Global Canada pics today are of, in descending order:
1. The Canadian Holy Father, The Son and The Biblical Holy Ghost
2.The monkey see monkey do Trinity of see no evil or truth, hear no evil or criticisms of psychotic behavior and speak no evil reason or logic (remain ignorant) evolving into 'modern man' in the image of God to guys who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other*2.
3. The 3 Graces; love, hope and charity. And/or Germ-manic (white?) ideal Women representing Ideal Mother-Figures. And/or The Three Faces of Eve (Evil) to Biblical Scholars who also seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
4. Shakespeare's paranoid delusion of the same fee-males about 500 years ago as portrayed in Macbeth as 3 Witches (liberated women?) perhaps mocking Royalty and their admirers then, generally, in several plays that, however, seem to be flattering/mocking Europe's rich and famous (wealthy and emotionally disturbed) of those times ?
Hi from Vancouver BC,
This blog continues with the theme "what do enlightened/liberated women want (to do)?" in Canada and The USA.
Confined, however, to observations of Real-Life in Vancouver BC where I've lived and worked for most of past 45 years. Living modestly in one of Canada's major social-sewer cultural-toilet major cities sharing a laugh with other locals* at rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe, Asia and The USA playing house and playing family desperately trying to re-create the ugly circumstances that got rid of them.
With we locals* laughing at adult aged children children playing house and playing family like they're in the movies or on TV in 2008? All trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for The American Dream, for example. CommonWealth for all Americans to live like all The USA's politicians, successful criminals and lottery winners do?
400 million Americans perhaps emulating life in versions of Beverly Hills,_California among the riche and emotionally disturbed life(as)style junkies? An 'upscale?' community that's an international joke. And amuses Sane-Americans who live in California. California being defined by The University of California and some of America's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers.
Laughing at the idea of an American Empire : CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) for 6+ billion people, world-wide to live like American movie stars, successful criminals and all the USA's politicians do in 2008?
CommonWealth as defined by how American Royalty lives? Adult aged children who require audiences of 'the poor' to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7s were all princes and princesses?
Or, as in Canada where an 'elite' of Canada's highest iQs brightest and best geniuses always get elected into public (funded) office.
The Canadian government thus being the envy of the World.
Canada's major cities being Ideal Models for fabled Global Villages.
Perhaps lending to The 5th Reich. New Canada. The Holy Canadian Empire?
After I'm elected, as Hitler was, by promising all Canadians CommonWealth requiring the entire GDP of North America. Leaving 400 million Americans and 100 million Mexicans as 'the poor' required to admire The Canadian Dream, Global Canada.
It will be Wunderbar! Wonderful! वोंदेर्फुल
Universities like UBC that, in this sense, defined BC's 150 year history since only the brightest and best Europeons 'discovered' "The New World?". Leaving Europe and The UK and Asia increasingly depleted of geniuses.
Often, as today, with devastated Europeans begging them to return to The UK and Europe ASAP.
But instead they refer to "Progress?" that took Europeons and other "Ancient" Bizarre Sick Ugly Ridiculous Disgusting" , ABSURD "Civilizations?" thousands of years to accomplish. now, with modern technology, these creeps can 'develop' urban sprawl very quickly. Expanding already ugly cities to serve what nesting women want. Where prostitution, politics, crime and wrestling, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade among psychotics, by their own definitions, suffering from world-visions and at least global delusions that have been an international academic joke for centuries of local* NEWS.
Including Huge Useless, even today, monuments and buildings, temples, cathedrals and "monster homes" (castles) admired by socially and otherwise illiterate children of all ages in 2008.
Thus perhaps the spectacle of "The American Dream' of CommonWealth for 400 million Americans all trying to live like The USA's comic "World's Richest People" (on paper) Wealthy adult aged children in America where, they say, prostitution, politics and crime, for example, are professions and sex is a trade?
The USA being the world's largest single market for drugs (illegal and not), tobacco and alcohol, fast food, firearms and other weapons in 2008. Perhaps because the Average-American is a socially and otherwise illiterate intellectual juvenile who votes for other adult aged children into public (funded) office to form "Pimp Governments" that tax the incomes of people who actually work for a living?
Where the "Ugly American" (a socially and otherwise illiterate but often wealthy slob or slobess ) could, I believe, be saved by The Kiss of the Princess (a proper education). Awakening The Original American Dream, TOAD? ---> ADEQUATE FOOD, CLOTHING and SHELTER and a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better education for ALL AMERICANS?
More "Adult ADD" early morning "Therapeutic Blogging" from "Bryan Clifford" of "Vancouver BC", human-resource #605-285-691 (my fake social-insurance #).
A number; as in those tattooed onto inmates of Nazi 'extermination camps', that defines every Canadian Citizen to creatures in public (funded) office that refer to Canadians as human-resources, as if they're not human themselves? Psychotics, I'll argue, by their own definitions. Aliens? Very well paid Aliens.
And don't criminals, generally, regard humans as resources too?
NB to 'blog readers':
I've been advised by Google and others that the average 'blog reader' is a youngish person (means 'of the son') in "The West?" or "Industrialized (polluted) Asia" with a $1000+ computer, access to $100 mth. high-speed internet and perhaps a developing sense of humor as you mature. Laughter (at ourselves) they say, being the best medicine? लौघ्टर (अत ऑउर्सेल्वेस) थे से, बीइंग थे बेस्ट मेडीसिन?
That s-he (you) has as enough disposable income, DI, and/or credit to buy stuff, travel (wander around) and/or pay for advice from other geniuses selling solutions to problems that wouldn't exist if everyone would take responsibility for our own actions/behaviors?
And that the average 'blog reader' likes lots of 'white space' with 'tid-bits' (bites?) of information that speed-readers (and robots) can understand as being of interest to intellectual juveniles who also like pictures (inc. movies and TV) worth a 1000 words to morons.
Basically, all pictures/images being abstracts of the thoughts of others and thus propaganda/pornography of one sort or another. Appealing to the world's brightest and best minds in 2008? The future of the world? The whining sniveling GenX? The lost generation no-one understands? Too lazy or drunk/high to vote? Victims of a deteriorating school system with increasingly illiterate and mercenary (very well paid) teachers/administration (government employees) teaching destructive rot?
All of you apparently wanting to be rich and famous like you're in the movies and on TV? Attending school to make more money? In States/Nations and Provinces (Colonies) here prostitution, politics and crime are, they claim, professions and sex is a trade? And tourism (wandering around) is an industry? Probably trying to please your equally socially and otherwise illiterate parents whore also desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class was royalty, won lotteries and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada or The USA in 2008?
So today, to gain more readers for my blog:
I'll discuss "Brittany Spears" "Pimp Parents" who promoted Brittany's career and who now control Brittany's estate.
An American 'businessman' now rewarded as how other "Pimp Parents" in America groom their kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls to be sold to an emotionally disturbed socially and otherwise illiterate juvenile "public" in The USA per The New American Dream? "The American Nightmare" Global Brothels?
"Ideal America" in the movies and on TV. American 'family values' that would, I'm sure, embarrass The "Great?" Apes in "Great?" Britain's hysterical record of Royalty playing house and playing family (at public expenses) requiring vast audiences of 'the poor" to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was rich and famous.
The 'Ideal American'? LIke Sane-Average-Adult-Americans who live AND WORK in Southern California where I was educated to admire The Original American Dream; including getting rid of The British. Just as The English (who all live in England) have been tying to get rid of The British (actually Germans) for centuries. Without success. "Independence Day" in England perhaps in the future? The subject of my next blog.
Average-Americans who live and work in Los Angeles as defined by UCLA? With California defined by The University of California and The USA's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers there representing all that's possibly civil and good in Los Angeles. In concert with
that's a function of The University of California's scholarship, academic excellence and professional journalism where prostitution, politics and crime never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade.
Average-Americans in California rely on The University of California Press to define all media in California. Especially print-media to those of us who rely on local* human journalists to tell us, the public, the truth?
However, here in BC Canada, there is no "Independent Press" just media owned by characters with tribal (and thus racial) agendas relative to ancient 'family values?' among the world's richest adult aged children whore desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for Canada's comic rich and famous, i.e. Canada's wealthy and emotionally disturbed internationally embarrassing "upper class?" playing house and playing family (too often at public expense) like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, got elected or appointed to public (funded) office in Canada.
A Funny Idea---> The American Empire, Global Hollywood:
Global-America exporting 'American Culture for The USA that's also the largest single market in the world for alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (legal and not) and firearms in 2008: Largely because, in my opinion, America has been re-invaded by The British who now, in one way or another, own all major media distribution facilities on North America through variations of British Telecom . And thus control all The NEWS (and sports and weather) in print, on TV and even in the movies; with ad placements for everything. News stories that are actually ads for products etc.
A Fascinating Memory:
Reminding me of the grade school textbooks of my youth; and since when I helped the children in my care with home-work:
"If you have 3 M&Ms and take away 2 M&Ms, how many M&Ms are left?" for example. From a grade 1 math textbook: Graduate school in most of The USA in 2008?
And today, some 'courses of studies' are actually ads for lifestyles taught by "ology" teachers in non-academic schools infested with 'business faculties' and comical 'think tanks' and mercenary (very well paid) administration of employees of pimp-governments that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? And, don't criminals, generally, also regard humans as resources? As do blood sucking insects? Cartoon vampires? Predatory salespeople?
And, of course, helpless human children necessarily regard humans (Parents) as resources until they grow up.
Leaving only The Internet for me and others to make fun of Canada's Comic Slob 'elite' here in Vancouver BC.
Perhaps with me (as an employee of The CBC? who won't respond to my applications for work) writing as several 12 year olds, grade 7s, living in one of Canada's major social-toilet culturally primitive international joke major cities, Vancouver/Victoria BC? Writing as High iQ but as yet socially and otherwise illiterate semi-human children who'd be awed by BC's rich and famous whore trying to impress 'the poor" in Vancouver? Now with thousands of immigrants ' only the brightest and best from Europe, Asia and The USA I'm sure, all trying to get rich and play house and play family. Bringing only the best of the cultures that got rid of them to Canada. Just as the rejects from 'Great?' Britain who came to North American 200 years ago were the 'cream of European and Asian Society'.
"The POOR", in this sense, in 2008 in Canada being the "logical market" for English style, American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor? Including mercilessly flattering Canada's riche 'hillbillies'. Olde and nouveau riche whore often trying to ape. . . what was called "Ugly Americans"; and/or riche "Uglier Europeons" lifestyles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed, on Canada and The USA?
There, wasn't that a nice break from being an ignorant money grubbing juvenile lunatic making a fool of yourself trying to impress 'the poor' wherever you are?
You're welcome.
NB-> However, if you are insane by your own definitions and suffering from weird-world-visions and at least global-thinking and other socio-economic hallucinations that disturb you, please do not read further but, instead, write me at with your questions.
Questions you may phrase, if you like, as 'statements' like, "Dr. Clifford you are the wisest human being I've ever met, please tell me what you think about_________."
NB- Nothing will be kept secret however, so please tell the TRUTH.
The TRUTH will make us free they say. A Good thing unless they're professional prostitutes, professional politicians/salespeople or professional criminals?
ON with the Blog:
The "Google "Global Canada" University" pictures today relate to the following 'concepts':
a. Generally, the human mind is limited to 3D: Three dimensions
b. Perhaps inferring a 4th dimension? That, by interpolation/induction, would be O(zero)D, nothingness?
c. But by clinical abstraction/deduction we get 4D including the idea of time=space, i.e. a space/time continuum=God <--- with the highest possible iQ? Unmeasurable by humans. The Creator of everything and everyone, Including Creating The Human Brain? d. Concepts relative (in real life) to how 'academics' and others get paid from the public trusts in Canada and The USA through a continuum of ancient 'mental problems' that I believe originate within 'family values' among psychotics, by their own definitions, who, as adults, refer to humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? So here* we have a historical constant of 3 people/icons/images; Trinities, Triumvirates and other 'groups of 3'. Perhaps consistent with trigonometry and/or calculus confining 'space' to 'inside the lines' as framed, however, by observation (by humans) confined to the perceptions of 'the human brain' that itself is observed by geniuses who, they say, somehow objectify the human mind/thought? Attributing high iQs to themselves required to do so?: Let alone make up tests to measure 'human intelligence', HI? Test that necessarily contain the biases of the authors? Who're, thus insane by their own definitions. And who are psychotics by their own definitions, who're 'abstracted from reality' by defining human thought objectively. However, a blog isn't the place to discuss invert tautologies or anything too complex apparently. And I have to go to the bathroom now. Day off though, so I'll probably publish this. Even though, as 'blogging therapy', I'm mostly amusing myself in New Westminster BC while wondering why no-one in local* major media is flattering Canada's "Richest 100" etc. any more? Or flattering/mocking Canada's and America's "Royalty?" who have to buy class? A few of whom several European and Asian countries keep in elaborate zoos LEST WE FORGET, I was taught (Oxford) , what modern Sane-Europeons and Sane-Asians have evolved from. You know, the people in Europe and Asia who export only their brightest and best to Canada and The USA. Just as only The USA's brightest and best get to come live with us in Canada during the winter when Canada's comic 'elite?' is embrassing Canadians in the "sun belt"; too often at public expense. And, in Canada, as you may know, some of these creatures that occupy public (funded) office refer to Canadians, their employers, as human-resources? Insane by their own definitions? Yet these morons get elected by their peers? Other lunatics? If any Sober-Sane-GenXers; who're now all adults, are reading this: PLEASE VOTE FOR SANE ADULTS WHO LIVE WHERE YOU DO, i.e. Earth. Don't vote for emotionally disturbed adult aged children who're. generally, desperately trying to impress "the poor" in Canada and The USA required as audiences for how royalty, successful criminals and lottery winners etc. live when (usually unearned) wealth allows adult aged children to make fools of themselves by trying to live like they're in the movies or on TV? Adult aged children living like most successful actors and actresses do? Admiring royalty? All requiring 'the poor' of the world to admire how I'll live in Vancouver BC when I become a wealthy blog author if and when I figure out how to get #%^*&%ing ads on my %^&@#ing blogs that reflect my contempt for mindless 'consumers' of junk no-one needs marketed by con-Artists; many of whom are directly or indirectly funded by pimp-governments that refer to Canadians and Americans as human resources, objects/commodities? Pimp governments that 'create jobs' with public funds to 'create' incomes (to tax/tithe). Income-Tax that penalizes people who actually work at something worthwhile for a living? While Canada's and The USA's comic 'elite?" on "The Richest ____ Lists" don't pay any income tax at all? Thus, in my humble opinion, encouraging "criminal behavior"/piracy. The rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed, attracting terrorists who all want to live like the comic 'elite?' where they come from? Terrorists who all want to live like all Canada's and The USA's politicians do in 2008? Terrorists who, like you were, if you've been able to read this far, were all first exposed to their Mother-Figures? With a context for terrorism promoted by various "economists" (econo-in-the-mists) whose theories have been an international academic joke for centuries; they're insane?
In my opinion -> grade 7 social-studies.
A Global Village for 6+ billion people to live like economists and other wealthy intellectual juveniles do isn't practical.
You know, the types who wander around on huge airplanes to protest and give lectures about pollution in huge air conditioned buildings to other geniuses?
Perhaps Sane-Adults in Legislatures, Parliaments, Congresses, (elected) Senates and (elected) Judiciaries would be a nice change where you live?
Please write me at if my blogs are too long and/or confusing.
I tend to rattle on in the morning. No-one to talk to? Children all working for a living, last I heard. Wife at work in an air conditioned office with a panoramic view of Vancouver BC from the 22nd floor of 'twin towers'.
I wonder why the children don't visits more? Maybe I should change my deodorant? Or, stop telling them the truth?
However, back to the point ---> 'groups of 3' in terms of binary code; in association with electricity no-one understands, perhaps eventually providing a version of HTML based trinary code relative to AC allowing for the intervals between voltage to accelerate hardware dynamics with micro-infission resulting in computers with several 'warp' speeds. . . that can be adjusted for different conditions in cyber-space?
Perhaps allowing the public (the humans) access through existing (or obsolete) government servers to bypass those in 'private hands' so adults can communicate with other adults in what could become a version of Cyber-PBS integrating Sane-Government with a Sane-Public?
Toward the Re-Invention of America as The Land of the Free and Home of The Brave instead of a comic SUPERPOWER (Empire) infected with what Sane-Europeans call "The British Disease".
A Disease of The Mind. A Disease carried by abused British children? Children exposed to psychotic, by their own definitions, Brutish Parents; who must seem like Gods to infants and toddlers.
A Disease I'll call "Ignorance" or "The British Disease" for the purposes of this blog. A Disease that limits humor to rather ugly considerations among creatures who identify themselves with (other) animals. Sad pathetic creatures whore sure sex is love they 'make?" for example? Rationalizing their and other's behaviors in terms of "Mother Nature?" and tribal (and thus racial) perspectives among psychotics, by their own definitions. Geniuses who refer to gods in the images of men in the mountains or in the sky (heavens) in 2008? Often Gods in the image of 'man?' that looks more or less like they do? Even though the Biblical God 'said' "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me", admitting that there are other Gods? While also saying. . . "thou shalt not make graven (engraved) images and/or idols (or pictures) of Me, your God" or थोऊ शाल्ट नोट मके ग्रवें (एन्ग्रवेद) इमागेस एंड/और इदोल्स (और पिक्टुरेस) ऑफ़ मी, यौर गोद"
All this, however, blended into non-Newtonian Physics/Mathematics called "topology"
relative to a sort of inside-out version of algebra dealing with 'absolutes' in physics, trying to reconcile such as left and right aspects of everything we (the humans) know of into functional/practicable 'singularity' like the idea of the 'atom' that, however, to be studied objectively, must be in 3D, even at the sub-atomic level, attributed to it by semi-human very well paid observers/scientists.
So, I'll suggest that science and religion are both mythologies. Belief systems?
Religion involving 'inductive reasoning' and science 'deductive reasoning'. With the common denominator being 'reasoning'?
With today's "Global Canada" Blog addressing Insanity (anti-reason) vs Sanity (simple logic) in politics and general discourse among psychotics, by their own definitions, who're suffering from absurd world-visions and, they say, think globally.Not easy when you're hungry, freezing in Canada's winter without adequate clothing, living on the streets of Canada's major cities?
Absurd Global-World-Visions including for CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) and 6+ billion people, world-wide. to live like we're all in American (or Canadian) movies or on American TV?
Reason/Sanity vs Insanity/Psychosis
The themes of today's "Global Canada" (or "Canada Globe"; a title I've been publishing for the past 20 years or so) Blog is "Trinities" in terms of my tribe's (British) and other's hysterical records. Including various Bibles, all composed by 'men?" who seem terrified of woe'men?', even today, but very fond of each other.
Again, I'd like to thank my best friend and mentor for the past 45 years, "Brenda Margaret Lavender" of "Anacortes WA", last I heard, for teaching me to think "outside the box" as it were.
And for always telling the truth no matter how difficult it was, with increasing sophistication to all of us who admire her intellect and wit. Including thousands of high school and other students who were exposed to Ms. Lavender's genius over a 30 year very well paid teaching career in Portland Oregon (The Beaver State)*1.
The Global Canada pictures today include Idyllic Goddesses of ancient Germ-manic/Nordic mythology called Norns or Knorns.
A Trinity perhaps representing Earth, Wind and Fire to ancient certainly Germ-manic Norse or Normans in tribes (of Norsemen) that lived in what we call Scandinavia today.
Or, they say, these female deities perhaps represent the future as 'the fates'. And/or past, present and future?
Or perhaps The 3 Graces; beauty, charm and joy. Or, biblically, faith, hope and charity?
Or, again in Nordic Lore, A Holy Female Trinity; God the Mother, The Daughter and The Holy Spirit/Ghost? Mirroring, some say, The UnHoly Trinity, God the Father, The Son (or Sun) and The unHoly Spirit/Ghost, together representing psychotic 'men?' whore, they say, in the image of God?
However, since most of my tribe's (British, actually German) hysterical records of the past 5000 years or so are lies laced with propaganda relative to ugly interpretations of Christianity and other philosophies composed by 'men?'; who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other, any reference to intelligent human females in English and other Literature has been increasingly disparaging.
Especially abusive to women where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade among psychotics, by their own definitions I've mentioned. Venus? Mars?
Ancient and con-temporary tomes of rot written by 'men?' who, generally, have never worked for a living. So who must be very intelligent indeed? Bibles and other windy documents vilifying (means 'of the village') women and, or course, men with iQ s over 100 (normal?average too. Even though everyone, even today, is first exposed to Mother-Figures who must seem like Gods to human babies? Mother-Figures we must hope are among The World's brightest and best. Especially since everyone's first teachers are our Parents. Hopefully by example?
"men?" who seem to prefer each other's company historically and now? Adult aged boys forming ancient and modern ferocious armies (and navies) and terrifying police forces. Ancient monasteries and today's exclusive boys schools. Fraternities, biker gangs and gay communities. Free Masons and other secretive clubs, lodges and temples of 'men?'. Knights on long crusades with armies of 'companions'. All male 'house of lords', parliaments, legislatures, congresses, senates, judiciaries. Great 'men?' of history and their admirers today. All sharing common delusions about and fears of 'what women want' where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, they say, are professions and sex is a trade? And, subsequently, 'family values' among these characters includes children as objects, pets, toys or dolls? As if they were never human children themselves? When Parents and other Adults must seem like Gods to human babies?
Again, my thesis here is that Mother-Figures are everyone's first Teacher-Figures.
Canada's and The USA's comic 'elite?' are, as you know, mostly rejects from a grotesquely overpopulated 'Great?' Britain, Europe and Asia beginning about 200 years ago. Failures in their 'home-lands' now trying to re-create the social-sewers and cultural-toilets that got rid of them? In terms of "what women want" Mel Gibson with lots of chari$ma?
Re-Creating their so called 'Civilizations' by employing thousands of years of destructive/exploitive technology developed over centuries of absurd nesting and transportation processes on "The Old World?".
The Olde World being antecedent from Ancient, Medieval and Con-Temporary Social-Sewers requiring increasing populations of 'human-resources', consumers/customers, income tax/tithe payers and, generally, populations of morons like you, the average genius blog reader. Probably raised by TV (including movies and mindless Parents/Guardians/Teachers whore trying to get rich?).
Blog readers, apparently; according to advice I get from Google and others, not being very bright.
Likely functionally illiterate, interested in travel (wandering around). 75% juvenile males alternately supporting the porn and fast-food 'industry?' and drug (and booze and tobacco) dealers Probably sitting at a $1000+ computer with $100 mth. high-speed internet? Most likely in "The West?" or Asia with access to Advanced Information Technology, AIT?
Blog readers whore looking for feel-good 'mind candy' and, or course 'relationships?' (whatever that means). In Canada and The USA?
Some "Blog Readers", however, with extremely high (mechanical) iQs filtering through 'key words' and 'key phrases' in several languages trying to find "meaning in your life"? As Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and "The American Government" co-operate to create a 'conspiracy theory' limiting access to The World Wide Web through 'private' (for profit) and Government (that doesn't need profits because they tax incomes of the humans) Internet Service Providers, ISPs, until, inevitably, in my opinion this morning before I go to work, leading to Global Canada World Broadcasting Corporation as a division of The CBC Press here in Vancouver BC, relative to The University of British Columbia that defines BC in terms of BC's brightest and best academic scholars, intellectuals and philosophers? "Big Sister" really. The Statue of Liberty is a (French?) Woman after all? Justice is a woman? Mother Earth?
With the only deviation. . . from that, I know of , my tribe's (Germ-manic) Father Lands (claims) of the various Reichs? Lending I guess to a Heavenly Mother? Or, if synthesized into a reasonable perspective in 2008, maybe God, perhaps a Black Woman, would have the highest possible iQ in the Universe?
A Conspiracy Theory
Microsoft eventually buys Yahoo then leverages a hostile takeover of Goggle through The World Bank already owned by several other banks that Microsoft owns controlling interests in through providing The American Government with Advanced Operating Systems, AOS. Artificial Intelligence. Including Robots that look and act exactly like all the current Presidential Candidates? All reporting to Governor Arnold in California; who we all know died in Terminator 2.Yet, so far, I haven't seen any Google 'political ads' for 'candidates' for public (funded) office on blogs by, say Hilarious Clinton, to 'raise money' for 'political campaigns' based on marketing 'gender' and/or 'race' to low iQ Americans who don't seem to realize that The USA is an 'international warmongering joke' in 2008? Especially among Americans, who all live in The USA, increasingly excluded from The Original (REAL!) American Dream: TOAD:
This weeks' early am Therapeutic Blog continuing with the theme:
Let's Elect Sane-Adults into public (funded) office Instead:
This week I'd like to discuss The Viking Dream: "GLOBAL SCANDINAVIA"?
Vikings are still regarded as criminals in Scandinavia according to my Grand-Father (Oxford) who used to mutter "we (The Danes) told them (the vikings) the world was round hoping they'd fall off the edge"
This after a recent top-secret meeting of "Friends of "The Fraser Institute", FFI, in Vancouver BC combined with input from other Institutes of high iQ geniuses discussing Global Stuff in terms of a theoretical Global Norman Invasion; as that applies to plans for The 5th Reich. An "Invasion of The USA" and Mexico beginning here* in Vancouver BC.
A deteriorating major Canadian city defined by The University of British Columbia that, they say, has over $1 billion in assets yet constantly claims to be in a 'budget crunch' while begging for 'donations' as academic faculties are slowly replaced by more 'corporate friendly' 'ologies', theoretical 'ics' and other fluff many 'boomers' took for easy credits and/or got otherwise useless degrees in to get 'government jobs' provided by governments that refer to humans as resources, in Canada, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? And, don't criminals, generally, regard humans (Canadians) as resources too?
With, in our (my class's ) opinion , BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in 2008 defining, by their behaviors as individuals and their writing, i.e. academic media, all that's possibly civil and good in BC.
Geniuses, they claim, who however have never been elected into public (funded) office in BC. Yet like most Americans, have endless advice for how everyone else should behave?
Governments living off 'the people', supported by 'the people' and yet not of 'the people'? Aliens? Psychotic (by their own definitions). Creatures that refer to Canadians as 'human resources', objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Pimp-Governments where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?
Pimp-Government Pandering CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) for 6+ billion people on Earth to live like all Canada's and The USA politicians do?
All victims of mis-education by psychotic teachers? Teaching CommonWealth=Capitalism=Communism (all materialisms) in Church vs State dialogues that limit debate to either (Organized Religion) or (Party Politics)? With the same characters involved in each? Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and/or Republicans of convenience. Whichever 'party' provides the best ops for wealth? Mostly, in Canada and The USA, chari$matic 'men?' obsessed with 'what women want'?
Women Liberated to do what?:
Hopefully all the difficult, dirty and dangerous jobs? Home-makers? Women janitors? Women armies (and police), navies and defensive military forces? Women laborers? Women tradespeople? Business Women? Women generals and Commanders and Chiefs? All Women Parliaments, Legislatures, Congresses, Senates, Houses of Ladies? Women loggers, fisherwomen and ranchers and farmers? Women miners? Global Woman's Rights? Global Canada!
Leaving Canada's 'real men' as the brightest and best I mentioned to be elected into public (funded) office to form governments of men liberated from the petty concerns of real-life. "Great Men" not so much elected as 'anointed' by other 'men?' who, historically and now, seem terrified of women being 'equal' (but different, and I mean really different-> my wife for example).
"Women's Liberation" to be equal to what? will be my next poll on Global Canada when I get time.
Here, on Global Canada, as time and my health permit I will continue to try to promote Global-Sanity. Beginning here* in BC, with reference to BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers who have graduated with academic Ph Ds over the past 150 years since The University (Universe-City) of British Columbia, UBC, was formed as Victoria College in Victoria BC, as an adjunct of McGill University in Montreal (Mount-Royal pronounced quickly).
Non of UBC's geniuses, scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, however, have ever been elected into public (funded) office in BC?
The Largely illiterate and juvenile populations of BC over the past 150 years have preferred characters whore trying to ape British gentry? An establishment of rejects from Europe who claim to be "more English than the English' who (happily they say) got rid of them.
Leaving BC's comical history littered with mostly self important child-like 'men?' in public (funded) office. Even today. All apparently antecedent from rejects from 'Great?' Britain or Eastern Canada only 160 years ago? All obsessed with 'what (British) women want'?: To live like royalty and/or how my class, grade 7s would live, they say, if 12 year olds were rich?
This thesis, Global Canada, addressing the 'fact' that The UK and Europe (The Old World?) got rid of only their brightest and best to come to The New World?
To re-create the worst of the social-sewers and cultural toilets they escaped from? All trying to get rich and live like royalty? Embrassing Canadian internationally in 2008.
Vikings are still regarded as criminals in Scandinavia according to my Grand-Father (Oxford) who used to mutter "we (The Danes) told them (the vikings) the world was round hoping they'd fall off the edge"
This after a recent top-secret meeting of "Friends of "The Fraser Institute", FFI, in Vancouver BC combined with input from other Institutes of high iQ geniuses discussing Global Stuff in terms of a theoretical Global Norman Invasion; as that applies to plans for The 5th Reich. An "Invasion of The USA" and Mexico beginning here* in Vancouver BC.
A deteriorating major Canadian city defined by The University of British Columbia that, they say, has over $1 billion in assets yet constantly claims to be in a 'budget crunch' while begging for 'donations' as academic faculties are slowly replaced by more 'corporate friendly' 'ologies', theoretical 'ics' and other fluff many 'boomers' took for easy credits and/or got otherwise useless degrees in to get 'government jobs' provided by governments that refer to humans as resources, in Canada, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? And, don't criminals, generally, regard humans (Canadians) as resources too?
With, in our (my class's ) opinion , BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in 2008 defining, by their behaviors as individuals and their writing, i.e. academic media, all that's possibly civil and good in BC.
Geniuses, they claim, who however have never been elected into public (funded) office in BC. Yet like most Americans, have endless advice for how everyone else should behave?
Governments living off 'the people', supported by 'the people' and yet not of 'the people'? Aliens? Psychotic (by their own definitions). Creatures that refer to Canadians as 'human resources', objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Pimp-Governments where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?
Pimp-Government Pandering CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) for 6+ billion people on Earth to live like all Canada's and The USA politicians do?
All victims of mis-education by psychotic teachers? Teaching CommonWealth=Capitalism=Communism (all materialisms) in Church vs State dialogues that limit debate to either (Organized Religion) or (Party Politics)? With the same characters involved in each? Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and/or Republicans of convenience. Whichever 'party' provides the best ops for wealth? Mostly, in Canada and The USA, chari$matic 'men?' obsessed with 'what women want'?
Women Liberated to do what?:
Hopefully all the difficult, dirty and dangerous jobs? Home-makers? Women janitors? Women armies (and police), navies and defensive military forces? Women laborers? Women tradespeople? Business Women? Women generals and Commanders and Chiefs? All Women Parliaments, Legislatures, Congresses, Senates, Houses of Ladies? Women loggers, fisherwomen and ranchers and farmers? Women miners? Global Woman's Rights? Global Canada!
Leaving Canada's 'real men' as the brightest and best I mentioned to be elected into public (funded) office to form governments of men liberated from the petty concerns of real-life. "Great Men" not so much elected as 'anointed' by other 'men?' who, historically and now, seem terrified of women being 'equal' (but different, and I mean really different-> my wife for example).
"Women's Liberation" to be equal to what? will be my next poll on Global Canada when I get time.
Here, on Global Canada, as time and my health permit I will continue to try to promote Global-Sanity. Beginning here* in BC, with reference to BC's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers who have graduated with academic Ph Ds over the past 150 years since The University (Universe-City) of British Columbia, UBC, was formed as Victoria College in Victoria BC, as an adjunct of McGill University in Montreal (Mount-Royal pronounced quickly).
Non of UBC's geniuses, scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, however, have ever been elected into public (funded) office in BC?
The Largely illiterate and juvenile populations of BC over the past 150 years have preferred characters whore trying to ape British gentry? An establishment of rejects from Europe who claim to be "more English than the English' who (happily they say) got rid of them.
Leaving BC's comical history littered with mostly self important child-like 'men?' in public (funded) office. Even today. All apparently antecedent from rejects from 'Great?' Britain or Eastern Canada only 160 years ago? All obsessed with 'what (British) women want'?: To live like royalty and/or how my class, grade 7s would live, they say, if 12 year olds were rich?
This thesis, Global Canada, addressing the 'fact' that The UK and Europe (The Old World?) got rid of only their brightest and best to come to The New World?
To re-create the worst of the social-sewers and cultural toilets they escaped from? All trying to get rich and live like royalty? Embrassing Canadian internationally in 2008.
Todays Blog is, I hope, Idea-etic Exercise: (Sort of Intellectual Tia-Che for Global Canada's Sane-Seniors, The New SS)
Imagine The USA today representing The British Isles, mainland Europe and The Middle East about 1000 years ago, and Canada representing Scandinavia and Russia 1000 years ago.
Imagine William The Conqueror, various Tzars ( = Caesar/Kaiser), Ghengus and other Kahns, comic Emperors, Kings and Queens, tribal Chiefs and my wife as versions of Adolf Hitler, all, except my wife, charismatic psychotics (paranoid schizophrenics) bent on World Domination 1000 years ago.
Imagine populations of socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children 1000 years ago awed by the lifestyles of rich and famous; wealthy and emotionally disturbed, adult aged children then. Populations without access to TV? Or even 'radio'? No NEWSpapers? No public (funded) libraries? No telegraph?
Populations isolated from each other except for DPs (displaced people) within tribal (and thus racial) 'family? values' 1000 years ago. Family? values predicated on 'having?' as many 'kids' (livestock) as possible; as pets, toys or dolls? All potential princes or princesses, kings or queens, great Chiefs, movie or TV stars, 1000 years ago; or American Presidents now in 2008? No workers? No tradespeople? No home-makers? Just thousands and thousands of princesses and princes. As in The USA in 2008?
Imagine 'men?' 1000 years ago, isolated in several social-sewer cultural-toilet disease infested crime-ridden smelly dirty increasingly polluted with their own filth major cities always near water, flushing their raw sewage into adjacent oceans, lakes and rivers? Imagine 'The Courts" of the time, 1000 years ago; in the movies and on TV today, with adult aged children then dressed like clowns, eating like demented pigs, hiring all male armies (of police) with public funds to 'protect and serve' anyone with money to pay mercenaries?
Imagine the women in those days? Non allowed to attend Universities.
Then imagine Denmark 1000 years ago. My ancestral 'home and native?' land*2. During a time Global Warmth. More that adequate food, clothing and shelter for everyone in Denmark? Families increasing the human population exponentially. CommonWealth for everyone in Denmark. Copenhagen an ideal model for a Global-Village. Hamlet yet to be written 500 years later. Then acted out in The Globe Theater (as Global Canada) as if in the movies and on TV in Canada in 2008?
Perhaps with The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (paid for from Canada's public trusts and thus a function of the government 'in power') hiring me (and my grade 7 class) as Publisher of The CBC Press in Vancouver BC to present a 'radio program' Global Canada, with my class and I as a 'think tank' of 12 year old high iQ geniuses awed by BC's comic 'elite?' whore desperately trying to impress 'the poor' (and each other) by living like grade 7s would, they say, if my class was elected into public (funded) office in Canada or The USA in 2008?
In particular Id like to discuss "GLOBAL DENMARK" in terms of my paternal her-itage and The Norman Invasion
led by William The Bastard, also known as William The Conqueror, who was born in Normandy that, with Brittany, is to this day considered by The French (who all live in France) as part of "The British Disease" /. (take your pick) i.e. not part of France.
France today perhaps being defined by The French Revolution that was inspired by the preceding American Revolution. Both America and France, it seems, in 2008, having been re-possessed. . . by The British (actually German) Empire where, historically; and correct me if I'm wrong, prostitution, politics and crime (piracy) have always been professions and sex a trade, and trade ethics among creatures that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves? Parasites? Aliens? Blood-sucking insects? Vampires?
In order to interest blog readers I'll preface this discussion with a reference to "GLOBAL COOLING" and perhaps "White-Houses gases" (BullShit) rather than "Green House Gases" (also BS) pronounced "PREVARICATION" in polite company so morons elected into public funded office by other idiots in The USA and Canada and/or environ-mentalists who wander around on huge planes lecturing in huge buildings to other spoiled brats aren't insulted.
This weeks lecture to my (now imaginary) grade 7s:
"About 1000 years ago Greenland was called Greenland because of Global Warming and the south of the Island was temperate and suitable for agriculture then.
About 500 year later Global Cooling precipitated a 'mini-ice age' caused global climate change, and thriving Norse settlements disappeared. Likely with the Norse returning to Scandinavia at just about the same time in history as The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire, was thriving after Germ-manic tribes invaded Italy, conquered Rome and becoming what we know today as The Roman Catholic Church.
1000 years ago and today Vancouver BC was/is at the same latitude as Paris France, Munich Germ-many and Olgiy Mongolia.
But Vancouver BC in 2008 has more in common with other places on the coasts of oceans that are called 'ports' (and sports?) after the 'port side' of ships that faced land when navigation by Euro-peons in bigger and bigger boats was, generally, south. With land kept in sight by 'men' seeking harbors, and anything of value to steal. Usually for trade as what we call pirates today 'discovered' "new lands". Places where (Europeon) 'man'. . . had never gone before. As what is now called "Western Civilization?" resulted from overpopulation and mindless exploitation of natural and other resources on Earth by morons seeking opportunities for "Enter-prize": Perhaps best parodied in the late 20th century by Star Trek on TV?
Star Trek is a brilliant satire making fun of Anglo-American "manifest destiny" but also perhaps suggesting to todays' 'pirates' (criminals) with their 'gun ships' and weapons of individual and mass destruction, reciprocating terrorism, "balance of power/terror", international trade as ethics, prostitution, politics and crime as professions, sex as a trade, and war mongering continuations of tribal (and thus racial/religious) agendas for CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) and 6+ billion people to live like you do, is best served by them going to other planets ASAP? Establish prehistoric and older New World Orders in other galaxies far away? Visit "New Worlds" there in "Outer Space"?. Create new and better Universities (Universe-Cities) and "Global Villages" where, apparently, as on Star Trek, no-one on The Enterprise works for a living? Food is 'replicated' by a machine. Clothing is ridiculous. Shelter is in a "space ship" that travels at several 'warp speeds' from 1 to 9. With Captain Kirk (kirk means 'jail' in Gaelic), a Canadian , along with many other Canadians in American movies and on American TV over the past 50 years, combined with Canadian 'manifest destiny' will eventually allow you, as Canadians; Canada's brightest and best youth of today, to introduce simple logic and elementary reason into your thoughts. Thoughts that will moderate your actions/behaviors in the future. Perhaps even influencing your parents/guardians here in Vancouver BC to share The Canadian Dream? Adequate food, clothing and shelter for all Canadians?
With "adequate" meaning what?
Your home-work assignment for this week is:"
(teacher writes assignment on blackboard in English and hieroglyphics हिएरोग्ल्य्फिक्स्)
1. Define 'adequate' in terms of the differentials between Nordic Countries and the 80% of people on Earth इन २००८ who live in The Sun Belt where Canada's and other country's comic "elite?" of clowns spend the winter embarrassing Canadians internationally; too often at public expense.
2. Discuss how Canada's social-sewer cultural-toilet economically primitive major cities in 2008 are defined by major academic Universities and Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers you hope to emulate if you pass grade 7.
3. Discuss the Star Wars 'movies" as a Jewish-Christian paranoid-schizophrenic rendition of The Old Testament in The Biblical Holy Land; a social and political toilet then and now, leading to The New Testament (Star Trek?) with, say, Captain Jesus (HeyZeus) spouting Scripture composed 2000 years ago by 'men?' who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other, in Biblical Times and today?
4. Please get your Parents/Guardians to help you with this assignment. I want you all to get As. Exams, including essays, however, will all be in your own handwriting and constitute 80% of your mark. Missed home-work will deduct 10% from that mark.
5. Please confine your observations to British Columbia and the TOPIC: "Global Cooling". A biblio-graphy will not be necessary. But do quote your sane-sources, perhaps sane-journalists with iQs over 100 (normal/average) in local* media in Canada in 2008 who tell the truth. Talk to locals* in Vancouver BC. Especially the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed I've mentioned. whore trying to impress 'the poor" here*. They love to talk about themselves.
Vancouver BC was Not the original Vancouver.,_Washington was originally Fort Vancouver established by The Hudson Bay Company, HBC, of The HBC got kicked out of The USA by Jacob Astor I think, so moved their Fort to Fort Victoria (Victoria BC today) . Displaced or killed all the 'natives' there and slowly, over 150 years used any adjacent water as a sewer while progressively moving away from their own filth into the surrounding hills leaving slums and polluted wastelands in the British habit of centuries of 'land, water and air abuse' they eventually get the public to clean up through elaborate OPM (Other People's M0ney) schemes if they can get morons (or prostitutes) elected into public (funded) office in BC.
If you are interested in a further explanation of this please feel free to contact me at I took Political Science (whateveer that is) fr easy credits 45 years ago.
The HBC was and is a joint-stock company associated with obtuse international trade as ethics banking invented by such as / about 1000 years ago to fund "Crusades" A company led by 'men?' who seem terrified of women, but very fond of each other. A company that continues to define Canada in 2008 in terms of the ambitions of rejects from 'Great?' Britain and Europe desperately trying to re-create the ugly social-sewers and comic-cultures that got rid of them. They even had a "Beaver Club" for Canada's comic 'elite' of the time to demonstrate movie and TV qualities of "manhood" defined in terms of "what women want": booze lobotomized mindless drunks with lots of chari$ma?
I've run out of gas. Must get on with the day. I'll work on a new blog over the next while. Stay tuned.
Fun to see what sort of ads this nonsense attracts? "Terrorists Children's Fund"? Please donate generously to help (phony) Christians piss everyone on Earth off.
Maybe all religious leaders should be required to earn Ph Ds in any academic subject before they open their mouths to speak and or undertake any media? Politicians too? Webmasters?
*2. I believe that anyone who defines themselves as a 'sexual' is psychotic. Perhaps especially raving hetro'sexuals'? However, please let me know what/if you think by writing to bryan_clifford@shaw. ca with 'I am a genius' in the subject line, so I don't open any junk mail from assholes.
*1. Any resemblance of any of the characters in today's "Global Canada" pictures to anyone I've ever met over the past 60 years in this regard is, however, purely coincidental.
*here- Earth
*locals - Earthlings
*where you live- Earth
This has been Canadian "Blogging Therapy' for Sane-Seniors.
The New SS of The 5th Reich, The Holy Canadian Empire. New Canada.
And/or The NEW SOS? "Save Our Seniors"? Honest hard working Canadians who didn't get rich like all Canada's politicians and most (other) Canadian government employees are in 2008?
Anyone who wants to join Canada's Sane-Seniors please write me at Membership is free but you must have an iQ over 100 (average normal) and a subsequent Canadian or American sense of English style humor.
Google is wonderful. God Bless Google.
Blogging is fun.
Exercise (exorcise?in my case) your mind.
Tell the truth. Where you live. Become a local* internet journalist? Promote your town or city as a possible template for an Ideal-Global-Village? In terms of your own behaviors where you live*?
"Bryan Clifford" BsD (Oxford)
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