entire GDP of North America. Leaving about 400 million Americans and approx. 100 million Mexicans as 'the poor' to admire The Canadian Dream, Global Canada.

"ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" could perhaps be rephrased as "low iQ morons always defer to equally ignorant Dictators who're always psychotic by their own definitions" ?

Perhaps Adolph Hitler was (as the 3rd front man for The Holy Roman Empire, the First Reich) only the most obvious recent example of how creatures that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves (aliens? parasites?) get elected into public (funded) office?

So really, this discussion on BLOGGER includes "Are Human/Earth Common (evolving) Laws Reasonable?" vs "God's Statute (written/biblical) Heavenly Laws"?

With, however, the context of this discussion limited to Canada in 2OO7. But also to the average BLOG reader's personal circumstances.

Hopefully with Americans and Mexicans and others making comments about The Canadian Dream: CommonWealth for all Canadians to live like the average Canadian 'family unit" of 3.8 human resources, somehow scraping by with an average taxable 'family income' (including one person families) of approx. $68,423.84 CAN (2006 figures)?

As defined by psychotics, by their own definitions, at Statistics Canada http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/famil21a-eng.htm representing pimp governments and comic Empires that have been an international academic joke for centuries among "Sane People".

How do these average Canadian family units of average Canadians do it you're wondering? How can any family live on a mere $1000 CAN a week (after income taxes; that, oddly, as an aggregate of total income of all Canadians equal about 10% of the earnings of Canada's working human resources) ???

Are these average Canadians all geniuses? Like average American actors in the movies and on TV where prostitution, politics and sports are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Canada?


Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)
<--- Email me with questions about anything global

-Publisher of The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation* Press (self appointed) but the bastards won't pay me

-Founder of SSWIGS,
http://media.bigoo.ws/content/gif/faces/faces_46.gifThe Sane Senior Citizens World Institute... for Global Studies, a 'think tank' in Vancouver BC vaguely associated with The University of British Columbia and BC's brightest and best sane scholars, intellectuals and phiosophers of history and today.



*locals- sane humans, i.e. Earthlings

*Bs D- in He-brew (a Germ-manic tongue) means, roughly, "with the help of The Creator" of everything and everyone in Heaven and on Earth Who is, apparently, in the image of 'man?' within ancient and rather ugly tribal (and thus racial) primitive religions led by psychotic, by their own definitions, 'men?' who are, however, functions of 'what women want', they say. Woe'men?' we must hope are sane and well educated before they become Mother-Figures to helpless (innocent to perverts) human babies to whom Parents and other adults must seem like Gods? This within my thesis here* and this Dissertation on Blogger. Including that human children don't forget anything. A fact well known to psychotics, by their own definitions, that somehow objectify 'the human race' as if they're not human themselves? Or 'the human condition' as if they're not human themselves? Like apes and monkeys must also objectify humans? With their tiny pea brains also awed by shiny rocks, big useless buildings and each other's appearance in my tribes (British, actually Germ-Manic) hysterical records of 'Great?' Men who seem terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other, even today in Canada and The USA.

"Great Men" who form all male ferocious armies and all male navies. Masons and other boy's clubs. Fraternities of males... bonding, they say. Male dominated parliaments, legislatures and congresses. Gay communities and biker gangs. All male logging and other 'camps'. Monasteries. The Vatican. 95% of homeless in Canada and The Northern USA are men. 'The World's Richest Lists' is of mostly emotionally disturbed men whore trying to impress 'the poor' in Canada and The USA" . All geniuses, they say, able to buy the love and respect of almost anyone who is similarly demented.

Thus this blog is dedicated to "Bill Gates" A "Harvard drop-out" perhaps overcompensating for that by living like most of these assholes do http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires, who lives near Seattle WA in The Pacific Northwest , once Oregon Country:

Where, in 2007, in real-life, in Seattle WA, about 30,000 "homeless Americans", mostly distressed and injured male veterans and others who can't provide what Melinda and other women want, live on "Seattle's Streets" and in "America's Parks" in the middle of winter. While all The USA's politicians, bureauc-rats and lobbyists and their supporters, Republican and/or Democrat, live like 12 year olds would, they say, if grade 7s were wealthy and in the movies or on TV? Just as Canada's adult aged children in public (funded) office do trying to impress 'the poor' (in Africa?) or, I guess, anywhere they won't be laughed at? Venus? Mars? New York?

1 comment:

Sasha K. Iman said...

Bryan Clifford,

I too met Keith while he was destitute and living in Halifax. I became his friend and tried to help him out the best I could until the phone calls for money started. The Oak Island community in general showed him much good will and tried to assist him the best way anyone could. When people started to ask for proof or questioned his ‘interpretations’, such as large Buffalo heads carved into the landscape and island shorelines terra-formed into giant skulls wearing pirate hats, Keith became very hostile and negative.

If you care to read my blog, you will discover how the Birch Island scam came into being and the numerous disconnects to the majority of his postings.

In public Keith attempted to portrait, as factual information, the geological conditions as found on the surface of his Birch Island. Still to this day he does not know the said conditions, but we in the community do know what he stated as not being true.

Keith’s intent was to indicate clays and rock from deep underground are present on the surface and therefore surely indicate some sort of deep underground activity as a result of anthropological activities. Keith made this statement while soliciting for investment.

You observe Keith correctly; he has not been a successful scam artist. Unfortunately he chose a target of opportunity of which he is not a subject matter expert and was totally exposed for his numerous fraudulent and intentionally misleading statements.

In my opinion, Keith is a compulsive liar who has great difficulty coping with his reality. Oak Island has provided Keith an escape, with his ‘Business Opportunity’ as the financial means to escape poverty. As you must reasonably gather, Keith does not possess the mental capacity to devise this scam on his own. Keith’s inability to grasp the most fundamental concept or to articulate the simplest thought clearly indicates he is not alone. I would not be surprised to learn if Keith is or was diagnosed with any number of mental illnesses, while I don’t hold any illnesses against him, he should seek immediate help.