If you click on the above title you will gain access to a stargate-like portal, you can, if you dare, enter to journey into the realm of time travel as an aspect of the net... result, and flaws, of democracy in the Northern Provinces of The USA, Canadaland (after Disneyland?) and cartoon (puppet) ventriloquist dummy politicians who're functions of money (banks) where, they say, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?*
If you click on the above title you will gain access to a stargate-like portal, you can, if you dare, enter to journey into the realm of time travel as an aspect of the net... result, and flaws, of democracy in the Northern Provinces of The USA, Canadaland (after Disneyland?) and cartoon (puppet) ventriloquist dummy politicians who're functions of money (banks) where, they say, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?*
Canada consists of several Vast mostly uninhabited Provinces with the sources of about 90% of all the potable (drinkable) water http://www.mcclelland.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780771026416 left on North America.
Provinces that, with global warming; which is why Greenland, for example was called that 1000 years ago when it's south was arable (farmable), and as The Northwest Passage has, in 2008, been navigable (ice free) for the first time in recorded history, perhaps making The Panama Canal redundant?, this Internet Portal will allow you, if you proceed , access to how both Anglophony* and Frankaphony* rejects from Europe 'think?' about really complicated stuff , like how otherwise unemployable geniuses get elected into public (funded) office and/or appointed to head Clown Corporations* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_corporations_of_Canada, The CBC, for example, that, like The BBC, is a direct function of the incumbent governments elected by lower and lower percentages of eligible voters increasingly; due to yin yang 'party politics', they have lots of parties, conventions, vacations etc. at public expense, and the nefarious influences of mindless lobbyists on other morons, because average normal sane Canadians have no-one (sane) to vote for in 2009?
PLEASE http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
NEW!!! to Global Canada: AN EXITING ADDITION TO Bryan Clifford's profile, CV , resume-eh and, generally, his magnificent credentials as a potential world leader has been added to this blog today, Feb 10 2009:
PLEASE http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Donate
NEW!!! to Global Canada: AN EXITING ADDITION TO Bryan Clifford's profile, CV , resume-eh and, generally, his magnificent credentials as a potential world leader has been added to this blog today, Feb 10 2009:
Mr. Clifford has, at 3:50 PM PST on Feb, 10 2009, appointed himself Publisher of The British Columbia Broadcasting Corporation, BCBC, which by so doing he hopes to co-opt the page ranks of the following: http://www.bcbc.com/, http://www.bcbc.ca/ and http://www.bcbc.bc.ca/, and eventually become the author of http://www.bcbc.gov to compete with The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation http://www.cbc.ca/, a completely corrupt public funded Clown corporation that's a direct function of The Canadian Federal Government that's, as you may know, an international joke.
NB- This will be our last ADD, ADHD, Bi polar disorder, schizophrenic derivative, senile, juvenile, early am cathartic extemporaneous drivel bio-log (blog) mining Blogger for associative key words and key phrases re: HTML evolution and how the minds of average ordinary blog readers, with extremely short attention spans, apparently, but, hopefully, lots of disposable income, work etc.
Our... next blogs through Google will be planned with the intent of dealing with real life in the real world in Vancouver BC among 'the poor' required to admire BC's hillbillies, i.e. 'the poor'* being the natural market for "Sane Media" among humans with iQs over 100 (normal/average) and, of course, $1 a day or so for a proper newspaper, a cup of coffee, high speed internet etc.
Our... next blogs through Google will be planned with the intent of dealing with real life in the real world in Vancouver BC among 'the poor' required to admire BC's hillbillies, i.e. 'the poor'* being the natural market for "Sane Media" among humans with iQs over 100 (normal/average) and, of course, $1 a day or so for a proper newspaper, a cup of coffee, high speed internet etc.
NB- Please!!! DO NOT read this blog if you are capable of objectifying 'the human condition' , 'the human experience', 'humanity' and/or humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if you're not human yourself, i.e. you are psychotic, by your own definitions, or subsequently under the mental/emotional age of a normal healthy 20 year old human being, have a low human iQ, LHIQ?= under 100 (normal/average), or if you don't have a sense of humor, especially about yourself.
This is a "serial blog" and will be edited and added to etc. as time (and my wife) permits. With thanks to "Google Teams" for this opportunity for retired seniors to express our opinions on what amounts to a free website*. ------------------------ ------------------------------ (1)
COMIC "WHITE DEVILS" in 2009 AND TRIBAL (RACIAL) AGENDAS AMONG PSYCHOTICS, BY THEIR OWN DEFINITIONS, FOR NOW GLOBAL (once flat?) VILLAGES for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries TO SHARE COMMONWEALTH (communism) as defined by THE AMERICAN DREAM TODAY ---> everyone living like American movie and TV stars do?
2009 is, they say, The Year of the Ox* to about 1/2 the world's population, Asians?, many of whom refer to Cauc-Asians as "white ghosts" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gweilo with similar intent to my tribe's (race's) morons who refer to other humans as 'yellow' , 'black', 'brown', 'rednecks' etc. providing evidence that they're also psychotic, by their own definitions, representing, however, the vast amoral lunatic socially and otherwise illiterate majority on North America today, electing dumber and dumber but good looking adult aged children into public (funded) office into a Town Councils, Civic Government, Senates, Congress, Parliament, Legislatures, Judiciary (public funded) jobs ---> Job* was a moronic obviously fictitious character in The BIBLE
So SSWIGS would like to comment on "the final solution" to problems associated with today's democracies creating laughable governments in 'power', mostly 'men?' who are direct functions of "what women want" , women we must hope aren't prostitutes like most American women claim to be today, and who have a proper public (funded) grade 7 (second form) or better academic education before anyone can drive a car, vote and/or occupy public (funded) office, be Prime (or other) Minister of Canada , President of Mexico or The USA
2009 is, they say, The Year of the Ox* to about 1/2 the world's population, Asians?, many of whom refer to Cauc-Asians as "white ghosts" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gweilo with similar intent to my tribe's (race's) morons who refer to other humans as 'yellow' , 'black', 'brown', 'rednecks' etc. providing evidence that they're also psychotic, by their own definitions, representing, however, the vast amoral lunatic socially and otherwise illiterate majority on North America today, electing dumber and dumber but good looking adult aged children into public (funded) office into a Town Councils, Civic Government, Senates, Congress, Parliament, Legislatures, Judiciary (public funded) jobs ---> Job* was a moronic obviously fictitious character in The BIBLE
So SSWIGS would like to comment on "the final solution" to problems associated with today's democracies creating laughable governments in 'power', mostly 'men?' who are direct functions of "what women want" , women we must hope aren't prostitutes like most American women claim to be today, and who have a proper public (funded) grade 7 (second form) or better academic education before anyone can drive a car, vote and/or occupy public (funded) office, be Prime (or other) Minister of Canada , President of Mexico or The USA
Heil Y'all,
The Canadian Dream:
1.adequate food clothing and shelter for all 40 million Canadians in 2009 to live like the average Canadian government employee does
2. a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better higher... or advanced, education for all Canadians provided by sane teachers before anyone can drive a car in Canada, vote or occupy public (funded) office, be Prime (or other) Minister, Premiers of Provinces, teachers, medical doctors, jurists or journalists.
3. a country where prostitution politics, crime and sports, for example, never have been, are not now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade and where "human family values" are (or should be) represented, especially by occupants of public (funded) office and others employed by Canadian citizens
The British Columbia Dream?, however:
The 1st "Global Canada" picture today,below, is of 3 characters in BC caught in the act of boring into the prehistoric ancient sacred rock of British Columbia, Ndhjserighd'hgfn, worshiped by 4836 tribes of 'natives', aboriginals, indians, whatever?, for the past 10,000 years or so as the location of spirits (booze?) , possibly representing the typical "human brain" of the average Cauc-Asian, and intellectual concretion in general, re: ridiculous plans/theories for CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries in 2009; The Year of the OX to 2 billion people of Chinese, Asian?, origins, to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies*, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed Americans, for example, desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for The American Dream: everyone living like movie or TV stars and/or all Canada's, The USA's and Mexico's politicians do today.
In real life though, BC has a 150 year history of only Canada's brightest and best in public (funded) office progressively making beautiful BC an increasingly wonderful place to live for ordinary average Canadians who want to share a laugh at how BC's adult aged children from all over the world live trying to re-create the social sewer, politically polluted economically ridiculous bizarre, yet creepy, cultures that got rid of them.
This picture is not intended to suggest that these characters are criminals, nor that the police in Canada would have any effect whatsoever on crimes, misdemeanors and/or extremely stupid behaviors among people in public (funded) office, but is merely intended to provoke thought among the human resources that pay taxes to support such governments then wonder why sane Americans, Euro-peons and Asians laugh at us.
Because all SSWIGS' members are "white?" (Germ-manic) and originally from 'Great?' Britain, we will, with this blog, eventually, be initiating "land claims" on what's now England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and France per our ancestral her-itage as documented in The Domesday Books http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesday_Book. There are 3 books, however, one still a "State Secret" known, however, to SSWIGS, though remote... ass-ociation with Oxford University and The Oxford Press whose ancestor, a scribe, printed the documents by hand, naming, for example, Clifford, http://www.cliffordparish.org.uk/about2.html, that; while for now New Westminster BC will be the Capital City of Global Canada, we will, after The Canadian Conquest (of the world), as Adolf Hitler certainly would have, in kind, have Clifford Castle rebuilt, not only to it's former glory, but to be the biggest building the world has ever seen, designed to be similar to The Pentagon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pentagon(as in pentagram? the sign of The Devil) surrounding a gold covered http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodecahedron bigger than http://library.thinkquest.org/J002037F/cheops_pyramid.htm associated with, however, also, some form of cross, so, since it will be the only building on Earth that can bee seen from The Moon with the "naked eye" Christians will be, we hope, pleased.
I can and will draw plans for this building if anyone is interested, it's been my dream since I was a child. Contact bryan_clifford(except this)@canada.com
Venus? Mars? Where you live?
1st draft of OFFICIAL DECLARATION OF INTENT TO CLAIM 'GREAT?' Britain for The Canadian Empire:
Whereby, as proponents of "The 5th Reich", The Holy Canadian Empire, with the consent of Queen Elizabeth II, ER, her preposterous heritage and it's a-gents and,I guess, MI7?, our plans for a "Global Fatherland"; in the Nordic traditions of vitamin deprived anemic obviously clinically insane Cauc-Asians we, SSWIGS, will each build huge castles and/or casinos, to live in on our 'reservations' (estates), to protect us from each other and the hordes of other geniuses who're fascinated with shiny rocks, other treasures, Clown jewels etc, that may, or may not, be inside our otherwise huge useless buildings.
Our "land claims", however, are pending proof that the Celts, for example, have lived on what's now 'Great?' Britain for at least the past 10,000 or so. Giving indigenous 'white?' (pale face) Irish, Picts and Scots, and Angles (English) and Saxons and other 'aboriginals' (first nations?) of Northern Europe, per British Law, first claim to ancestral lands for traditional hunting and gathering, farming and ranching, "human family values" and other "conventions" that are supposed to be demonstrated by human royalty and human aristocracy; ideally, per a "Global Village" where every Adult takes absolute responsibility for what "sane people" choose to do every day? ------------------------------------------------------------ (4)
The Global Canada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifesto,like the Capitalist Manifesto and The Communist Manifesto, is the opinion of the authors and not to be mistaken for scholarship, evidence of intellect and/or philosophical propriety.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SSWIGS NOW CONSISTS OF 12 SENIOR CITIZENS WHO CLAIM TO BE THE MODERN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS WITH Bryan Clifford BsD, RELUCTANTLY, TEMPORARILY, without pay, or any respect whatsoever, ACTING AS JESUS (Hey Zeus) IN TERMS OF "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO" TODAY IN VANCOUVER BC if there was a sane journalist/writer awed by BC's comic 'elite?' of adult aged children who're playing house and playing family like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, in 2009
We*, SSWIGS, because we live in Vancouver BC, will, with reference to this "Global Manifesto" try to function as a "collective consciousness", i.e. a "think tank" promoting Vancouver BC as the best possible model for a "Global Village" as defined by The University of British Columbia, UBChttp://www.ubc.ca/, and BC's brightest and best highest iQ genius scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, respected internationally for their influence on BC's politics, social agenda and economic priorities for the past 100 years since only the brightest and best rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe and The USA came to BC to re-create the politically polluted ugly economic circumstances and social sewers that got rid of them.
In that this manifesto is organic (like common law) and will deal with real life in the real world here* in Vancouver BC today, in terms of local* NEWS (that should be) provided by "sane media" (if there was any) in BC, we* invite comments on this blog from "sane adults" who are not rote inculcated functions of what kindergarten means to creatures that 'have?' kids? (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls, when Parents and other Adults must seem like Gods (in the image of man?) to human babies. --------------------------------------------(5)
The 2nd "Global Canada" picture today is self explanatory and relates to the future of America after Ronald http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan was made fun of by the British and knighted* perhaps in order to get him to take a bath http://snipurl.com/br5ai?
As President Elect of SSWIGS, after I'm eventually elected, as Adolph Hitler was, into public (funded) office to rule the World, I will be using this blog to spread Canadian propaganda about "white supremacy" as an inevitable by product of millions of years of "natural selection" by subhuman fee-males 'mating' with any 'man?' that can provide "what women want" where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?
Venus? Mars? Where you live?---------------------------------------------------------(6)
the concise autoblog- autobiographical log- of Arthur "Bryan Clifford" Bs D (Oxford)
and a new approach to blogging, including preparation before publishing, without worrying about how mindless robots and spiders that are functions of algorithms determine page rank for ads selling junk no-one in their right mind needs
the concise autoblog- autobiographical log- of Arthur "Bryan Clifford" Bs D (Oxford)
and a new approach to blogging, including preparation before publishing, without worrying about how mindless robots and spiders that are functions of algorithms determine page rank for ads selling junk no-one in their right mind needs
The rather absurd idea for "Global Canada" and CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, playing house and playing family as if we're all in the movies or on TV, came to me about 50 years ago in a dream.
The Canadian Dream: New Canada, 'Great Canada', The Holy Canadian Empire, The 5th (and final) Reich, Nazi Canada, after reading Mein Kampf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Kampf translated into English as "My Struggle". A book,along with many others, in my paternal Grandfather's little house in Gleichen Alberta Canada http://gleichenalberta.ca/ where he lived alone and managed a small 'grain elevator' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grain_elevator.
Gleichen means, roughly, 'the same' or 'equal to' in English, and along with many other German names of towns on North America, indicates The German attitude toward land. Father Land, as opposed to Mother Land, Mother Earth, Mother Nature and other attributions of female qualities to that part of planets that isn't covered by water.
However, my Grandfather was from Devon England near Exeter http://www.ugbrooke.co.uk/and received his pay from an office in London England of The Ogilvie Co.http://snipurl.com/atwcx, his employer then, and he disliked germ-manic notions of world domination, and also made fun of The British Empire, often saying of royals "we keep a few of them in elaborate zoos lest we forget what we've evolved from".
At 12 years old then, in 1957, I'd been reading English for about 8 years, beginning with captioned "Dick and Jane" picture books http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_and_Jane and cereal boxes at 4 years old and comic books in a little house in Calgary AB, where I was born, only once my mother (85) says, whose also said, however, "Bryan you may be too intelligent", when I asked about her childhood by quoting "Brenda's Story", BS, told to me by "Brenda Lavender", last I heard, of Anacortes WA, last I heard, and others, mostly girls but also a few boys explaining their horrible tortured childhoods in little houses. Storys I eventually began making up about myself trying to commiserate with these tales of woe, lending to now absolute but growing contempt for how some very clever children describe their circumstances to dozens, perhaps hundreds of boys, trying to "trade on sympathy" among gallant young men, trained from birth to worry about "what women want"; women we must hope are sane?
Poor Me Storys, PMS, about tortured childhoods in little houses where; and you've hear this one I'm sure, the monster "Father Figure", we'll call "Jim Greep", was torturing and raping everyone while the angelic "Mother Figure" Joyce Greep, for the sake of this Story, who was home about 100% of the time, not working outside the home or able to drive a car, didn't know what was 'happening'?
Jim, however, in the Storys, was away much of the time "working for a living" and, in real life, like my mother did in "real life" , Joyce managed every moment of anything that 'happens' in any human women's nest on Earth.
NB- If anyone reading this blog can explain how these "Monster Father" figures can be torturing abusing and raping eveyone in little houses without the angelic "Mother Figure", who manages every moment of anything that 'happens' in any human woman's nest on Earth, knowing, please, for God's sake, contact me ASAP at bryan_clifford(except this)@shaw.ca, so I can tell the children in my care who call me dad not to do that lest they run into someone with an iQ over 100 (average/normal). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(8)
When I was 5 years old, fascinated that I could read, my paternal grandfather, as the Storys go, gave me a set of The Oxford Books of Knowledge and a copy of The James Bible and, although he rarely spoke to children, apparently said "if you want to be rich become a plumber or a viking (pirate)" or something like that?
I've now been blogging on Blogger for about 2 years, with increasing interest in how media, in general, is evolving, especially TV= radio + pictures, including movies and The Internet, Intranet and, perhaps eventually, The Alternet? <--- a PBS version of access to the The World Wide Web integrated with radio and TV broadcasting? --->? "Sane Media" defined by our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers (includes religion) at major academic Universities that, in turn, define the major cities where they're located in terms of all that's possibly civil and good??? Just a thought.
To amuse myself I've invented a 'class' of 12 year olds, grade 7 honors social studies; the last grade I did well in, who all want to be rich and famous like in the movies or on TV, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed like most of these assholes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires.
I've appointed myself Publisher of The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. to make fun of Global Media like The BBC, CNN and Canwest Global http://www.canwestglobal.com/ pirates and other functions of comic empires; in this case "Global Israel", relative to tribal (and inherently racial) ambitions for various absurd "Global Villages" (like Global Jerusalem?) and other absurd new world orders and comic 'world visions', like Adolph Hitler's, but with variations on a theme that resonates throughout history as the ideas of 'men?'?
When, in fact, I believe, it's the nesting ambitions of human fee-males wherever prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are professions and sex is a trade; Venus? Mars? Where you live?, that drives bizarre economies supported by ridiculous economic theories formulated by emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, such as Adolph Hitler and John Maynard Keynes and, more recently, " bryan="" clifford="" ""> " Bs D (as Adam Smith? http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/bios/Smith.html) for Global CommonWealth, of 200+ nations in 2009??? with Canada as the "ideal nation" as defined by The University of Global Canada, UGC?, as, however, a sort of "Star Chamber" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Chamber (think tank of elders? i.e. SSWIGS) overseeing UBChttp://www.ubc.ca/ that defines Vancouver BC in terms of Canada's brightest and best highest iQ genius scholars, intellectuals and philosophers today? Leading to the first "Sane Government" in Canada for the first time in recorded history??? composed of about 49.5% sane women and 49.5% sane men with iQs over 100 (normal/average)????
I've invented a 'family?' of average Canadians as defined by psychos at Statistics Canada as an average "Family Unit" of Canadians http://www40.statcan.ca/l01/cst01/famil21a-eng.htm objectified by creatures that refer to Canadians, their employers, as "human resources" from public (funded) office as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood sucking insects? I think this would make a funny TV show, an ideal "family unit" of typical average ordinary Canadians as defined by psychotics at Statistics Canada in the employ of pimp governments that refer to their employers, Canadians, as human resources, as if they're not human themselves, but the completely corrupt CBC http://www.cbc.ca/, a public (funded) Clown Corporation that's a direct function of the incumbent Canadian Federal Government, doesn't seem interested in addressing themselves this way? Go figure?
And, don't criminals, generally, regard humans as resources, objects/commodities/slaves, for their ambitions?
I've also invented an "extended family" of my relatives, i.e. kin, dating back 1000 years or so to the origins of The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire, Global Rome, New Rome ass-ociated with The University (Universe City?) of Bologna http://www.eng.unibo.it/PortaleEn/Students/User+guide+to+Campus+Branches/User+Guide+to+Bologna/history.htm and, generally, what's commonly referred to as "Western Civilization" which, as you likely know, is neither civilized (yet) or western, it's barbaric,hedonistic and still heathen with origins in The North... on a map.
However, since my 'kin' are mostly from England and Austria, 1000 years ago we were involved in The Norman Invasion and bringing Germanic efficiency to 'Great?' Britain, including The Domesday Books (there are 3, one still a 'state secret') that, I've claimed, as the eldest son of the eldest son etc. back 1000 years, entitles me, "Arthur Bryan Clifford", to most of Wales and parts of Southwest England as a 'native land claim'. So far my petitions to the British government have been ignored, however. ------------------------------------------------------(10)
see item
salus populi suprema lex
So, while I will continue to attempt to make fun of adult aged children in Vancouver BC and elsewhere who're playing house and playing family like 12 year olds would, they say, if my (now imaginary) grade 7 class were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for The American Dream, for example, I am running out of ideas as to how to interest "Sane Media" in Canada in my interest in writing as several 12 year old journalists, perhaps from The UK or The USA?
Writing as several 12 year old 'cub?' reporters in Vancouver BC, who'd be awed by Canada's version of why Beverly Hills, for example, is an international joke but also amusing to Americans who live and work in Los Angeles per UCLA, my alma pater, that today defines The LA Times in terms of American journalism of interest to locals* who live real life in the real world here* and there*. (10a)
A "Bryan Clifford" Bs D
-Publisher (self appointed) of The CBC Press, but the bastards won't pay me
-NEW!!!- Publisher (self appointed) of the The British Columbia Broadcasting Coropration Press, BCBCP, a division of BCBC as a version of The CBC, but (I'll bet) those bastards won't pay me either? see http://bcbc.gov for more information
-Founder of SSWIGS, The Sane Senior-Citizens' World Institute for Global Studies, a super 'think tank' of retired (bored) Canadian-Canadian elderly boomers vaguely associated with Canada's major academic Universities (Universe Cities?) as they (should) define all that's possibly civil and good where they're located* with reference to Canada's brightest and best highest iQ genius scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. Scholars who, however, over all of recorded history, have never been elected into public (funded) office anywhere in the world at anytime; except perhaps for Jimmy Carter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter , Micheal Gorbachev http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Gorbachev and the future Stephen Harper http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Harper when he, we hope, asks The Americans to piss off and mind their own f...ing business, i.e. clean up The USA, then, after setting an example, maybe impress us, the humans, with a NEW AMERICAN DREAM based on simple reason and elementary logic as taught by "sane teachers" in grade 7 in Canada 50 years ago?
*DONATE TO WIKIPEDIA- although there should be "matching funds" from "sane governments" that tax incomes of the humans, for such as Wikipedia, PBS, academic Internet Universities, and any venture that promotes communication among "sane people", there isn't and never has been a "sane government" (yet) on North America, of, say, about 49.5% literate women and and 49.5% sane men. So Jerry Wales and Co. must beg like dogs to support the probably solution to global ignorance, in all human languages (not Latin) translatable with "Google Translator", badly my children say.
*Job- a biblical character whose sons are murdered by a God in the sky that looks more or less (in the image of man?) like human fathers must to human babies, but all "Job's Daughters" (the fee-male counterpart to The Masons, who seem terrified of women, but perhaps too fond of each other?) survive, in The Bible, perhaps because, as with the ugly story of Lot, and incest with his daughters, as you know, in terms of "go forth and multiply", more human resources to tax tithe and tax again, to support a comic "elite?" of other 'men?" who seem, generally, terrified of woe'men?' but very very fond of each other, and boys, perhaps lending to all male senates, parliaments, legislatures, congresses, biker and other gangs, huge armies, and we all know about navies, gay communities, The KKK, 90% of prisoners in jail on North America are male, 95% of homeless in Canada and The Northern USA IN WINTER are male, yet about 100% of "Mother-Figures" are women all over the world? Women we must hope are among our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers? Or, at least, sane?
*The Year of the OX- this, of course is a reference to OXy-morons like, say, Sane -Americans, by also alluding to The Year of the Beaver, perhaps as an allegory I will pursue in a future blog, as perhaps a new ass-true-logical? sign among those geniuses concerned with "The Heavens" in terms of 6+ billion people in 200+ countries on Earth today being more like "The Ancients" who, according to their hysterical records, were all, it seems, emotionally disturbed psychotics, by today's standards, suffering from world visions and global thinking that make "Global Canada" seem sane?
An "Ancient German Flag" I found a picture of in a "book" in a public (funded) "library" in Victoria BC about 15 years ago, had "4 beavers" http://www.treesforlife.org.uk/tfl.eb.html
on it, much as with the bizarre "Hudson Bay Company"'s 'coat of arms' pictured here, with Latin ( a zombie language) "pro pelle cutem" meaning, "a skin for a skin", humans notwithstanding, among psychotics, by their own definitions who, even today, define the world in terms of 'trade' (as ethics) and, of course, "caveat emptor", that means "beware of the seller" not "buyer beware" (a threat?) referring to the world's most clever BSers, merchants (of Venice?) and predatory salespeople in general, where, they say, prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
Today, Oregon USA claims to be "The Beaver State" and boasts an establishment; i.e. characters who are very difficult to get rid of unless there are ops elsewhere for finding shiny rocks, oil, natural resources and human resources etc. to exploit, fascinated, it seems, with roses, as in absurd War of the Roses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_the_Roses#Name_and_symbols, alluded to by "Romeo and Juliet", making OR, along with Washington DC (District of Columbia), as in British Columbia, residues of The British Empire on The USA, a comic Empire (SUPERPOWER) that we, SSWIGS, can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, is the best possible model for a "Global Village" and CommonWealth for 6+ billion people in 200 countries on Earth today to live like "Bryan Clifford" of Vancouver BC would, he says, as Publisher of The CBC Press (or President of Google University?) if he... could get elected, as Hitler was, to front for "white supremacy" because, as everyone knows, Cauc-Asians, on average, are the world's most intelligent race (tribe) culminating, and this is where it get's really weird, in the most powerful person on Earth today, The Commander and Chief... of The American Armed Forces, Barak Obama, a genius by any measure; we, the humans, must hope http://www.mlkonline.net/video-i-have-a-dream-speech.html. Albeit, Martin Luther King Jr. was a tad racist himself?: Like Winston Churchill, a great orator, chari$matic too but, after all, like most "broadcasters" (other) cartoon characters, and most politicians today, was not very bright. Except perhaps on iQ tests, composed by psychotics, by their own definitions, who can somehow objectify "human intelligence" as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Rote inculcated (brainwashed) clinically insane academics? Who, as Hitler bragged, never do an honest days' work in their lives?
Speaking of witch... I'd better get busy, as a beaver... Castor Canadensis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Beaver, means, roughly, "Stupid Canadian Rodent" in (pig?) Latin, "castor" means rodent, a critter that builds "lodges" like proper Masons do (Shriners aren't proper Masons, only idiots have temples) with indoor plumbing and, unlike apes, monkeys, baboons and the average Brit, beavers alter their environment, themselves, to serve human-like "family values"
*"human family values"- humans do not define ourselves as 'sexuals' and do not identify with the behaviors of critters, bird and bees, clever as foxes, wise as owls etc., we share equal contempt for pimp religion's "creationists" and anthropology's (science's?) "evolutionary theory" preferring elementary logic and simple reason; i.e. common sense, applied to real life in the real world, including sharing a laugh at these assholes ,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires, whore all functions of "what women want" from 'men?', perhaps beginning with the first humanoid "Mother Figure" (prime-mate), they say, breeding with "alpha males", they say, 50,000 years ago, they claim, to eventually produce more and more "white devils" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gweilo until, today in 2009, per that her-itage, there must be "the world's richest family unit" of white devils???, "The Walton Family" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walton_family of Wal Mart fame? An ideal family of billionaires in the movies and on TV? With the TV show, The Waltons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Waltons,perhaps the most successful "ad campaign" ever produced (and funded by Sam Walton), per:
The American Dream:
1. CommonWealth for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries in 2009 (and beyond) to all live like all American politicians, movie and TV stars, successful criminals and other adult aged children do, trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how royalty, for example, lives when wealth allows socially and otherwise illiterate savages to play house and play family like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed.
2. CommonWealth for all 400 million Americans to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, all got elected into public (funded) office in The USA by increasingly socially and otherwise illiterate populations of ignorant slobs
3. To be yet another comic SUPERpower (Like The Brutish Empire, and, in fact, all empires) with Americans increasingly detested internationally, as The Germans were, for being "American Barbarians" embarrassing "American Citizens", who all live in The USA, "The Moral Minority" with iQs over 100 (average/normal) and subsequent "human family values" as defined by a "New Religion" I'll invent a name for in my next blog, but I must shower etc. now, because my wife want to go to Wal Mart and get food for the fish my son left us with when he moved out, leaving me alone, for the first time in 35 years, with my wife, who's a little 5' 2" blond eyes of blue tyrant, and the inspiration for my ambitions to emulate Adolf Hitler, get some power, perhaps a really big army???, and maybe then my wife and her brats will respect and admire me?
As it is, however, like most "white 'men?'", we do what we're told after we get 'married' while hoping,of course, that our wives are sane and rich with high iQs and, preferably, unionized government jobs funded by the taxes on incomes of people who actually work for a living at something worthwhile, blended into a bizarre "Tax Act", I've read, created by characters who don't pay any taxes to protect the interests of a comic 'elite?' in Canada who, in 2009, are an international joke, but, since they own and control all the media in Canada, no-one is making fun of them any more by flattering how 12 year olds would live, they say, if, say, The American President was rich, had never worked a day in his or her life, but attended exclusive colleges and Universites, then "bails out" everyone but The Average American http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090211/ap_on_go_co/congress_stimulus? <--- thought for the day... must get ready for work now... in the real world. *Anglophonies - Frankaphonies- etc.- generally, naive whining and sniveling socially and otherwise illiterate rejects from 'Great?' Britain and Europe trying to re-create the politically polluted economic joke social sewers and ugly cultures that got rid of them, always yearning for lifestyles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, who need 'the poor', and each other, to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were royalty, won lotteries, found shiny rocks or oil, were successful drug dealers (legal and not) and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada, The USA or Mexico; the 10th richest country on Earth today <--- in "the sun belt" without winter... where homelessness isn't life threatening or even uncomfortable, where Canada's comic 'elite?' spend winter, too often at public expense, etc. but also annoying Americans in Florida and California who refer to "snowbird"brains,welcome, for brief stays, however, if they spend lots of chari$ma trying to impress locals, i.e. people (humans) who live and work there.
*the real world- Earth
* grade 7 honors social studies- post graduate philosophy and economics with minors in several ologies and sports for easy credits... 40 years ago---> Bs D, aside from Doctor of BS assigned to me 40 years ago by my '"brothers", means, roughly, "with the help of God" in He-brew, a German tongue, with the term God, meaning, roughly, The Creator of everything real and imaginable inside and outside the Universe, including the "human brain" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_brain required to read this blog and understand the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several major human languages provided by "sane journalists", the NEWest profession where prostitution, sales, politics, crime, and sports, for example; in Canada and England (where all the Engs live in 2009) anyway, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade.
*free website- SSWIGS has been looking into creating our own website as a political device to advertise the concept of "Global Canada" ("Nazi Canada") as a comic version of CommonWealth for 6+ billion people in 200+ countries to play house and play family like most of these assholes http://www.forbes.com/lists/2008/54/400list08_The-400-Richest-Americans_NameProper.html do, but, the costs involved would, we think, be better allocated to "arming all Sane Senior Citizens" with "weapons of individual and mass destruction" or $1000+ computers and $100 mth. access to high speed internet providers on North America to make fun of "Insane Governments" in public (funded) office consisting of socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children elected by intellectually juvenile populations of TV addicted morons controlled by idiots wherever education is a function of what "kindergarten" means to psychotics, by their own definitions, that somehow objectify humanity as "only human", "the human condition", "the human experience" and, our favorite, "human resources" as if they're not human themselves"? Aliens?
And, don't criminals, necessarily, regard humans as resources, objects/commodities, for their ambitions?------------------------------------- (11)
*Ronald Reagan knighted- the global (once flat?) perspectives of The British and other primitive tribes of savages include reverence for their ugly ridiculous perverse histories and any and all comic Empires' progress toward inevitable ruin, leaving work for thousands of mindless archy and other 'ologists' who're also fascinated with big useless buildings, war and, generally, the ambitions of psychotics, by their own definitions, suffering from weird world visions: including, I guess?, a Global Village/ Universe City (University) and, recently, honoring? several simple minded Americans with knighthoods. Forbidden in The Constitution of The USA, now, however, being used as toilet paper by these assholes http://snipurl.com/br77b
only because every American politician in 2009 is apparently for sale.
*we- as in "we the people" of Canada interested in sane government "of sane people" in public (funded) office, administrated "by sane people" in public (funded) office and legislating sane laws "for the people" (humans) to be ruled by, rather than rule by psychotics, by their own definitions, who somehow objectify "the human condition", "the human experience", "humanity", "humanism" and, our favorite, "human resources" as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood sucking insects? Predatory salespeople? Professional politicians? etc.
And, don't criminals, generally, regard their victims as "human resources" for their ambitions? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (11a)
*pimp religion, pimp philosophy, pimp government etc. - generally, consisting of ancient and today's characters who've never worked for a living, as Adolf Hitler bragged, but who are experts in "rhetoric" and, say, promising CommonWealth, as Hitler did, for all Germans, requiring the entire GDP of Europe to support potentials for "Global Germany" per The 1st Reich, The Holy Roman Empire, i.e. The Roman Catholic Empire, led by 'men?' who, even today, seem terrified of women but very fond of each other
*where you live- Earth
*where we live- Earth
* we- human resources, i.e. "the people"
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
*here- Earth
*there - Earth
The "Global Canada" HYPOCRISY FUNNY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrite
NB- in passing today- Jan 29 2009- Congrads to my only Jewish friend "David Asper" for "going sane" and supporting Canada's "Conservative Government", a certainly high iQ decision from a fellow who seems to be growing up, as they say, despite being surrounded by morons. Albeit, very wealthy morons http://www.fraserinstitute.org/.
who lives modestly in several mansions all over the world embarrassing "sane Canadians" too.
at 9:12 am PST Thursday (Thor's Day) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/February 12 2009, Bryan Clifford, who must go to the bathroom now, in Vancouver BC will not be trying to edit this convoluted blog any more, but will, instead, embark on a more sincere approach to making fun of morons in public (funded) office, flattering geniuses who're trying to impress 'the poor' with their lifestyles and, if possible, share his absolute but growing contempt for what kindergarten means to psychotics, by their own definitions.
Psychotics who apparently "have?" kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls, perhaps after 'having?' sex (instead of 'having' lunch?) and/or 'making love?' per Rome-ance as defined by 'men?" who, even today, seem terrified of woe'men?' but very very fond of each other, bonding, over and over, hiding in: monasteries; huge armies and navies...; The Masons; The KKK; biker and other gangs; all male parliaments; congresses; gay communities; senates; explorers of history etc.? and, most worrying, infest education systems with "insane teachers" who're also socially and otherwise illiterate but very well paid slobs, to often, in my experience, including putting 4 children through public (funded) schools in BC.
So, my next blogs will be more to the point:
"If a human falls in the forest and there are only philosophers there, do air heads hear the screams for help?", for example
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