Saturday, August 29, 2009


By clicking on the title above
^ you will be introduced to a Wikipedia Affiliate Button article about the human population of 200+ countries on Earth today,all with National Dreams.

Heil Y'all,

First of all I'd like to define 'the poor' I'll be referring to in this blog.

'The Poor" (in Canada and The USA) are amused audiences for life(as)styles of the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, who're, generally, playing house and playing family trying to impress each other in the context of 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today with increasing access to TV=radio+pictures, including movies and The Internet, perhaps beginning to wonder WTFuck happened to 'The Canadian Dream' and 'The American Dream'?:

1 adequate food clothing and shelter for all Canadians and Americans, especially in winter

2. access to a proper grade school or better (higher? advanced?) academic education for all Canadians and Americans provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments in public (funded) office

3. adequate medical care for all Canadians and Americans who don't choose to be ill or disabled provided by sane medical professionals where, however, prostitution, politics, wrestling, crime, acting and sales, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade ---> Earth

4. free speech and 'freedom of the press' to provide 'Sane Media' of interest to Canadian and American adults with iQs over 100 (average/normal)

I'll define 'the poor' as people with 'common sense' who take absolute responsibility for what they (we) choose to DO every day. Including practicing thrift, modesty and voting, both with money and votes, for, if possible, all that's possibly civil and good and electing people of unimpeachable good character into public (funded) office.

In Vancouver BC for example'the poor' are, generally, a 'middle class' practicing human 'family values' as opposed to 'bestial family? values' and social practices of, say. apes and monkeys and/or British royalty.

So, generally, this blog is, once again, an early am probably rambling dissertation predicated on my absolute yet growing contempt for creatures that refer to Canadians and Americans, their employers, as 'human resources', especially from public (funded) office, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood Sucking Insects? Predatory Salespeople? Cartoon Vampires? Comic Zombies?

And, don't criminals, generally, regard their victims as 'human resources'?


The Global Canada picture
below is how, unfortunately, 90% of the world's population sees the United States of America today.

The USA is where 5% of Earth's human population, Americans, consume about 65% of Earth's non-renewable natural resources to support bizarre life(as)style expectations of socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children.

Mindless socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children who're, generally, trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies*, were all royalty or otherwise rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed like most of these characters


Socialism means, generally, that the state (government) owns 'the means of production' of 'goods?' and controls the provision of 'services', like banking, within, however, the idea that only the brightest and best people get elected into public (funded) office by socially and otherwise literate populations of adults.

Ideally creating a government 'of the people' managed 'by the people' and legislating sane 'laws for the people' to be ruled by representing common sense 'among the people' who take absolute responsibility for what we choose to DO every day. Including making intelligent informed decisions about what we buy and who we vote for per The American Dream:

1. adequate food clothing and shelter for all Americans, especially in winter

2. access to a proper grade school or better (higher? advanced?) academic education for all Americans provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments in public (funded) office.

3. adequate medical care for all Americans who don't choose to be ill or otherwise disabled, provided by medical professionals where, however, prostitution, politics, wrestling, crime, acting and sales, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade ---> Earth.

4. sane media (free speech) provided by sane American broadcasters (orators) and sane American publishers (journalists) adding to the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several different, yet essentially the same, human languages. Languages that, as you know, are all tending to become versions of English, the only language on Earth that has been constantly evolving for the past 500 years; now including HTML?


NB- 1984, the book, and Animal Farm and some Shakespeare were required reading in grade 10, 45 years ago in Alberta Canada's academic programs

I'm convinced that today's youth, Generation Y (WHY?), is the best informed generation that has ever existed on Earth and will eventually elect sane people into public (funded) office instead of today's adult aged children who're, generally, it seems, sure they're in the movies or on TV playing to audiences of other moron 'boomers' re:

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time" ? (Plutarch


Since education begins at home when Parents and other adults must seem like Gods (in the image of man?) to babies, infants and toddlers, with everyone over all of history first exposed to their "Mother Figure", everyone's first teacher, and since American women today are, generally, socially and otherwise illiterate where, they say, prostitution, politics, wrestling, crime, acting and sales, for example, are professions and sex is a trade, the vast majority of Americans are still being taught weird 'gender roles' where 'men?' become functions of 'what women want' re: bizarre nesting ambitions among the rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, who play house and play family trying to impress each other and 'the poor' required as audiences for magazine, movie and TV life(as)styles that, today, are an international joke among adults with iQs over 100 (average/normal) and a proper grade school or better (higher? advanced?) academic education provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments in public (funded) office.


Aside from someday electing sane governments of socially and otherwise literate adults into public (funded) offices at the federal, state (provincial), county and civic levels on North America, the solution to America's present clown-like 'tough guy' presence on 'the world stage' as, once again, a function of The (comic) British Empire, may be, as President Obama says, to educate every American (and Canadian and Mexican) child toward, eventually, becoming adults who take absolute responsibility for what sane human beings choose to DO every day?

However, in the meantime, we at SSWIGS, The Sane SeniorCitizens World Institute for Global Studies in Vancouver BC; a 'think tank' of retired (bored) ex Parents/Teachers, believe that a 'Global Religion' for all 6+ billion people in 200+ countries today might save the world from the past 5000 years or so of predicted apocalyptic doom and/or 'Global Warming'?

A Global Religion based on 'Global Humor' per the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature provided by sane scholars, intellectuals and philosophers (journalists?).

Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)if you have an appropriate name for a "Global Religion" based on "Global Humor" and Adults taking absolute responsibility for what we choose to DO every day.

'Global Humor' in several different, yet essentially the same, human languages (not Latin or HTML) all tending to become a common human language eventually spoken and written by all 6+ billion people in all 200+ countries, all sharing a laugh at how adult aged children live, somehow always at public expense, desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how you probably live if you're reading this blog on a $1000+ computer with access to a $100+ monthly Internet Service Provider, ISP, representing about 5% of the world's population today, mostly in The USA, Japan and Western (actually Northern) Europe?

Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)if you have a name for this 'common language' and/or 'Global Religion' whereby sane humans can communicate with each other and The Creator of everything inside and outside the Universe. Including the human brain, God's (in the image of nothing we can possibly understand) ultimate Creation on Earth?.


Arthur Wellington "Bryan Clifford"

Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)if you want to join SSWIGS, The Sane SeniorCitizens World Institute for Global Studies in Vancouver BC, a 'think tank' of retired (bored) ex Parents/Teachers. Membership is free except if you want to be a member of our 'Founders Circle'. That requires a non-deductible cash donation of at least $10,000 US to 'The Bryan Clifford Fund'. Mailing address will be provided to qualified (low iQ) applicants.

*grade 7 honors social studies- graduate school economics and philosophy with minors in several 'ologies' and theoretical 'ics' for easy credits 50 years ago

*MATERIALISMS- mater, or matter, in zombie Latin, means 'mother', referring to how ancient and today's socially and otherwise illiterate women control male goons and drones who're expected to become 'providers' of 'what women want' where, they say, prostitution, politics, wrestling, crime, acting and sales, for example, are professions and sex is a trade among characters who define themselves and everyone else as "sexuals" while identifying with (other) critters, 'the birds and the bees', wise as owls, clever as foxes, brave as lions etc. and have diamonds and dogs (beasts after all) as best friends while, as you know, they're as dumb or dumber than rocks the 'Ancients' piled up, just so, into useless pyramids and other big useless buildings re: bizarre 'Ancient (so called) Civilizations' that were politically polluted economically insane social sewers and cultural toilets in "Ancient Times" and, are, for the most part, seedy 'tourist traps' today where, apparently, tourism (wandering around) is an industry in an 'Global Village' (scenario?) where no-one works at anything worthwhile for a living, because everyone is (like) royalty and/or genius American movie and TV stars?

*here- Earth

*local- Earth

*locals- Earthlings

*where you live- Earth

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