Todays' Global Canada Picture is of "The Great Wall"of "Canada" and"Mexico". Brought over from China. Where it was built by Northern Chinese I'm told. To prevent the goofy Dynasties and comic-Empires in the South from stealing everything.
The Wall is exactly the length needed to similarly protect Canadians and Mexicans from Americans sneaking into Canada and Mexico. The USA being the single largest market on Earth for drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives.
They even have an Agency, "The"ATF",_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosives, I've heard, selling the stuff, but pretending to be regulators?
I applied for a grant from "The"Canadian"Federal"Government" about 10 years ago; a government that consists of public (funded) employees of Canadian citizens/taxpayers. A grant to pay for me to go to China, measure the great wall accurately and number all the rocks for re-assembly on North America. Then negotiate with shipping companies, on Canada and Mexico's behalf, to transport the sections of the wall to the appropriate 4 ports on North American, where work will begin reassembling it. Creating thousands of jobs and taxable incomes. With crews eventually meeting for a celebration in the middle of Canada/US and Mexican/US borders. A grant to help get me out of Vancouver BC to anywhere nearer civilization as defined by the world's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers.
But I guess, since I haven't heard back from them, these Councils and Foundations of public funded pompous, I've found, juvenile twits are too busy funding grotesque and ridiculous movies no-one, in their right mind, watches, supporting no-talent artists embarrassing Canadians and Americans internationally, paying intellectually juvenile writers no-one reads to para-phrase and/or plagiarize other's work, and/or paying themselves huge salaries, and/or attending conferences in 'the sun belt' at public expense during Canada's winter, to answer me?
So, instead of going to China; or anywhere nearer civilization, I blog in my wife's nest in Vancouver BC. A once beautiful city I moved to in 1968, that's become a festering social-sewer and cultural-toilet like most of North America's cities.
Welcome to more early am "Blogging Therapy 2008"*(c) from "Bryan Clifford" here* in "Vancouver BC".
Blogs I hope will entertain and inform "GenXers" and others. "GenX" The NeXt"Generation of human-resources? Humans as resources, objects/commodities, to psychotics, by their own definitions, whore. I guess. not human themselves? Aliens?
I'll hope that my blogs (dissertations) in 2008 interest todays' youth in Canada and The USA. Young adults who are arguably the best informed generation that has ever existed- who, as individuals and collectively (a social gestalt), may decide to vote for sane adults into public (funded) office and prove that democracy only works when socially and otherwise literate populations elect sane responsible leaders?
Leaders, bureaucrats and others who are, after all, merely very well paid employees of 'the "Canadian and American "people".
Each Canadian and American politician, public 'service?' employee and contracted clerk and labor now swilling at the public trough, while homelessness and poverty is increasing in Canada's and The USA's major social-sewer cultural toilet major cities.
Each paid a great deal more than The "Average Canadian" or The Average American
Something I will change, I promise, if I'm elected by a majority of my peers. Other ADD (bored) Adults?
Generally however, in 2008, I'll continue trying to trap morons into dialogues about themselves whereby psychotics, by their own definitions, betray involuted irrational thought processes about ridiculous at least world-visions and now global (once flat?) or bigger thinking and absurd juvenile comical ideas for "Global"Village"s, for example, that have been an international academic joke for centuries.
First I'd like to thank everyone who donated on my behalf to "The"Fraser"Institute" "Vancouver"BC" me becoming a $10,000 member of The Founders Circle and making fun of these geniuses in their own publications: Or, even better, perhaps sending at least one member of any 'think tank' in Canada or The USA to a major academic University to earn a legitimate academic degree so their world-visions and global-thinking include some reason, logic and sanity.
Each tax-deductible donation of $100 CAN or more to on my behalf will automatically win a Ph D from Google University in "ologies" theoretical "ics" or 'political science' (whatever that is) I took for easy credits 45 years ago. The Doctorates will be verified with certificates I'll print up and sign. As Dean of Global Google U. A Cyber-University. Sent collect to any address on Earth you provide. Or, if you live in "Vancouver" BC". you can pick them up at "The"Burnaby"Hospice" Society" and "Thrift Store" where I volunteer.
Recipients of these certificates will then be able to legitimately use the title Dr. if they want to make fools of themselves. I can also arrange the purchase of a non-hereditary Lordship if you have an extra $1.000.000 US and want to call yourself Sir or Dame. Or, if you're really desperate for attention, I can feature your "Poor Me Storys" on my blog for free.
Or, if your Poor Me Storys are really 'interesting' and you want to co-author your tales of woe about your suffering and pain as a child, I have publishers waiting for manuscripts. Publishers who pay for 'unusual' Storys about rather ugly "family values" perpetuated by the psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned. "Paranoid" Schizophrenics" whore sure, they say, that "kids forget". While, as you know, human children with iQs over 100 (normal/average) don't forget anything. A fact well known to perverts and other psychotics; including some employees Canada's and The USA's "education system". Education systems employing teachers (of rot) reporting to socially and otherwise illiterate Parents/Guardians. Adult aged children that co-operate to program "kids" (livestock?) from birth to succeed to 'what socially and otherwise illiterate women want' . Moronic women, of both official sexes I guess, constantly engaged in bizarre nesting competitions trying to impress 'the poor' in Canada and The USA. Women seeking 'relationships?' with drones and goons (johns?) with lots of chari$ma, anywhere prostitution, politics and teaching drivel are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Washington DC? Ottawa Canada?
Largely, I'll argue, because there's no local* media representing Canada's major academic Universities and thus Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. In terms of University Presses backgrounding definitions of all that's possibly civil and good. Pro-active philosophies articulated through how socially and otherwise literate sane human journalists/writers observe local* circumstances and tell the truth as they see it; including making fun of Canada's 'hillbillies' whore trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how I've lived most of my life.
To appreciate my blogs in 2008 you will need to have read The Upanishads and other Hindu nonsense, The Talmud, Torah and any version of The Holy Bible, The Koran (The Satanic Verses?) some classical literature written by other emotionally disturbed psychotic, but talented, writers most often trying to make money.
Plus you must have some have some familiarity my tribe's/race's bizarre hysterical record of eccentric migrations over millennia of rather ugly 'family? values' promoted by pimp religions with Huge Sky Gods in the images of 'man?'. Gods that look, to me, suspiciously like Parents and other adults must appear to human babies, infants and toddlers. Then, in Canada and The USA about 100% of teachers in 'the early grades' are women. Leaving men, at best, remote beings. "Father Knows Best"? Like Gods if we can pay for 'what women want' in the movies and on TV.
This reading will help you to share a laugh with us, the humans, at similarly ridiculous pimp governments (states) led by adult aged children who promote 'family values' associated with how (other?) critters live, to rationalize 'natural?' behaviors among psychotics, by their own definitions, whore, they say, 'as wise as owls", brave as lions, as ferocious as tigers, busy as bees, tenacious as bulldogs, as pretty as flowers, scavengers like eagles, cunning as foxes, have dogs and diamonds as best friends, many as fat as whales and elephants, only because they eat too much.
I'll continue to try to prove that all human beings were all first exposed to our Mother-Figures in terms of touch, smell, sight, sound (including voice) and tastes. Mother-Figures who must seem like Goddesses to human babies. Then about 100% of Teacher-Figures in the 'early grades' in Canada and The USA are also well paid, and we hope, sane literate Women?
My Canadian-Canadian New Years Resolution re: blogging will be to concentrate on creating semi-coherent but increasingly rhetorically documents designed to provoke dialog with with my (now imaginary) students; grade 7 honors social studies and readers of all ages, races (tribes) and of both official genders. Annoying as many people as possible with simple reason and elementary logic regarding behaviors in The Real World here on Earth in 2008.
Dialogs, as with Plato supposedly quoting Socrates 3000 years ago, whereby 12 year olds of all ages, of both official genders, all races (tribes), skin color, rich and poor, high... iQ or low, rich or not, will come to believe that an idea, like Ideal Global Villages, for example, is their own. Nothing being more powerful than an idea whose time has come. No matter how ridiculous.
Like Global USA 2008? Or Global China?
Comic SUPERpowers embarrassing sane Americans and sane Chinese internationally. Each once unique nations. Both recently invaded by The British; who are not English; the English all live in England. The British live anywhere there may be shiny rocks, oil. exploitable natural resources and slaves to do the labor.
"Great?" Britain has ZERO natural resources left in 2008. The British Isles being more or less like Japan. Japan also has ZERO natural resources left.
But like Greece and Italy and much of Europe that also each have ZERO natural resources left in 2008, these Nations all have lots of human-resources?
All apparently wanting to live like royalty? Sharing CommonWealth/Communism (both mater-ialisms) defined by how emperors, kings and queens, princes and princesses, actors and rock stars, lords and ladies, drug dealers, lottery winners and others live? All requiring audiences of 'the poor' to admire lifestyles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed?
I would also like to begin the New Year of 2008 by once again thanking my best friend, teacher and mentor "Brenda Lavender", last I heard, of "Anacortes Washington", last I heard, who is responsible for the past 45 years of my increasing admiration for my mother (84) "Pearl Clifford" my siblings, and many of my grade school, college and university teachers, public (funded) libraries, my wives of the past 40 years, the teen and young adult children in my care now who call me dad; or daddy when they want something, or things I don't want to know about, and my brighter students, for providing me with information and inspiration for my writing. Such as it is.
So far mostly unpublished writing in several journals and dozens of files. Writing that seems to flow from the hundreds of "Poor Me Storys"(c), PMS I've heard from hundreds of usually rather clever people describing their circumstances as helpless (innocent to perverts) children. And, more recently, Storys from dozens of members of internet 'groups' with high-speed internet access and $1000 computers sitting on their butts typing 'posts' in English into cyber-space, anyone can read, about their mostly desperate circumstances in Canada, The USA, Germany and Australia and The UK where, however, they all seem to be able to afford to wander around the world and eat too much, they say?
However, I'm most interested in Sad Heart-Breaking "Poor Me Storys" about tortured troubled horrible childhoods in little houses where every moment of anything that 'happens' is managed by an Angelic-Mother-Figure? Just as every human women's nest on Earth is managed by mothers.
Yet these "Poor Me Storys" I've heard; some of near biblical proportions, all seem to be about how a drunken "Monster"Father"Figure"; whose otherwise, sober, of sterling character, is abusing, torturing and, in some cases. . ., they say, raping children? While the always sober Mother-Figure; whose often in these little houses about 100% of the time, perhaps pretending that they can't drive a car, and not working outside "A Man's Home is His Castle?". A Mother-Figure who doesn't know what's going on? And strangely, to me, the Monster-Father-Figure in these Storys is usually away much of the time working for a living or in the military?
Unfortunately I don't have any 'Poor Me Storys' of my own. Perhaps because I have a flawed but Human-Mother (85)? And a flawed now dead yet Human-Father who I resemble physically at the same ages? A veteran of WW2 who dropped bombs on Germ-many, got shot through the hip by a 44 cannon while in a 'flying tent' (a Lancaster Fighter Bomber I think?), resigned his commissions after the war, went to work for a living. But got $9.26 mth. for aspirin from The Canadian Government, Once including a 2 cent adjustment sent on a huge cheque that, last I saw was under glass with other curiosities.
So, here on this blog I'd like to publicly thank mostly girls who have shared these 'whispers and secrets' with me over the past 45 years. Allowing me to gain a better understand 'what Canadian and American women want' where prostitution, politics and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? In their minds anyway.
And for helping me learn; because I didn't and don't believe a word they say, how to make up Storys similar theirs. So they'd be comfortable trying to trade on sympathy from gallant boys.
Most of us trying to save them from "Monster"Parents" they make up Storys about.
Parents they live with room and board free for years while they attend University with tuition paid by The Monster Father Figure.
Telling each boy a slightly different tale, depending on perceived potentials to exploit 'men?'? Men who look and behave more or less like their Father-Figures. Boys who they objectify as possible providers of "what" psychotic"women want".
Most often it seems, to live alone watching TV and movies, commiserating with other 'loners'. Perhaps especially after realizing that, later in life, some of these boys (and girls) communicate with each other about these 'Poor Me Storys" and, as they say, compare notes? Perhaps even asking siblings who were in the same little houses to tell the truth?
My blogs will also continue to address the comic creatures that refer to Canadians as human resources, objects/commodities, from public (funded) office, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? Parasites? Vampires?
"Economic Leaches", and other "social parasites", must also, you'll agree objectify humans as resources? Especially if, say, the humans build villages, towns and cities that then become infested with rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Asia, Europe, Eastern Canada and The USA all trying to re-create the worst of the ugly polluting cultures that got rid of them?
So I'll continue to concentrate on Vancouver/Victoria BC hoping to interest BC's youth in voting for sane adults, of any age, into public (funded) office so I won't be embarrassed to visit The USA as a Canadian. At least those parts of The USA that have remained American. The rest perhaps being New 'Great?' Britain? As sane Europeans slowly get rid of "The British Disease".
Thus my next few blogs will address the phrase 'build it and they will come' articulated in a book then a movie 'Fields of Dreams'. A theme I will transpose, however, into The Canadian Dream and other National Dreams for CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) for 6+ billion people* to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class was rich and and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed guys who play baseball real good but, in the Story, were crooks.
I will also be addressing; as time and my failing health and eyesight permit, the past 150 years in British Columbia as defined by my tribe's brightest and best geniuses who gain an higher... education provided by other rote inculcated (brainwashed) intellectually juvenile genius government employees with degrees in 'ologies', theoretical 'ics' , political science (whatever that is?) BS-history and other nonsense I took for easy credits 45 years ago.
I will also be discussing my tribe's hysterical record of goofy Republics with socially and otherwise illiterate populations of adult aged children who vote other morons into public (funded) office. Governments then dominated by groups of adult aged boy leaders, senates, congresses, parliaments, legislatures, all male armies (especially navies), ancient comical secret societies of 'men?', monasteries, Greek fraternities, Masons, gay communities and others who seen terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other.
Plato's Republic is written in an entirely different 'voice' and manner than the other writing attributed to a guy 3000 years ago supposedly quoting his teacher, Socrates, who, like Jesus, was murdered by The Romans. A tribe whore admired by The British, also barbarians, by their own definitions; and according to several movies, TV series and textbook accounts of international terrorism now being aped, as it were, by characters 'on' The USA elected into public (funded) office to form male dominated Presidents, Senates, Judiciaries, Congresses, Legislatures, Armies (especially Navies), Police Forces, Cowboys were all guys, gay communities, Masons, all America's religious leaders are guys, professional sports teams and professional boxers and wrestlers are mostly guys? Guys who seem terrified of women? But, like the Greeks and Romans, very fond of each other?
I do wish all 'sexuals' would mind their own %^&ing business and stop trying to convince everyone that they don't have 'free will' to pursue each other, like animals do, in the wild, on ranches, farms and in zoos? Then try to rationalize their behaviors in terms of 'nature?' as being 'natural?' while often identifying with critters? Like dogs as best friends? Anyway, in Canada, katsup is 'man's best friend'. But I'm digressing.
What am I selling?:
1. Beginning here in Vancouver BC.
Re-establishment of local* media in BC as a function of what "UBC" is supposed to represent as a public (funded) Institution of "Higher"Academic"Education". Toward producing BC's brightest and best: scholars, intellectuals and philosophers; medical doctors and competent nurses; sane attorneys and jurists supporting rule of law applying to everyone equally; literate teachers
Global Canada - "New Canada" 2oo8"
The following was copied from a previous attempt to make fun of socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children:
"How Parasites Get Elected" :
So "Maybe NASA ain't a waste? Send them all to Outer-Space" (c)
<"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America .">
A tad simple minded, but easily amended to serve:
The Constitution Of "Global USA" preamble: (draft)
{:~D -->
We,the humans (people) of Canada who all, apparently, like 100 million Mexicans want to be more like "Moron Americans"(c), in order to form a "More "Perfect World" (c), establish equal justice for every-human through rule of "Common-Law"*, insure "Sober "International-Tranquility"(c), provide for civil behaviors among individuals and thus promote general well-being, and secure opportunities for proactive liberty to other human beings and thus hope for the future of civilization on Earth, do herewith ordain and establish The Constitution of The New United States of America per The Original American Dream, TOAD, re-engaging simple logic and elementary reasoning as the basis of seeking practicable truth and promoting an interactive trust among sane humans. With Global Sanity/Reason defined by the thoughts and actions of The World's* brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers , to guide us, other humans, in all that's ethically, morally and otherwise proactive toward eventual Global-Civilization (c) beginning with sharing a laugh at "comic-SUPERpowers"(c) in 2OO8+ The Years of The Beaver, Castor Canadensis, once the critter-symbol of Ancient Germ-many, then Oregon, The Beaver State???; once Oregon Country,* re: CommonWealth (of 200+ nations???) and 6+ billi0n people, world-wide; including 2.5 billion Chinese, living like The Average American or Canadian would, they say, if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed as in Canadian and America movies or on TV?"
Most of whom, about 80%= 4.2 billion, live in "The Sun Belt" where all The Ancient Social Toilet Ugly Disgusting 'Great?' Civilizations 'rose?' and, "Thank God", fell into "ruins". "Ancient Ruins" that, however, continue to fascinate emotionally disturbed morons (whore usually living off Canada's and other 'public trusts' through grants, bursaries and/or generous salaries among sometimes tenured and unionized "Public Employees" with low or or non-existent Social iQs but a persistent sense of self-importance shared by other adult aged children)
Canada, you'll agree; and increasingly The USA, are becoming an international cultural joke and destination for every no-talent hack on Earth to enjoin with Canada's "comic 'elite?'" who, for example, pay to get their names in to Who's Who?
Just as many Lords (of the Realm?) recently paid to become Sirs, largely because the Genius Windsors forgot to insure Windsor Castle . A monument to "The British Disease" including, but also to CommonWealth/Communism=Fascism re: bizarre Ancient and Con-Temporary Comic Empires?
A synopsis of my 'eccentricity':
All writing, they say, is inherently political.
I have only my own experiences of the past 62 years to draw on for my absolute yet increasing contempt for hypocrites, of any age, either official gender, any race (tribe), rich or not, high. . . or low, sober or drunk, whose behaviors as individuals contrast to what they say and/or write.
So please, if you're upset with my referring t0 you as an emotionally disturbed adult aged child just because you want to play house and play family like all Canada's and The USA's and Europe's and "Great?" Britain's and Asia's and Africa's politicians do in 2008. Please make a comment on my blog? I could use a laugh.
Sir A "Bryan Clifford" Bs D (Oxford)
"Publisher of "The CBC" Press" (self appointed)
"Hereditary Lord Clifford"of "Clifford on Wye" (which I can prove, but that and $1 buys me a cup of coffee in Canada)
phone 604 520-6612 (days PST)
* "Blogging"Therapy"- writing whatever I want as a 'stream of consciousness' hoping to annoy 'the collective unconscious' of robotic mind-less functions of creepy ugly educations that promote the agendas of primitive tribes/races nesting ambitions requiring more and more human-resources for pimp governments and pimp religions that objectify 'the human condition' to feed on. Generally, I hope, making fun of how 12 year olds would live if grade 7s were rich and famous, royalty, successful criminals, or won a lottery etc.. or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada or The USA.
*locals- humans/earthlings
*Common-Law- is an evolving system of rules governing human behavior with reference to 'reasonable logical precedents' derived from 'experiences' among 'the humans' that lend to our, the humans, dealing with 'crime' and other 'evil deeds' against humans perpetrated, generally, by creatures that regard humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves (Aliens? Criminals) in places where prostitution. politics and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?
*The World- Presently, in the 21st century AD, is, I think, a Sphere (Globe) occupied by about 6 billion people (humans) with increasing access to TV; pictures+sound. Lately including movies and Internet and, as here, "The World Wide Web". Limited somewhat, however, to those of us with $1000 computers, access to $100 mth. high-speed internet and time to sit on our butts typing (I'm retired) for hours.
New Blog next Sunday about Epiphany, i.e. "WAKING UP!". Stay tuned.
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