Hi ( I wish) from "Vancouver BC",
The Global-Canada picture today (worth a 1000 words to morons) is of The Mindless yet comical Warrior Greek style Goddess Britannia, as how many ideal adult women, in general, must appear to human Babies. As enormous Mother-Figures?
Mother-Figures we're all first exposed to in terms of touch, sight, smell, taste, sound (including voice) and perhaps, occasionally, as with my wife of the past 33 years and mother of 4 children who think I'm a genius, Human-Intellect, HI(c). especially if British, Canadian and American women are as smart as they claim? Liberated to do what?
This BLOG is dedicated to my Mother-Figure (84).
My mother thinks, she's said, I may be 'too intelligent' (for my own good?) if I delve into the 'whispers and secrets' (the fee-male mystique?) shared among geniuses in Canada and The USA where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, are, they say, professions and sex is a trade ?
Over the years, as I'm sure most boys have, I've heard dozens of 'Poor Me Storys', PMS, from dozens of girls and a few boys. Storys with a common and perhaps Biblical Theme(c)? Including Extreme Martyrdom(c) identifying with The Biblical Jesus. A man described by psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned from time to time, as also being insane. Supposedly hallucinating that His Father, they claim, is in Heaven while He was being crucified (murdered by the British of the time, Romans) in The Holy Land for, after all, sedition, i.e. telling the truth. Supposedly while his mother watched? According to a Story told by 'men?' who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
My ambition with BLOGGING is to try to identify with a sane 2000 year old Jesus who'd be sharing a laugh with other locals* in 2008 at adult aged children who're trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7s , was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed, royalty, won a lottery or were otherwise somehow enabled to play house and play family like we're all in the movies and on TV.
I would then, along with other "literate Christians" enjoy a nearly divine sense of humor relative to God, logically, having the highest possible iQ,
God being The Creator of Everything, corporeal and ethereal. Including The "Human Brain", and thus also the concept of Human Intelligence?
Thus Global-Canada, New Canada, The 5th Reich, will be a function of Academic Humor. With reference to Jesus, as The Son of God, on Earth representing Higher -Human-Intelligence, HHI, and sharing a laugh with us, the humans, at creatures that refer to humans as resources as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? Parasites? And, generally, don't criminals regard humans as resources?
This discussion will address 350 years of Christmas in Canada where human children are regarded as 'kids?' (livestock) and as pets, toys or dolls, by woe'men?', of both official sexes I guess?, whose 'best friends' are they say, diamonds and dogs?
Reject women from France and "Great?' Britain whose drones and goons 'discovered?' the "New World?" Mindless Mother-Figures who were hoping, I guess?, no-one was watching- through their own eyes- when they were abusing helpless (innocent to perverts) human babies in Canada then and now, teaching ugly preposterous 'gender roles' where psychotics, by their own definitions, even today, define themselves as "sexuals" where prostitution, politics. crime and sports are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? British Columbia?
Perhaps even teaching bizarre comic 'gender roles' to boys, for example, to become like Superman? (a journalist) working for The Daily Planet ("CanWest Global"?) with SUPER-INTELLECT??? in Vancouver BC?
Superman (a Canadian, aka Clark Kent) compromised only by crypt-tonight and/or
Lois Lane in MetroPolice? A 10 year old boy's fantasies struggling to succeed to the expectations and ambitions of 'the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" and the ugly disgusting history of "what women want" in Western Europe (actually Northern Europe), Canada and The USA's history and now?
Is then, the modern Canadian a combo of Socrates' genius, Jesus' Intellect and subsequent biblical sense of humor plus the past 2000 years of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several major languages provided by "sane journalists/writers" in various locales on Earth ? Including mercilessly flattering how emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, live when wealth allows socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children to, as they say, ape royalty and other examples of how low intelligence combined with sufficient wealth to rent armies and police produces how 12 year olds would live, they say, if grade 7s in Vancouver BC got elected into public (funded) office by populations of other illiterate savages?
My future blogs will address the fact that:
1. Adult aged children 'with money' like to be flattered.
2. The riche and famous. i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed (including in BC), have been an international joke for centuries among 'the poor' they're trying to impress.
3. Many of 'the poor' humans in Canada and elsewhere have increasing access to TV (sound+pictures) including Internet and local* NEWS, but less and less to this sort of English style American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor
I know (of) most of these geniuses in BC, and would like write as several 12 year old reporters awed by BC's comic slob 'elite?'. We'd be specially awed by characters in public (funded) office in Canada and The USA who're suffering from hallucinations for Global Villages and delusions of CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) and 6+ billion people, world-wide. living like royalty? Perhaps in DisneyLand? Or in any of Canada's or The USA's major social-sewer cultural-toilet major cities?
Or, in other words, I'd like to write as several Grade 6 grads from The USA, Eastern Canada, The UK, Asia, India and/or Africa awed by how adult aged children live when even modest wealth flows to emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who're playing house and playing family (in Canada) trying to ape. . . royalty, successful criminal and, historically, other morons of The Past with 'family values' that would embarrass 'The Great?" Apes, I'm sure, if they could read?
Please DO NOT read further:
-if you sincerely believe the God composed The Holy Bible in The Words of God in The Holy Land; a social toilet then and now
-DO NOT read further if you are offended by The TRUTH, a word that doesn't exist in Latin, Greek or Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, French, British English or, it seems, American any more.
-DO NOT read further if you tell false and/or grotesquely exaggerated 'Poor Me Storys, PMS, about your tortured childhood in little houses where your Mother-Figure was home about 100% of the time, not driving or working outside the house, managing everything that 'happens' in any Woman's Nest on Earth.
Poor Me Storys where Monster Father-Figures (often away most of the time working for a living) are somehow nevertheless abusing/raping children, you say.
Storys told by psychotics, by their own definitions, who then go on to blame everyone else but their Creepy Mother-Figures for Evil-Behaviors against human children who, as we all know, don't forget anything.
- DON'T READ FURTHER if you believe these ugly disgusting behaviors are rationalized by "Pimp Religions"(c) that promote 'go forth and multiply' (more tithe/income tax payers?) toward more and more of 'the poor' (overpopulation) required to admire (and pay for) huge useless buildings and, as alluded to here, the life(as)styles of leaders of "Pimp Religions" and/or "Pimp Governments" that are really, in 2008, functions of "Creepy Borderless Multi-National International Pimp Corporations" including "Pimp Media" with tribal (and thus racial) agendas for CommonWealth/Communism (for themselves) requiring comic SUPERpowers like like Ancient Rome/USA Today and/or Global China?
-DON'T READ FURTHER if you don't understand the theme of 'The Emperors New Clothes' applied to The USA in 2008, perhaps combined with 'The Midas Touch' but applied to oil, diamonds and other shiny rocks and dogs as best friends. Jew-elry that fascinates (other) apes too, among socially and otherwise illiterate savages who're desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how all Canadian and American politicians live in 2008 ?
by "Bryan Clifford"
My Bible would include:
1. GlobalCanada 2008 as The New "Holy Land" with Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in public (funded) office elected by literate populations of "Sane Adults" to form "Sane Governments" of the people, for the people (humans) and by the people.
2. Re-interpreting my ancestor's Cave Paintings in Spain and France in terms of pictures worth a thousand words to morons, and studying my tribe's (race) cave-woman her-itage if I can get a government grant to perhaps spend a few years in Europe wandering around (touring) and studying stuff left by The Ancient Morons of Comic History.
3. Questioning how Hieroglyphics (pictures) like primitive Chinese and Japanese and other pictures worth a thousand words to morons transpose into TV and movies exposing their producer's genius for making fools of themselves today.
4. Sharing a laugh with other locals*at The Upanishads, Runic Lore, Greek Garbage, Roman Rot (Latin) , Torah, Talmud, Old and New Testaments, The Koran, Disney, International "Pimp Media" , while enjoying today's literate comedy shared among locals* in Canada and The USA laughing at the lifestyles of adult aged children who're trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live. they say, if grade 7s were royalty, successful criminals, and/or got elected into public (funded) office by a mindless electorate of emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who vote for clowns to represent how democracy is corrupted by socially and otherwise illiterate savages electing morons to form the governments we deserve.
5. Promoting reverence for the past 5000 years of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several major languages provided by local* human journalists/writers telling the truth wherever they are. Vancouver BC?
6. The New Canadian Bible tying to communicate with Teen and young adult Children in Canada and The USA in 2008.
7. Creating a pro-active dialogue with "genXers"; arguably the best informed generation that's ever existed on Earth. A Generation of Jenius Juveniles, including Google Gurus, Who will, I'm sure, eventually change the world by helping elect "Sane Adults" into public (funded) office in The USA instead of "Social Parasites", like Adolph Hitler and The Nazis were, and The British and The Bush's are, even today, after the recent re-Invasion of The USA by creatures that refer to humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? "Puppet Presidents" and "Puppet Congresses" and "Puppet Senates". and "Puppet Prime (and other, not prime?) Ministers", "Puppet Legislatures" and "Puppet Parliaments" of mostly demented 'men?' who're functions of "what women want" where prostitutes, politicians, criminals and athletes, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? The USA? Canada? Where you live?
by "Bryan Clifford"
My Bible would include:
1. GlobalCanada 2008 as The New "Holy Land" with Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in public (funded) office elected by literate populations of "Sane Adults" to form "Sane Governments" of the people, for the people (humans) and by the people.
2. Re-interpreting my ancestor's Cave Paintings in Spain and France in terms of pictures worth a thousand words to morons, and studying my tribe's (race) cave-woman her-itage if I can get a government grant to perhaps spend a few years in Europe wandering around (touring) and studying stuff left by The Ancient Morons of Comic History.
3. Questioning how Hieroglyphics (pictures) like primitive Chinese and Japanese and other pictures worth a thousand words to morons transpose into TV and movies exposing their producer's genius for making fools of themselves today.
4. Sharing a laugh with other locals*at The Upanishads, Runic Lore, Greek Garbage, Roman Rot (Latin) , Torah, Talmud, Old and New Testaments, The Koran, Disney, International "Pimp Media" , while enjoying today's literate comedy shared among locals* in Canada and The USA laughing at the lifestyles of adult aged children who're trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live. they say, if grade 7s were royalty, successful criminals, and/or got elected into public (funded) office by a mindless electorate of emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who vote for clowns to represent how democracy is corrupted by socially and otherwise illiterate savages electing morons to form the governments we deserve.
5. Promoting reverence for the past 5000 years of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several major languages provided by local* human journalists/writers telling the truth wherever they are. Vancouver BC?
6. The New Canadian Bible tying to communicate with Teen and young adult Children in Canada and The USA in 2008.
7. Creating a pro-active dialogue with "genXers"; arguably the best informed generation that's ever existed on Earth. A Generation of Jenius Juveniles, including Google Gurus, Who will, I'm sure, eventually change the world by helping elect "Sane Adults" into public (funded) office in The USA instead of "Social Parasites", like Adolph Hitler and The Nazis were, and The British and The Bush's are, even today, after the recent re-Invasion of The USA by creatures that refer to humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? "Puppet Presidents" and "Puppet Congresses" and "Puppet Senates". and "Puppet Prime (and other, not prime?) Ministers", "Puppet Legislatures" and "Puppet Parliaments" of mostly demented 'men?' who're functions of "what women want" where prostitutes, politicians, criminals and athletes, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? The USA? Canada? Where you live?
re: "The Sane-Seniors World Institute for Global Studies" ->SWIGS
At the risk of going to hell (I've been "married with children" to the same woman for the past 35 years though, so am probably prepared ) I've added to The Holy Bible quoting Jesus; who came to me in a vision when I was drunk 25 years ago. Jesus (Hey Zeus?) speaking to "Biblical Scholars" 2000 years ago in The Holy Land, a social toilet then and now, who, He said to me , have perverted the "Original Scriptures" to serve "Political Agendas" among psychotic and emotionally disturbed 'men?', by their own definitions, who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
re: "The Sane-Seniors World Institute for Global Studies" ->SWIGS
At the risk of going to hell (I've been "married with children" to the same woman for the past 35 years though, so am probably prepared ) I've added to The Holy Bible quoting Jesus; who came to me in a vision when I was drunk 25 years ago. Jesus (Hey Zeus?) speaking to "Biblical Scholars" 2000 years ago in The Holy Land, a social toilet then and now, who, He said to me , have perverted the "Original Scriptures" to serve "Political Agendas" among psychotic and emotionally disturbed 'men?', by their own definitions, who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
My additions to The Holy Bible and supposedly "Ancient Scriptures" supposedly translated by 'men?' into a "Tome of Rot", The Greatest Story (Myth) Ever Told: except perhaps to 2 billion Chinese in 2008, for example, most of whom have no idea who Jesus was/is, are, for now:
1. Rev. 22:22 "Go love theyselves"
Jesus of Nazareth (Nazarenes were the "Puritans" of the time) quietly suggesting to His disciples/students and anyone listening what Socrates had said 1500 years earlier to Plato, his disciple/student, and also a fraud, and what I'd say today, as a disciple of reason and logic, to anyone that refers to humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves. Criminals? Aliens? Parasites?
2. Rev. 22:23 "The greatest among us is the servant of all"
Actually abstracted from rhetoric mouthed by Winston Churchill while conning the still largely socially and otherwise illiterate British (actually Germ-manic) public into paying for WW2 and the eventual success of The 3rd Reich with Germ-many, Post "we won the war" USA and Japan becoming the largest economies that have ever existed on Earth producing more junk that no-one (in their right mind) needs that ever before in the bizarre History of CommonWealth for now 6+ billion people, worldwide, in 2008, to all live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was rich and famous (like Churchill was), i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed. A quote that can be attributed to Plutarch, but before that, probably cave-'men?' I mentioned who, even today, seek positions of wealth and power to succeed to "what women want" where, even today, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for examples, are apparently professions and sex is a trade among 'throwbacks' trying to, say, impress the Biblical Eve, the first 'white woman?' in Eden, the first ideal place on Earth, where God created women after man, making women more evolved? And perhaps the real authors of The Bible re: "alma mater" (mother of knowledge) depicting God as in the image of 'man?' if, and only if, men do all the dangerous, arduous and difficult work to 'provide' "what women want" (in the Bible) no matter. . . how ignorant and stupid women, of both official sexes I guess, are. . . in Canada and The USA today?
These 'quotes*' I've translated from Ancient Aramaic that Jesus spoke to me, as additions to The Holy Bible. All rights reserved or, even better, if you're a "Sane Senior", please compose a BLOG about where you live. Earth?
These Quotes are now Spoken by a now 2008 year old genius, in my opinion, , Jesus of Nazareth. Speaking, first in Aramaic then through Greek, Latin+German+Gaelic+French = Oxford English and ultimately con-temporary Canadian. The language of The Gods.
With a "Sane Jesus"(c) perhaps yelling, quietly, at the composers of The Holy Bible and other tomes of rot composed by a comic "elite" of mostly adult aged boys who seen terrified of women but very fond of each other 2000 years ago and now.
Perhaps, in their own dialogues, siding with Satan in this regard? Apparently, according to them, The D'evil takes many forms and speaks in all tongues to morons who believe His lies? Such as that CommonWealth/Communism is possible for 6 billion people, world-wide, to live like all religious leaders do in 2008?,
NB- We'd (Sane Seniors) like to make fun of Pathetic 'men?' within ancient and con-temporary monasteries, huge armies (especially navies), Masons and other exclusively male cults, boy's only schools, gay communities, all male parliaments, houses of lords, congresses, biker and other gangs etc..
90% of homeless in 2oo8 are males, boards of directors of multinational creepy corporations are dominated by psychotic, by their own definitions, 'men?' obsessed with 'what socially and otherwise illiterate fee-males want' where prostitution,politics and crime are professions and sex is a trade, they say. Venus? Mars?
Then, as I've said in previous BLOGS, young children in Canada, The USA and Europe, are then exposed to (public funded) kindergarten and early elementary school teachers who are 100% relatively huge WOMEN, i.e. surrogate but very well paid Mother-Figures?
While Canada's, The USA's, Europe's and 'Great?' Britain's 'men?', at best, remain remote beings. Like Gods if Men have lots of chari$ma, but bums if we can't buy what illiterate emotionally disturbed woe'men?',m by their own definitions, want.
"Handsome is as handsome does" chanted by prostitutes. "Pretty is as pretty does" muttered by perverts.
All within ugly bestial "family values" the make the 'great?' apes seem civilized compared to the British and other tribes ( races) of emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, whose hysterical records and con-temporary agendas for war have always been and are now, as Hitler's was, to create and/or expand comic Empires. Comic Empires like Global Canada, New Canada, The Canadian Empire.
April 10 2008, 8am here*- additional info, and links for "Sane Adults" who'd like to make fun of the comic "elite?" where you live:
<And all the churches will know that I am the one who searches minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve. NRSV
The Greek word translated “minds” is nephros, which literally means “kidney” and figuratively means “innermost parts” according to Strong’s. Almost everything we associate with the head (ex. reason, thought, etc.) was ascribed to the heart by the Greeks. It is exceedingly dangerous to read back our metaphors on to ancient languages.>
from http://www.jesuscreed.org/?p=1525>A possible definition of GenX in 2OO8?:
1. A Generation of mostly Sane-Youth(c) hopefully sharing a laugh with other locals* at my tribe's (British/Germ-manic) and other races bizarre Hysterical-Record of wars; that are always for 'territory*'
2. A generation with short attention spans and likely raised by socially and otherwise illiterate Parents and/or TV (including movies).
3. A generation who could, however, eventually elect "Sane Adults" into public (funded) by voting for people with good character instead of emotionally disturbed intellectual juveniles with obtuse world-visions who, they say, think globally, about CommonWealth (for themselves) and 6+ billion people, world-wide, to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed.
This BLOG is, however supposed to be about my Christ's-Mass PastFuture in Canada?
Canada, my home and native? land, is mostly a Nordic country like Russia, Scandinavia, Northern Europe and Asia and other places with about 8 months of 'Old Man Winter?'. A place we'll call, for the purposes of this blog WinterWonderLand.
WinterWonderLand (The Northern Hemisphere of Earth) is where about 20% of The Earth's human population lives in 2008.
As you know it's now mostly in social sewer and festering ugly deteriorating "Social-Toilet" defined by my tribes (race) Major Cities, all, in my opinion, defined by deteriorating increasingly irrelevant "Major"Universities" (Universe-Cities?) that, historically, all have weird 'roots' in versions of Creepy "Chri$tianity" interpreted by the genius adult aged boys I've mentioned.
Adult aged boys who seem terrified of women, according to their writing, but very fond of each other, especially in places where about 100% of the characters in public (funded) office and/or where religion is funded by tithes (taxes on incomes) are male? Odd, since about 1/2 the human population over all of History has been female?
Women whose nesting ambitions, in Vancouver BC Canada anyway; where 'men?' die, on average, 10 years sooner that their 'mates? (spouses?) leave 90% of 'disposable income' in Canada and The USA increasingly controlled by surviving Boomer fee-males?
All, it seems, engaged in bizarre "nesting competitions" with each other? Million of 'little princesses on North America trying to impress "the poor".
The Holy Canadian Empire 2OO8?
If you recall, The 3rd Reich's education/propaganda included references to human evolution per Darwin's 'The Origin of Species' predicting a race (and thus tribe) of 'SuperMen?'. Ariens, in terms of 'what mindless illiterate women want'?
A race of blond blue eyed buff geniuses (robots?) in the Germ-manic traditions of ancient Teutonic Legends.
Geniuses evolved from (other) prime-mates, they say. More or less like monkeys and apes, but 'sapient' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapiencesuggesting their plans for a Global-Village and CommonWealth for 6+ billion people in 2OO7, where, according to these morons and their Legends; and con-temporary economic theory composed by several rote inculcated intellectually raped but sincere econo-in-the-mists(c), including Keyneshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maynard_Keynes and Adam Smithhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Smith, Karl Marxhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx and another Russian, Ayn Randhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Randand other hacks abjuring:
1. skilled-trades
2. mature adult police (government employees)
3. socially and otherwise literate sane teachers/writers/prophets*
4..honest jurists
5. human medical-doctors
6.the NEWest profession, honest journalism
But endorsing:
1. Philosopher-Kings (my ambition)
2. CommonWealth (communism and capitalism are both mater-ialisms with roots in "what nesting women want" from moron males) for everyone on Earth in 2008 to live like all church leaders, politicians, successful criminals, royalty and movie stars, for example, do in Canada and The USA.
3. Really quite creepy economic theories relative to the production/supply of 'goods and services' to satisfy 'demand' from largely illiterate (and insane) populations of adult and juvenile aged children with extremely low social iQs and obvious emotional problems who're crying out for attention from 'the poor' required as audiences for history's and todays World's Richest Morons
So, Christmas will be all year round in Global-Canada (as with The Vatican) and we will ban women from Global-Canada re-establishing all male legislatures, judiciaries, congresses, Universities and bureaucracies, biker and other gangs, exclusive 'men's clubs', churches dominated by males, professional sports teams, banking and boards of directors of mindless international corporations, all male armies (especially navies) and police etc. priesthoods and monastic orders, logging and other camps, and all dangerous and/or arduous Jobs .
Global Canadian woe'men?', once again, ideally, will stay home with 'the kids?' (livestock) and share their world-visions; of all being princesses? With ideal children in royal families funded by the public?
Perhaps even , as in Elizabethan and Victorian England, dressing boys in girls clothing where prostitution, politics and acting, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?
Then, hopefully by 2010, only the brightest and best women from The UK, Europe, Asia and Africa will be invited to come to Canada to be liberated (to do what?) after said 'men?' have built everything required for human habitation over the past 150 years of BC's history, for example, for about 4 million people, about 2/3 the population of Brooklyn NY, supporting 200+ registered Universities, Colleges, and University Colleges, some with several campuses, employing thousands of very well paid administration and teachers .
BOOmers, my generation, in The USA and Canada, are generally, undoubtedly the most self-abusive drug and junk-food addicted ignorant and philosophically ugly generation that's ever existed on Earth.
Thus "The Sane Seniors Institute" will endeavor to provide blogs of interest to "Sane Adults" of any age, either official gender, all races, rich or not, who'd like to join in making fun of emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned, who're playing house and playing family (especially in Canada) like apes would, I'm sure, if monkeys were rich and famous among creatures that have diamonds and dogs as best friends and who regard human children as 'kids?" (livestock) as if they were never children themselves?
God Bless US everyOne (Dickens I think?)
"Bryan Clifford" BsD - (Oxford)
604 520 6612 (days PST)with any sane questions, or answers
*ZEN- concern among self-absorbed air-heads with 'the present' (as a gift?) as an 'existential' event where they are, they suggest, the 'Center of The Universe' even though each of the children in my care also seem to think they're similarly 'ego centric' along with my wife in our "Average Canadian Family Unit" as objectified by psychotics, by their own definitions, at Statistics Canada (Statistics Anywhere) as a mindless accounting function worshiped by robots in terms of mathematical models that have been an international academic joke for centuries and 'the humans' who, however, have paid tithes (income taxes) for centuries to fund the ambitions of psychotics, by their own definition, whose world-visions and now global(once flat?)hallucinations are exactly the same as those ideas of 12 year olds, grade 7s, I have to teach elementary reason and simple logic to so they can pass on to grade 8? Graduate school in The USA and BC?
*territory- space on Earth occupied by pirates and animals where possession is/was 100% of the law among primitive tribes (and thus races) of psychotics, by their own definitions.
*locals- Earthlings
*local- Earth
*here- Earth
A New Year message to sane-Americans:
'Please, for God's Sake vote for sane-adults to occupy American public (funded) office!' If you can find one in The "USA Today"
NB- My ambition is to get committed to any Institution in Canada where I get 3 meals a day, don't have to do house or other work, my wife isn't nagging me, and, like prisoners and government employees, I have access to state of the art computers and libraries, perhaps a quite cell and my own toilet? Instead of living in a 'family unit' married with children and having to work for a living, like now....
NB- Note BS?- to my loyal fans at Google and elsewhere:
I must get ready for work now, 8am here*, but have been reading "How to Get Published" for Dummies http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Your-Book-Published-Dummies/dp/0764552570 and the author, Sarah Parsons, says I must edit edit edit... until I can't edit no more (the song) and write write write til I get it right! re: the above. . .
Cheers, again, from Vancouver BC. . . a social sewer and cultural toilet for the past 100 years of political and economic deterioration with every hick on the planet moving to The Greater Pacific Northwest to elect a succession "Pimp Governments" I've mentioned representing an increasingly socially and otherwise illiterate population, in my opinion, that elects other intellectual juveniles into public (funded) office. . . instead of "Sane Seniors"?
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