Please if you can. The West's scholars, intellectuals and so called philosophers have been crooks for centuries. Knowledge should be the truth and an easily accessible part of a proper public funded academic education provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments in public (funded) office everywhere on Earth.
And must have better things to do than beg for money?
Please watch this video and wonder why someone like Ted Turner isn't President of The USA?
IN 23854 BLOGS
IN 23854 BLOGS
After I'm elected, as Adolf Hitler was, and become Prime Minister of Canada, then Chancellor of The United Nations and eventually Fuhrer or Emperor with the biggest and most expensive military that has ever existed on Earth, after annexing The USA and Mexico, the 10th richest country in the world today, peacefully creating a North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, then getting China and other naive countries on the hook for $billions and replacing American money with the more colorful Canadian bills and coins, but without the Queen's or any other faces on them as will serve to please Islam, one of Global Canada's 17 official religions, I will, as Hitler did, promise CommonWealth for all Nazis of pure Germ-manic blood who can prove that they're insane by taking a series of simple tests designed by psychiatrists to weed out lunatics who're suffering from world visions, global (once flat?) thinking and at least Universal or bigger hallucinations and delusions that have been an international academic joke for centuries among sane scholars, intellectuals and philosophers.
Please watch this video and get mad, mad as hellJust imagine if you can, this guy in the video selling Dell computers in choices of several colors, or cars... or books; he'd be rich in no time?
However, because I don't have any chari$ma and am not good looking, in order to get the 'woman's vote' I'm going to hire/rent a Stephen Harper clone who will, however, grow a peculiar little mustache, wear a garbage bag green Canadian military uniform with lots of ribbons denoting each country Stephen has embarrassed Canadians in, and the clone will rant and rave about a New World Order for "white folks" to rule The World because we Cauc-Asians are, generally, smarter with higher... iQs than other races/tribes as proved by the fact that all Canada's and the USA's major cities today are seething politically polluted economically insane social sewers and cultural toilets as best defined, however, by our brightest and best at major academic Universities?
Vancouver BC, for example, is best defined with reference to UBC that defines all that's possibly civil and good in British Columbia, a province that consists of about 4 million people, 2/3 the population of Brooklyn NY, but has. last I checked, over 200 Universities, Colleges, University Colleges and other institutions of higher... or advanced learning, some with several campuses, employing thousands of unionized pblic (funded) employees perhaps outnumersing qualified students?
We, SSWIGS, will be promoting Vancouver BC as the ideal model for a Global Village, however, if only to make fun of BC's rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, who're playing house like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors socisl studies*, were all royalty (other) successful criminals, won lotteries, found shiny rocks oil or other treasures and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada.
Or, since President Obama already tells Canada's and Mexico's governments what they can and can't do, maybe it would be easier to corrupt The American Government into The USA becoming, once again, a British (who're actually German colony by first buying up all the media through various 'consortiums' (fronts) owned by 3 guys, Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffett and Ted Turner* combined with state owned/controlled media like The BBC and CBC.... to create an Orwellian 'scenario' for news...speak insulting the public with increasingly juvenile drivel that appeals to largely socially and otherwise illiterate 'boomers' while Generation Y (WHY?); perhaps the best informed generation of youth that has ever existed on Earth, may be wondering WTF happened to The Canadian Dream?:
1. adequate food clothing and shelter for all Canadians,Americans and Mexicans, especially in winter
2. access to a proper public funded grade school or better (higher? advanced?) education for all Canadians, Americans and Mexicans provided by sane teachers employed by sane governments in public (funded) office
3. adequate medical care for all Canadians, Americans and Mexicans provided by competent medical professionals where, however, prostitution, politics, wrestling, crime, military service, acting and sales, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade ---> Earth
4. freedom of (civil) speech and freedom of the press and other 'Sane Media" to add to the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature provided by sane independent broadcasters (orators) and sane independent publishers (journalists)
5. sane government in public (funded) office elected by socially and otherwise literate populations of human adults who take absolute responsibility for what we choose to do every day
In that Islam, like Olde Time Christianity, is an aggressive religion/mythology based of promoting war re: various ridiculous 'Promised Lands' and 'Holy Lands' Mohammad, by quoting The Koran, would probably produce similar rhetoric to that of, say, George Bush translated into English declaring Holy Wars wherever there's oil, shiny rocks and/or possible new markets for junk no-one needs.... and, like George Bush and, in fact, all American Presidents since WW2, Mohammad would probably be in The White House now renovating it to look more like The Taj Mahal etc. with, as with President Obama, a scheme to nationalize/socialize The USA's financial infrastructure to serve the wealthy who, in Canada, don't pay any taxes.... yet live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, were all rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed playing house and playing family like like most of these characters do
We, SSWIGS, The Sane SeniorCitizen World Institute for Global Studies in Vancouver BC, a 'think tank' of very high.... iQ Cauc-Asian retired (bored) old folks, have, as they say, done the math.... :
For everyone on North American today to live like The Average Canadian or American "Family Unit"; as defined by psychotics, by their own definitions, at Statistics Canada, for example, somehow scraping by with a mere $68,382.34 CAD of annual taxable "Family Income", about $1000 a week after taxes of DI, Disposable Income, would require about 12 1/2 planets like Earth if Earth was all like The Mediterranean Basin, Southern California with several crops a year, and/or the most fertile parts of Europe and Asia.
For everyone on North America to live like all Canada's, The USA's and Mexico's politicians and bureauc-rats and genius American movie and TV stars do today, would, we figure, require the entire GDP of all 200+ other countries on Earth leaving about 5.5 billion people as 'the poor' required to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies*, were all royalty (other) successful criminals, won lotteries, found oil or shiny rocks or other treasure and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada?
This is a question we at SSWIGS have been pondering for some time.... most of for as long as we can remember... including how does a 'human brain' differ from those of really stupid people who, for example, refer to us as 'human resources' from public (funded) office as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood Sucking Insects? Professional Politicians/Predatory Salespeople?
And, don't criminals, generally, regard their victims as "human resources?"
All of us at SSWIGS are 'life long learners', Arthur "Bryan Clifford" for example, our Fuhrer/Leader/Guru, has, he says, had his nose broken 3 times, once left once right and then straightened out, so eventually learned to duck.
Also, if anyone is interested "Bryan Clifford" is trying to get someone to steal his identity, pay off his debts, mortgages and perhaps even take over his role as 'Father Figure' to adult aged children who call him dad? Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)if you are interested... or just send money to , $25 or more in his name toward Bryan buying a seat, $10,000 CAD, at their "Founders Circle' and making fun of them in their own publications, including Canwest Global (The Asper family) who, 16 years ago, stole the "Global Canada" idea from me when I applied for work with The National comPost
hmmmm 9:45am... here* just git a call from The Canadian Conservative Party saying that The Liberals may be able to force an election by Sept. 1th 2009... I'd better get busy with my plans to promote Canadian Conservative (of all that's possibly civil and good) Party Values here in BC? Perhaps through "Sane Media" if there was any in BC?
will .... edit this over the day... between naps.... housework.... answering letters.... praying to 'The East' Mecca (Ottawa/Washington DC), surrounded by reality they say... wondering why Google Inc. won't answer my prayers.... to 'predict and prevent' morons from being elected into public (funded) office by other idiots.... instead of our brightest and best.... highest iQ geniuses of unimpeachable good character... like Bill Gates? and/or maybe as yet unknown members of Gen Y (WHY?) who, like I would like to, will be telling spoiled brat emotionally disturbed 'boomers' who're electing each other into 'positions of power' to 'Go Love Themselves' Rev. 22:22.... Jesus (HeyZeus) 2000 years ago speaking to the composers of The Bible and other tomes of rot?
Arthur Wellington "Bryan Clifford"
*Warren Buffett gives $billions to another billionaire, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to help create markets for computers and computer software in 3rd world countries, while Seattle, for example, has about 25,000 homeless, adjusted for reality, 90% men
*grade 7 honors social studies- graduate school philosophy and economics with minors in several 'ologies' for easy credits
*here- Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
* where you live- Earth
For everyone on North American today to live like The Average Canadian or American "Family Unit"; as defined by psychotics, by their own definitions, at Statistics Canada, for example, somehow scraping by with a mere $68,382.34 CAD of annual taxable "Family Income", about $1000 a week after taxes of DI, Disposable Income, would require about 12 1/2 planets like Earth if Earth was all like The Mediterranean Basin, Southern California with several crops a year, and/or the most fertile parts of Europe and Asia.
For everyone on North America to live like all Canada's, The USA's and Mexico's politicians and bureauc-rats and genius American movie and TV stars do today, would, we figure, require the entire GDP of all 200+ other countries on Earth leaving about 5.5 billion people as 'the poor' required to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies*, were all royalty (other) successful criminals, won lotteries, found oil or shiny rocks or other treasure and/or got elected into public (funded) office in Canada?
This is a question we at SSWIGS have been pondering for some time.... most of for as long as we can remember... including how does a 'human brain' differ from those of really stupid people who, for example, refer to us as 'human resources' from public (funded) office as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood Sucking Insects? Professional Politicians/Predatory Salespeople?
And, don't criminals, generally, regard their victims as "human resources?"
All of us at SSWIGS are 'life long learners', Arthur "Bryan Clifford" for example, our Fuhrer/Leader/Guru, has, he says, had his nose broken 3 times, once left once right and then straightened out, so eventually learned to duck.
Also, if anyone is interested "Bryan Clifford" is trying to get someone to steal his identity, pay off his debts, mortgages and perhaps even take over his role as 'Father Figure' to adult aged children who call him dad? Please Email ---> Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)if you are interested... or just send money to , $25 or more in his name toward Bryan buying a seat, $10,000 CAD, at their "Founders Circle' and making fun of them in their own publications, including Canwest Global (The Asper family) who, 16 years ago, stole the "Global Canada" idea from me when I applied for work with The National comPost
hmmmm 9:45am... here* just git a call from The Canadian Conservative Party saying that The Liberals may be able to force an election by Sept. 1th 2009... I'd better get busy with my plans to promote Canadian Conservative (of all that's possibly civil and good) Party Values here in BC? Perhaps through "Sane Media" if there was any in BC?
will .... edit this over the day... between naps.... housework.... answering letters.... praying to 'The East' Mecca (Ottawa/Washington DC), surrounded by reality they say... wondering why Google Inc. won't answer my prayers.... to 'predict and prevent' morons from being elected into public (funded) office by other idiots.... instead of our brightest and best.... highest iQ geniuses of unimpeachable good character... like Bill Gates? and/or maybe as yet unknown members of Gen Y (WHY?) who, like I would like to, will be telling spoiled brat emotionally disturbed 'boomers' who're electing each other into 'positions of power' to 'Go Love Themselves' Rev. 22:22.... Jesus (HeyZeus) 2000 years ago speaking to the composers of The Bible and other tomes of rot?
Arthur Wellington "Bryan Clifford"
*Warren Buffett gives $billions to another billionaire, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to help create markets for computers and computer software in 3rd world countries, while Seattle, for example, has about 25,000 homeless, adjusted for reality, 90% men
*grade 7 honors social studies- graduate school philosophy and economics with minors in several 'ologies' for easy credits
*here- Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
* where you live- Earth
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