Hi from Vancouver BC,
More "Blogging Therapy" from The Greater Pacific Northwest. Once Oregon Country; all land on North America west of The Rocky Mountains including Alaska.
The Global Canada picture today is of Portland Oregon's (The Beaver State) version of, I was told, The Statue of Liberty. A Huge muscular American Ideal Mom and Apple Pie Woman with with dress and hair apparently being blown by a breeze from The Pacific Ocean. Holding a trident (like Poseidon's? and some depictions of The Devil/Satan?). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portlandia
While I was visiting in Portland 10 years ago I was also struck by how Oregon (Little Canada?) was infested with an establishment of rejects from 'Great?' Britain, also, as in BC, trying to be, they claim, more English than the English who got rid of them. Happily I'm sure.
All defined by The University of Oregon and Oregon's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. Some of whom I met while there. All geniuses discussing life in the movies and on TV while playing house and playing family like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class, was rich and famous, i.e, wealthy and emotionally disturbed. And, of course, defined by "The Oregonian" owned, last I heard, by Newman Publications in NY City?: Odd, to me, how 9-11 transposes into 911, the phone # for emergencies in The USA and Canada? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RMS_Lusitania notwithstanding?
This Global Canada picture is an Canadian iQ test for Average Americans:
How did the van get into the parking lot?
Winners will receive and honorary Ph D in applied logic and reason from Oxford.
The funniest answers will win.
Since Google copyrights everything on Blogger, however, and doesn't pay anyone for our efforts. Please send your answers to bryan_clifford@shaw.ca. rather than in a 'comment'.
Speaking of morons in The USA in 2008:
I've recently received an invitation from The Pulitzer Committee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Pulitzer to write toward winning a prize.
I was given 13 topics:
- Does President Hugo Chavez’s criticism of US policies represent popular sentiments in Venezuela, and perhaps Latin America at large?
- Should the US consider Ethiopia an ally despite its poor human rights record?
- What responsibility does the US have toward Vietnamese who believe they’ve suffered illnesses as a result of their exposure to the dioxin Agent Orange?
- Who should take a stand against abusive child labor being used in Congo to dig out coltan?
- Why should the world care about the environment in places like Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Rwanda?
- Is the accidental killing of civilians by US forces, in places like Somalia, an unavoidable part of the war on terrorism?
- What would be the most effective way for the Indian government to respond to the Maoist insurgency?
- Should US environmental standards apply when multinational companies develop the petroleum resources of fragile ecosystems such as Peru’s Amazon?
- How concerned should Americans be about HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean?
- Can the US military be effective in nonmilitary efforts to revive a war-battered community?
- What responsibility does the world bear for rehabilitating child soldiers from the horror of serving in armed conflict?
- Should a global climate agreement hold the US to a higher environmental standard than the rest of the world?
- What is the responsibility of American companies and consumers for unsafe working conditions in Chinese factories?
All, as you can see, requiring at least global perspectives and various world-visions required to rationalize The USA as a comic SUPERpower.
World-Visions and Global-Thinking, however, give me a headache. And, as I've said before, booze is very expensive in BC. And I've never 'done drugs'. And, as you can see I'm not very smart, for a Canadian.
So, instead, I'll discuss a NEW per-version of Ancient Rome and/or 'Great?' Britain dispensing international wisdom and universal justice in 2008, The Year of the Rat. While, in real-life in America, The American Dream; adequate food, clothing and shelter for all Americans (who all live in The USA) has become a nightmare for The Average American human-being.
Including being embarrassed to go anywhere outside The USA as Americans. So, often pretending to be Canadian? Without, however, quite understanding The Canadian Dream. Global Canada.
A Dream defined by Canada's brightest scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in terms of Canada's major academic Universities. Universities that define each of Canada's Provinces (States) in terms of al that's possibly civil and good here on Earth. Universities that define the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of (spiritual) happiness.
A Dream understandable only through addressing the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS, weather and sports, and subsequent literature in several major languages provided by human writers/journalists where prostitution, politics and crime, for examples, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade.
A Dream I was exposed to as a child in Calgary Alberta by reading The Oxford Books of Knowledge my paternal Grandfather gave for my birthday. Books I was able to read in the privacy of my own bedroom afforded me by my parents, who never came in the room without permission while I was there. A room that, to this day, has never been equaled for me as a sanctuary. Invaded only be a little red radio... emitting sound/voice... Sometimes throughout the night while I slept. 10 years before TV. Perhaps, with reading, creating Dreams? The words and music, and ads, of the 50s?
Since then I think I've been trying to communicate with The Average American represented in Calgary Alberta in the 1950s. Then defined by the largest population of reject Americans in any city outside the USA. Mostly oil finding geniuses from Oklahoma and Texas who Oklahomans and Texans were glad to get rid of, they say . The sort of adult aged children who, even today, has diamonds and dogs as best friends. Socially and otherwise illiterate juveniles, usually with pots of chari$ma to buy class from real-estate salespeople and stores in Calgary. Called "The Ugly American" in those days.
Perhaps representing how money and power corrupts (low iQ American and other obnoxious morons) with, they say, unearned wealth and absolute power corrupting emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, absolutely?
Since I was 12 years old, grade 7; after reading The Oxford Books of Knowledge at home several times, Classic and other comic books I had dozens of, the James Bible my paternal Grandfather (who was from Devon England) had also given me, saying, as I recall, "you decide which makes the most sense', I've wanted to become a writer/journalist. Thinking, even then, however, I'd wait until I 'grew up' and perhaps received a proper public (funded) academic education from sane-teachers and real-life experiences before I jotted down my ideas about anything.
That was exactly 50 years ago. I'm now at the age, 63, where my bio-father (but who really knows for sure eh?) died screaming after having achieved, as a "self-made man" he kept saying, not only chronic alcoholism and several tobacco related diseases, but also stomach cancer (the DEATH certificate says) and heart problems, probably from eating my mother's cooking? The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, they say? And now, in 2008, in The USA and Canada, obesity and heart disease are the #1 way mercenary 'health professionals' make a very good living?
To write for a Pulitzer Prize would require me to accept the idea that journalism is a function of American Literature in terms of about 250 years since American writers began abusing The English Language in mostly juvenile whining in terms of what American Women teach their "kids?" (livestock). "Kids?" American women apparently 'have?" (after having sex?) as pets, toys or dolls? Often embarrassingly simple minded literature composed by 'men?' after The Mayflower brought several rejects from England to "The New World?". Including indentured (slave) women and children. But also several 'men?' many Americans today can trace their various psychosis to? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_passengers_on_the_Mayflower
So, instead of trying to ape American or British (who are not English) literature and subsequent juvenile journalism on by blog, I will continue to try to coalesce the past 50 years of my real-life-experiences in the-real-world into writing that may be of interest to Earthlings here in BC Canada where I've lived for most of the past 40 years sharing a laugh with other locals (Earthlings) at BC's adult aged children whore playing house and playing family like The USA's comic 'elite?' in the movies and on TV. Americans rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed. All desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my grade 7 class was British royalty, won a lottery, were successful criminals and/or got elected into public (funded) office in The USA or Canada in 2008?
The American The Statue of Liberty is a huge (French?) Woman wearing a crown, toga (dress) and sandals, holding a big book and torch welcoming 'the poor' etc. to New York to re-create, it seems, the worst of several cultures in Europe that got rid of their riff-raff ?
Justice is depicted as a Huge Woman holding scales?
Britannia is a Huge Woman from whom 'Great?' Britain (as Rome?) is derived re: The 7 Hills of Rome and Remus and Romulus being raised by a Mother-Wolf in mythological drivel associated with Mother-Earth as the source of all 'natural resources' to serve a 'Heavenly Father' in the image of man? Lending to The Nazi Dream (Global Germ-many) of SUPERpower that Hitler desired to provide CommonWealth for all Germans, requiring the entire GDP of Europe and parts of Asia for Germ-many, The 3rd Reich, to duplicate The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire; thank God in ruins, a comic SUPERpower 1000 years ago? But an international academic joke today. Even among sane-Americans who all live in The USA in 2008?
So, if I was to write for a "Pulitzer Prize" I'd require a topic that includes The USA today as an international joke. A juvenile emotionally disturbed comic SUPERpower led by socially and otherwise illiterate savages in public (funded) office elected by increasingly illiterate populations of adult aged children who vote for movie and TV characters? TO "RULE THE WORD"?
If I was going to be a journalist, however, here in Vancouver BC, and wanted to make fun of BC's similarly comic 'elite?' of wealthy and emotionally disturbed juveniles who're trying to impress 'the poor' (middle class?) Canadians in BC, I'd probably have to prostitute myself to 'appointed?' publishers in the employ of Canada's aristoc-rats that no-one elects, like Kings and Queens, Princesses and Princes etc.. In The Year of the Rat?
So, instead, I'll continue to blog in the early am. Trying to make a case for BC to be defined by The University of British Columbia, and BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. Defining, by their behaviors as individuals, all that's possibly civil and good in BC. With reference to the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature printed in several major languages. Provided by sane-journalists/writers here on Earth. Defining media in general, in terms of simple reason, elementary logic and/as The TRUTH.... here in Vancouver BC?
The TRUTH at the moment being, that it's almost noon here in my wife's nest. I've been sitting here blogging since about 8am. So should probably shower and stuff and get on with the day?
If any American is reading this. Please, for God's sake, vote for an sane-adult to occupy public (funded) office wherever you live. If you can find anyone in The USA these days who doesn't think prostitution, politics and crime are professions and sex is a trade. Requiring, of course, an iQ over 100 (normal/average) and a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better academic education including some simple reason and elementary logic that should then define their behaviors as individuals, rich or not.
If any Canadian is reading this, please also vote for sane-adults into public (funded) office so Canada's juvenile governments of adult aged children stop being conned into spending Canada's public trusts to improve things outside Canada when Canada is slowly but surely becoming more and more like the worst of The USA.
The USA has the highest crime rate in the world. The USA is the largest single market for legal and illegal drugs on Earth. The USA's major social-sewers and cultural-toilet major cities have the most poverty, homelessness and some of the ugliest slums on North America. The USA is no longer a model for anything worthwhile. After, in my opinion, being progressively infested with rejects from 'Great?' Britain through intricate manipulations of international banking and funding bizarre military ambitions of characters whore, basically, selling weapons. Creatures that regard humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves? Creatures who can somehow objectify 'the human condition' as if they're not human themselves? Creatures that refer to 'an electorate' as if they're not members of 'the public' themselves? Psychotics by their own definitions.
The conclusion of this blog was intended to address the topic "Are Economists really The Oldest Profession?"
Please write me at bryan_clifford@shaw.ca or phone 604 520-6612 (days PST) if you know of any economists; and/or other 'ists' educated in 'isms" I took for easy credits 40 years ago, who aren't prostitutes pandering their elaborate global BS to pimp-governments and/or other multinational mindless "Corporate Entities" (including some environmental groups and so called non-profit organizations and bloated international charities preying on 'the poor' they need to define their existence).
Or, if you're a high iQ rich blond capable of an intelligent conversation about anything? Please, for God's sake... save me.
I still have teen and young adult children at home. All with world-visions and at least global-ideas?
But, as they say in Europe "If you aren't a communist (CommonWealth for everyone) at 20 you have no heart. If you're still a communist/illiterate-socialist by 30 you have no brain."
A "Bryan Clifford" Bs D
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings.humans
*here- Earth
NB- Special thanks to my best friend for the past 45 years "Brenda Lavender" of "Anacortes" WA, last I heard, for teaching me about 'whispers and secrets' among girls who objectify 'men?' as potential 'providers' of 'what women want' where prostitution, politics and crime, for examples, she said, are definitely professions and sex is a trade among teachers practicing the oldest profession in public (funded) schools. Economics that is. Perhaps Household Economics? Where, as I've said, Mother-Figures manage everything that 'happens' in any human home on Earth.
At least my Mother (85)did. And my wife does now... So I'd better stop sitting on my butt typing and do something worthwhile.
LAST WEEK'S Global Canada Thought:
Is after all, The USA (as New Britain?) controlled by what the Story The Wizard of OZ is about? http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/oz/ ?
A Wizard located eventually, as in the Story, in Washington DC (District of Columbia) at the end of The Yellow Brick Road. . . gold as pavement fascinating both apes and other prime-mates interested in shiny rock and other treasure. A Wizard, I was taught, that represents The (increasingly illiterate) Presidents of The USA. All male Presidents who, since Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by an untalented actor (like Sir Ronald Regan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan or Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; means "black farmer") have become functions of The British Dream as The USA has slowly but surely, once again, become a colony of 'Great?' Britain. Arguably the most psychotic, by their own definitions, Comic SUPERpower that has ever existed? Since the equally ugly yet comic Roman Empire, The First Reich, The "Holy Roman Empire" aka The "Roman Catholic Church", beginning about 1000 years ago became infested with, it seems, more and more 'men?' who seem terrified of women, but very fond of each other.
All made fun of today in such movies as "Birth of a Nation", "Alien", "Mary Poppins" (a Disney Prod.), "Independence Day", "The Exorcist", "Men in Black" and. of course, by the collective behaviors of The British Tribe (who are not English) internationally.
A tribe/race of savages that, collectively, is always going after human children as the future of various prehistoric and older New World Orders. Especially "impressionable?" young girls; of both official sexes I guess, whore taught from birth that sex is a trade, prostitution is a profession and that they are "sex objects?" within anthropomorphic drivel promoted by highly organized pimp-religions (Churches) and their attendant pimp-governments (Empires/States) I'd like to make fun of in 2008, by flattering how emotionally disturbed adult aged children live in Vancouver BC when even modest wealth flows to characters whore playing house and playing family in BC trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for "The Richest 100 List", for example, or" The World's Richest Men", or "The Fortune 500" and/or how all Canada's and The USA's politicians live in 2008, The Year of The Rat.
*here- Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
*adequate- toward: (human) life, liberty (to do something worthwhile) and the pursuit of happiness. i.e. not life(styles), liberty to be criminals or the pursuit of happiness as defined by the psychotics, by their own definitions I've mentioned, whore sure money buys what they want where prostitution, politics and crime are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? ______? Where you live?
Hey... "therapeutic blogging" is fun. If you're over 40 and bored? Get a computer and a high speed internet connection today! Share some maturity with the 'amoral majority' on The World Wide Web.
Discuss what you do to help-out where you live in The Real World?
Hey... "therapeutic blogging" is fun. If you're over 40 and bored? Get a computer and a high speed internet connection today! Share some maturity with the 'amoral majority' on The World Wide Web.
Discuss what you do to help-out where you live in The Real World?
Maybe even promote your town/city as an Ideal model for a Global-Village? Attract thousands of rejects from everywhere else? Overload social services with demands for sharing The American Dream? Attract criminals and slum-lords from all over the world? Then, when you retire, move away? Somewhere where 'the poor' admire you even more? India?
Geez.... 1:37pm... I've been doing this for 5 hours? ADD? Bored? Ignoring my wife and children? Having fun? Try it. Makes you look busy?
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