Heil Y'all,
The GlobalCanada picture today is an attempt, with my limited computer skills and poor eyesight, but the magic of Microsoft Publisher 95, to make fun of Canada's and British Columbia's elected; by a majority of their, not my, peers*, leaders; The Prime Minister of Canada and The Premier of Brutish Columbia.
Two charming boyishly chari$matic professional politicians; voted for mostly by women, of both official sexes I guess?, and other insecure 'men?' who're trying to impress fee-males. Representing, in my opinion, 2 examples of The British education system's brightest and best drones and goons, per Canada's and The USA's nesting/housing ambitions for everyone to live like all Canada's and The USA's politicians and religious leaders do in 2007?
As you can see in the picture, these sincere yet misguided public (funded) TV photo-op puppet-figures are congratulating themselves for spending public funds to make BC into a 'world class?' international joke. Another victim of International Fiscal Irresponsibility, IFI, where tourism is an industry? Prostitution, politics and wrestling, they say, are professions and sex is a trade? This among rather sad yet creepy creatures that also refer to humans as resources as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Vampires? And, don't criminals, generally, also regard humans as resources?
Re: Hitler's, The Nazis and other warped 'thinking?' per Mein Kampf I read 40 years ago, translated into Low English (Vulgate?) from Low German, Adolph Hitler's only option as a product of what kindergarten means to the psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned. Kindergarten meaning, roughly, the programming of 'kids' (livestock) by characters whore somehow able to objectify humans as if they're not human themselves. Parasites? Germs? Viruses? Vampires? And, don't professional?" and other criminals, generally regard humans as resources too?
My "Poor Me Story", PMS, as I vaguely recall my youth:
I was born into an ideal 'family unit' of average tobacco, food and booze addicted Canadians AFTER the Allies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies won WW2.
AFTER which, magically, The USA, Japan and Germ-many became the largest industrial (material) economies on Earth producing more junk no-one needs than ever before in the history of my tribe's (British, actually Germ-manic) ambitions for GlobalCommonWealth(c) (of 200+ nations in 2OO7???). CommonWealth (a version of communism) for 6+ billion people, world-wide, to live like my class, grade 7s would, they say, if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed.
AFTER WW3, The Cold War?, preserving this agenda.
AFTER the covert WW4 that began in England in about 1666 AD with the pre-conditions for http://www.oup.com/, my alma pater, beginning "The Truth as Information Peaceful Cultural Revolution"(c), TTIPCR; being a war on Global Ignorance(c), toward providing a proper public (funded) grade 7, second form, or better education for everyone, including some elementary reason and simple logic.
AFTER WW5, "The War On War"(c), WOW, that began 2007 years ago with the birth of The Baby Jesus (Hey-Zeus) representing all human Babies. Human Children Who don't forget anything they see or hear, when Parents and other Adults must seem like Gods to Infants and Toddlers? Thus engendering The NewClear Age, Global Canada. Leaving the human-race laughing at the world's comic 'elite?' of adult aged children. A pathetic group of emotionally disturbed "Richest 100 List", for example. Wealthy morons seeking attention from other idiots who require audiences of 'the poor' to admire how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7s, were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed.
AFTER living among about 643,456 Calgarians http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calgary as a youth until 1968 when I moved to Vancouver BC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver, with even more adult aged children there trying to impress "the poor' required as audiences for how Vancouver/Victoria British Columbia's comic 'elite?' live, playing house and playing family like they're in the movies or on TV?
AFTER meeting mostly rejects from The USA, Europe, 'Great?' Britain, Eastern Canada and Asia here 'on' BC who're oddly, to me, desperately trying to buy class from stores and real-estate salespeople? With, even then, no-one in gutless major Canadian media flattering these rich and emotionally disturbed rather pathetic adult aged children seeking attention from other Social Morons(c) who're trying to impress 'the poor' in Vancouver BC; about 100% of the market for local* popular media?
AFTER reading local* Media(c) NEWS including English (who are not British) style, American improved, Canadian perfected but evolving humor mercilessly flattering how 12 year olds would live, they say, if grade 7s were royalty, rock and movie stars, lottery winners, politicians, successful criminals, oil and shiny rock finding geniuses, church leaders, and/or, my ambition, millionaire BlogMeisters living in Vancouver BC for the past 50 years?
AFTER imagining myself writing as several 12 year old local* genius grade 7 journalists, awed by BC's 'hillbillies*', hopefully, eventually, making fun of them in their own media products?
AFTER recently discovering "Therapeutic Early AM - Blogging"(c) TEAM-B(c), as a way to plant 'key words' and 'key phrases' into the "Global-Cyber-Sphere"(c) to attract ads; and hopefully also an audience of GenXers I'll try to convince to vote for adults with iQs over 100 (normal/average) into public (funded) office instead of adult aged children who're embarrassing Canadians (and Americans) internationally by trying to impress Euro-peons whose social sewer and cultural toilet Ancient and Con-Temporary 'Civilizations?' have been an international academic joke for centuries.
AFTER the past 50 years since I was 12 years old, of exponentially increasing contempt for the creatures that refer to humans as resources; especially those who prey on human children in public (funded) schools; as if they were never children themselves. As you can see. . . I'm going AFTER these assholes; hopefully eventually in their own media products, in the traditions of my tribe's local* FREE-lance journalists/writers and the past 2000 years or so of local* NEWS, weather and sports. With "Current Events" in Vancouver BC observed by my class here*. Grade 7 honors social studies. A 'think tank" if you like. A class of geniuses. All with high. . . iQs. All of us awed by "The Rich and Famous" i.e. "Wealthy and Emotionally Disturbed" whore playing house and playing family trying to impress 'the poor' in Vancouver BC and elsewhere. But also awed by characters who wander around The World saving The Planet, usually somehow at public expense, while Vancouver BC, for example, and all Canada's and The USA's major cities; as defined by major Universities, continue to deteriorate toward becoming like Europe's and Asia's and Africa's ugly festering collections of socially and otherwise illiterate slobs, required as audiences for their comic 'elite?'?
Rational Blog Note RBT(c):
The 'class system?' in Calgary Alberta in 1946 when I was 2 years old, included the largest population of idiot ex patriot Americans outside The USA. Mostly oil and gas finding geniuses from Texas and Oklahoma, bringing high. . . American culture* to Canada, including The Calgary Stampede, 'The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth?' now eclipsed, however, by wars (to to test weapons) in Iraq etc. as George Orwell predicted in both 1984 and Animal Farm (books) Required reading in grade 7 in Alberta Canada.
I've decided that AFTER requires me to dwell too much on my tortured youth and the horrors of my sad life as a baby, infant and toddler in Calgary Alberta. And, generally I'm worried that my 'Poor Me Storys'(c), PMS, will expose readers of my Blog to unimaginable vicarious suffering, including unrelenting anxieties and occasional panic attacks, depression and other emotional problems? Perhaps leading some morons to drug abuse, alcoholism, over-eating, anorexia, sucking on cigarettes as a chemical teat stinking up their immediate atmosphere and assaulting humans with second-lung smoke etc.?
I've also decided that, since the topic AFTER also requires me to predict the future while dwelling on my tribe's (Brutish, actually Germ-manic) bizarre and ugly history of comic Empires, childish Kingdoms (why not Queendumbs now?) creepy Dominions and juvenile agendas for CommonWealth (communism) for 200+ nations in 2OO7 and 6+ billion people world-wide. Communisms/CommonWealths; based on how royalty, rock and movie stars, lottery winners, shiny rock and oil finding geniuses, successful criminals and others live trying to impress 'the poor', I may be out of my depth philosophically in terms of how to describe my present contempt for psychotics, by their own definitions, that refer to Canadians as human resources, objects/commodities, from public (funded) office as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? Gods? Comic Vampires? Parasites? And, generally, don't criminals regard humans as resources, philosophically?
AFTER also would require me to associate myself with all the billions of humans born on Earth over the past 63 years with similar or even sadder "Poor Me Storys"?
Billions of helpless infants and toddlers who, I've decided, like me, don't forget anything. Perhaps within A "Christian Paradigm" re: The Baby Hey-Zeus representing every child born on Earth over the past 2000 years?
Probably about 74, 245, 386, 491.36 billion human souls on Earth over the past 50,000 years? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population
Apparently beginning with changes in the primate brain from living day to day, to planning for the future? Perhaps even working for a living? Instead of, like royalty, corporate and other welfare bums, some social workers, slobs in public (funded) office, only planning for the future when the public pays for everything? The 'future/past' of "Comic CommonWealth"? Everyone living like we're in the movies or on TV? Or like all Canada's and The USA's politicans do in 2008?
But also with reference to the past 2000 years of local* NEWS and subsequent literature written by local* journalists in several major and minor languages. Including, by default, English (who all live in England) style, American improved Canadian perfected yet evolving local* humor ?
So, since I'm less capable than I'd rather of thinking like a God or an Alien, or a drunk or druggie with world-visions and global-ideas, or parasite or criminal, that would regard other humans as resources, objects/commodities, I've decided to try to identify myself with being a member of The Average Canadian 'Statistics Canada' Employee 'family unit' -> including one person families, I've mentioned from time to time.
SINCE(c) I live in BC Canada, whose juvenile government has been conned into various ad-ventures sold by internationally respected con-arti$ts selling whatever attributes wealth to them, I will henceforth leave Global-Thinking to others with more realistic World-Visions than mine, and concentrate on what I do best; ask questions of other geniuses that are really answers, hoping to con-vince intellectual juveniles that an idea was their own. Nothing being more powerful than an Idea whose time has come?
That Idea?:
Global Vancouver BC as an Ideal model for a GlobalVillage. A GlobalCity(c) based on the ideas our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers at The University of British Columbia, with The UBC Press backgrounding all 'media' in BC.
A Global Metropolice(Metro-Police?) with one source of media, Global-World-News-Services, GWNS.
Global News orchestrated in terms of the past 2000 years or so of local* NEWS (weather and sports?). Earth's media thus as a function of my tribe's (British, actually Germ-manic) hysterical record and comic CommonWealth and ridiculous Empires that, in 2OO7, are an international (academic) joke. A joke especially among among survivors of cartoon Sky God religions. Revolving ethics religions invented by geniuses who refer to humans as flocks of sheep and/or with reference to fishers of men? Religions with weird anthropomorphically interfaced Bibles that, as 'the World of God', suggesting that God, not them, is insane. Religions and their resultant States, like Ancient Rome, Egypt and others, that first and foremost go after human children.
With children (kids/livestock) as the future of CommonWealth (communism/materialism) where democracy (including attendant mindless statistics and self serving polls?) are corrupted by socially and otherwise illiterate populations of adult aged children who elected other adult aged children in public (funded) office.
Children exposed to what kindergarten means to psychotics, by their own definitions who're suffering from various world-visions and hallucinations. Liberated (to do what?) women that 'have?' kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls after 'having?' sex; perhaps afters 'having?' lunch? With 'sexual intercourse' referred to as 'making love'? Then couched in the term Rome-antic? Perhaps to include virginity as a commodity? This, of course, academically, within tribal (and thus racial) agendas for increasing populations of 'human resources' = tithe/income tax payers.
Human resources, objects/commodities, taught from birth that wealth buys class for emotionally disturbed victims of 'Intellectual Rape(c)' that begins in homes where Parents/Guardians and other adults must seem like Gods to babies?
Then about 100% of Teacher-Figures. in Canada anyway, in the 'early grades' K-4, are also women. Women we must hope are among our brightest and best. Ideal women with social iQs over 100 (average/normal).
Unlike all knowing Priests and other evangelical functions of a Sky God in the Images of Men? 'Men?' who seem terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other.
Re-legions of 'men?' historically and now abusing Christianity while hiding out in fierce armies (especially navies?), monasteries, Masonic and other temples, mosques, citadels, board rooms, biker and other gangs, gay bars, congresses, parliaments, legislatures; anywhere away from woe'men?'. Yet obsessed with 'what Global Canadian women want'?
Perhaps to live like The USA's so called Christian Religious Leaders do in 2007? While the Biblical Jesus, for example, was among 'the poor'.
Or to live like Canada's and other comic 'elite?' do, trying to impress 'the poor' by living like my class, grade 7s. would, if 12 year olds were among The Richest 'Men?' in The World?
So, INSTEAD (a future Blog/Book?) I'll write this Blog as the average Canadian 'Father-Figure' here in New Westminster BC. Because I'm like a God in the image of Man to my wife of the past 35 years and children who call me dad; or daddy when they want something.
An average Head (King of the House/Castle my wife says) of an average 'family unit' somehow scraping by with a mere $65,354.27 CAN of annual taxable 'family income' in Canada (2006 figures) for 3.68 average Canadian 'family members' sharing a semi-detached 'dwelling' in the movies or on TV. How do we do it??? On a mere $1000 CAN a week??? (after taxes). Especially since 90% of the wealth in Canada is distributed among about 5% of Canadians who pay no income taxes yet who're admired by populations of geniuses who also want to impress 'the poor' by living like my class would, they say, if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy, socially and otherwise illiterate yet also emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions.
Thus, of course, I'm hoping to interest The CBC in producing a TV (or radio?) show here in Vancouver BC called "Father Knows Best" if "Mother Knows Least", by implication. But perhaps titled "Relationships" with my class of grade 7s (but as adults) in a round-table discussion about world-visions employing global-thinking? As a 'think tank" called 'The Global Canada Institute' consisting of Canada's geniuses with high iQs (and perhaps Ph D's) who're capable of thinking, they say, like Gods?
If you're really serious about promoting English (who all live in England) style, American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor in Vancouver BC, send a donation to:
'Bryan Clifford the Great', Fuhrer of The 5th Reich, GlobalCanada BC, c/o The Fraser Institute, 4th Floor, 1770 Burrard St., Vancouver BC Canada, V6J 3G7
Tel: (604) 688-0221, Fax: (604) 688-8539
http://www.fraserinstitute.org/supportus/contributionlevels.htm , all geniuses they claim. But also to help me become a member of the "Fraser Institute". . . 'Founder's Circle' in Vancouver BC; all geniuses with $10,000 to donate.
Thus, the New GlobalCanada theme will be SINCE(c) and concerned with Zen (The Present) and everyone in GlobalCanada ignoring the past and the future in favor of concentrating on Our-Selves, as citizens of GlobalCanada. With Vancouver BC as an ideal model for a GlobalVillage in 2OO7 based on Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers at, or near, Canada's world renowned major Universities like UBC, that define each of Canada's major social-sewer cultural-toilet cities in terms of local* media defined by University Presses, just as The Oxford Press, for example, defines England (where all the Engs live) sharing a laugh at British Royalty, for example, a few of which, I was taught, are kept in elaborate zoos LEST WE FORGET what average humans have evolved from.
SINCE(c) Blog readers, I've noticed, are mostly probably either mindless robots, like 'spiders', and/or 95% adult aged children looking for visual dramas to entertain low iQ shoppers attracted to the lures of those of us fishing for 'suckers' (voters), I've decided to put a positive/sane spin on my Blog.
SINCE(c), as voters, GenXers are the future of GlobalCommonWealth(c) and thus are GlobalCanada's targets for propaganda (advertising). I'll be trying to exploit adult aged children, as Hitler did, to get elected, as Hitler was, by populations of idealistic Canadians.
SINCE(c) 'the ancient elite' I admire for their Wonders of the World and tourist attractions of huge absolutely useless monuments to Ancient Psychotics, by their own definitions contacted me 50 years ago and are now my 'spirit guides'; who have since continued to contacted me through a secret talisman I found glowing with a strange light in a thrift store:
Vancouver BC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver
shares the distinction with my tribe's (British, actually Germ-manic) other major cities, of being social sewers and economic toilets increasingly infested with socially and otherwise illiterate rejects from everywhere else in The World who're desperately trying to impress 'the poor' and each other with how my class, grade 7s, would live, they say. if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed.
Soon, if things get really weird, professional athletes and professional actors will be getting elected into public (funded) office to become professional politicians??? All geniuses I'm sure. Enabled by high iQs and higher. . . academic educations to deal with very sophisticated 'professional' sales-people (lobbyists) and other '(self) interest groups' who're, in my opinion, always functions of how 12 year olds think? If grade 7s were sure money buys class for illiterate slobs to, say, dress up in The Emperors New Clothes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes and live like royalty would if clowns and pimps were wealthy; and had their own well paid yet mindless armies of police?
SINCE(c) will address facts such as:there's never been a fee-male President of The USA*? There's never been a woe"man?" General of The Armed Farces of 'Great?' Britain, The USA or Canada? No woman has ever climbed to the top of Mount Everest? No woman has ever written a droning Bible, juvenile epic air-head poetry or comprehensive History of The World? There are no women Prophets. No women have landed on The Moon? No women in monasteries? Gay bars? Exclusive 'men's?' clubs? Masons? No women in Ancient armies of morons wandering around killing each other for 'what women want'? No Mothers of Nations? No Founding Mothers? I'm confused.
AFTER I'm elected as Furer of GlobalCanada I promise here on this Blog that, in The 5th Reich, New Canada, The Canadian Empire, beginning here in BC:
1. Canadian men will continue to do all the hard labor, dangerous or dirty jobs, dominate parliaments, organized crime, police forces/armies, so the average GlobalCanadianWoman can continue to run Canada through simple minded goons and drones who are functions of 'what women want' where prostitution, politics and
wrestling, for examples, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus and Mars?
2. Canadian women will continue to 'have?' kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls within my tribe's (British, actually Germ-manic) ugly version of what kindergarten means to psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned.
2a. Canada's education system will continue to be predicated on producing a comic 'elite?' of Canada's brightest and best enabled by an higher... (or advanced?) education to communicate in esoteric drivel with other psychotics, by their own definitions. Perpetuating a comic 'upper...class' of GlobalVisionaries who seem to have one thing in common; non of them have ever worked for a living at anything worthwhile?
3. As Prime Minister (Fuhrer) of GlobalCanada I will have my Southern Headquarters in DisneyWorld close to Epcot Centre where, like The Wizard of OZ (OZ, Os or Aus means South to the psychotics I've mentioned) I will live alone, with my talisman consulting with My Gods (including Bill Gates who owes me $10?)
A Canadian Rant:
SINCE(c) The USA is now, you'll agree, a largely polluted and eco-logically raped social wilderness in 2007, inhabited by about 400 million increasingly illiterate, depressed and confused but belligerent juvenile Americans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American all trying to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7s, were also rich enough to make fools of themselves? We, the humans, must continue to try to buy happiness from stores, confuse liberty to do something worthwhile with liberation to act like mindless children and, even more fun, define human life itself as a commodity/resource; through ancient and ugly creatures that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? Gods? Vampires? Cannibals? Tax Collectors? And don't criminals, Satans, D'evils and teens , generally, regard humans as resources too?
I was taught in grade school in Canada 50 years ago, that The American Dream was A Dream 'of the people (humans)' 'for the people' and 'by the people'. Including, that every American child; of either official gender, of any race or color would, eventually, be afforded 'adequate!' food, clothing, shelter and a grade 7 or higher... education?
What Happened????
Thus Hitlers' (and my) ambitions for A GlobalCommonWealth, The 5th Reich, GlobalCanada for 'white folks' and our admirers to live like The Average Canadian 'Family Unit' of Statistics Canada (government) Employees I've mentioned, who're somehow scraping by with a mere $64,365.27 (2006 figures) of 'family income'??? How do we do it???? I will reveal this in a future Blog AFTER I get elected, as Hitler was, by populations of desperately demented Canadians who, apparently, all want to be more like Americans in the movies or on TV?
GlobalCanada's Official Religion
(help needed, please edit for coherency and email to bryan_clifford@shaw.ca; nothing will be kept confidential, so please tell the truth ) :My Global Dream is perhaps within 'A Dream of A God'?
A God with the highest. . . possible iQ that I admire for being The Creator of Everything real and not, including the exterior of The Universe and Time/Space continuums but especially The Internet and world wide web populated with those of us with $1000 computers and $100 mth, high speed internet and time to sit on our butts for hours with other juveniles whore, it seems, all looking for 'relationships?' and/or 'selling something' to each other, led by international merchants of this and that, 'goods?' and 'services?' in a Global-Ethics-Vacuum requiring 'the poor' to define the behaviors of 'the rich' while the 'middle class' (of human families) disappears in favor of 'relationships?' among 'sexuals?' who, by defining themselves that way, identify with (other) animals in the bizarre traditions of my tribe (and thus race) and other 'visible minorities and majorities' who corrupt democracy by voting for other adult aged children, like Hitler and The Nazis were, to provide CommonWealth for all Canadians in 2OO7? Leaving 100 million Mexicans and 400 million Americans as 'the poor' required to admire The Canadian Dream. A Dream among Canadians of being more like Americans in the movies and on TV??? Especially rich Americans? Who, while being an international joke, at least provide literate Canadians and Americans (who all live in The USA) with something to laugh at?
Thus an all knowing, all powerful God that is everywhere in The Universe* at the same time? Perhaps a 'God of Gods?' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henotheism with an Intellect even greater than Earth's brightest and best and/or morons who make up iQ tests? A 'Genius God' without any form understandable by humans? Thus A God That may objectify all religions from the point of view of philosophy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy in 2007? A "Philosopher of Philosophers' in 2007 with the highest possible iQ thus enable with not merely world-visions and/or global-thinking, but with at least Universal- visions and perhaps Spherical-Thinking as an observer of The Universe from outside it? A Universe defined by 'the speed of light' as an absolute that's, however, also defined by an Observer... who, to define light must, as they say, be in the dark?
?What if the 'God of Gods' that exists on the outside of The Universe is thus Observing all of the billions of stars in millions of galaxies? Waiting, as a subject in space/time eternally for a human on Earth to define the border between light and dark theoretically? With light associated with intellect and dark associated with psychotics, by their own definitions, who refer to humans as resources, claim to be more intelligent than God and thus define The Creator (of everything) as being in the image of 'man?', for example, while apparently terrified of woe'men?' who must seem like Goddesses to human babies. Then, as I've said, about 100% of teachers in 'the early grades' in Canada, The USA and 'The West' are also women. Women we must hope are sane?
So Global Canada's schools will teach human children only the truth, including some simple reason and elementary logic relative to where they (human children) live in the-real-world. Helping them perhaps eventually share a laugh with other locals* at both Capitalism and Communism (materialisms) promoted by 'econo-in-the-mists' where prostitution, politics and wrestling, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade (and trade ethics) among pimp governments that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens?
The End of AFTER
SINCE(c) (rhymes with sense) will continue as I get time.
Bryan Clifford Bs D ( Bs D means "with the help of AGod(c): The Creator of Everything and Everyone", in He-brew, a Germ-manic tongue?)
Publisher (self appointed) 0f The CBC Press (but the bastards won't pay me???)
Phone 604 520-6612 days (I need my sleep)
email bryan_clifford@shaw.ca with any sane questions, or answers, or, if you're troubled with money problems? Or, if you're rich (and blond) and lonely?
*decision to seek election as President(Fuhrer) of Global Canada- Like Hitler was I'm unemployable; being physically (and mentally) disabled from doing much worthwhile anymore. So, like professional politicians, prostitutes and too many lawyers, I'll seek election into public (funded) office by employing convoluted rhetoric, as Hitler did, about world-visions and various pre-historic and older New World Orders for CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2OO7?) and 6+ billion people world-wide to live like 'The Richest 'Men?' in the World' do? Adult aged children desperately trying to impress each other , 'the poor' and 12 year olds with their wealth. Wealth that, however, always, you'll agree, seems to accrue to geniuses? Noble 'men?' with high iQs? 'Men?' who're not functions of 'what (illiterate) women want, but rather functions of the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature provided by local* human journalists/writers observing reality here* and telling the truth... in 2OO7? I live in Vancouver BC, for example, where gutless media (barons?) employ intellectually and otherwise juvenile 'appointed publishers?' and mercenary editors (failed writers) who, in turn, employ toady wimp journalists who seem to 'think?' they're in the movies or on TV? So, as a result, no-one is flattering BC's and Canada's 'hillbillies' any more? No-one is writing like 12 year olds awed by how Canada's comic 'elite?' play house and play family trying to impress 'the poor' in Vancouver BC, for example, required as audiences for an 'upper class' of thus socially and otherwise illiterate slobs, most of whom I know (of) after living in Vancouver/Victoria BC for the past 45 years sharing a laugh with other locals* at these geniuses. Assisted in the past by 'honest journalists' and 'self-appointed publishers' who aren't functions of psychotics, by their own definitions, with deeply weird 'roots' in a tribal (and thus racial) agenda for, say, Global Israel? Sane Publishers focusing on The-Real-World in BC? Perhaps Federal Government funded Publishers of The CBC Press??? One in each of Canada's Provincial Capitals? Resident at that Province's major University? Thus representing The UBC Press, for example??? Defining BC in terms of Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers??? Instead of socially and otherwise illiterate savages who attribute high iQs to themselves and perhaps form comical 'think tanks' to advise other morons about world-visions and global-thinking encoded by several econo-in-the-mists whose theories have been an international disgrace and academic joke for centuries of elementary grade school 'logic and reason' con notating 'individual responsibility' for behavior among adults in Vancouver BC? (robots/spiders and/or rote inculcated intellectually morally and ethically amorphous victims of what kindergarten means to the psychotics, by their own definitions I've mentioned, couldn't read this blog, but a human with an iQ over 100; normal/average could; so let's see what ads show up now?)
*anyone who asks- my thanks again to "Brenda Lavender" of Anacortes WA USA, last I heard, for asking me, 45 years ago, to save her from 'poverty and injustice' and her sub-human bio'family?' of, she said, low-life creepy creatures who're sure 'kids (livestock) forget?". Brenda's and other similar 'Poor Me Storys' about tortured childhoods in little houses where every moment of anything that 'happens' is managed by a stay at home 'Mother-Figure' , are the inspiration for this blog and, indeed, all my writing, such as it is. And my inspiration toward a better understanding of 'what (illiterate) women want' on planets where prostitution, politics and wrestling, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? And I wonder, why is it that abused children blame everyone but the abuser? Often as if booze and other drugs makes monsters out of otherwise God-like Parents who, as we all know in 2OO7, know exactly what they're doing to children, but are sure 'kids?' (livestock) forget.
Perhaps hoping that bizarre tribal religions will help rationalize any perversion as long as leaders of pimp religions that promote 'go forth and multiply' more human resources get paid for doing nothing worthwhile. While, of course, identifying with a God (or Gods) in the images of 'man?'? Gods that apparently need really big 'houses of god?' to impress 'the poor'? With potentials for wealth re-creating ancient absolutely useless 'man-made wonders of the world?' that are admired, even today, by low iQ but very well paid morons obsessed with 'Antiquities?' that, essentially, prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that 'The Ancients?' were illiterate emotionally disturbed idiots, according to ancient writing. But it's 11:am and I must stop entertaining myself. Work to do.
*American- a small scattered tribe/race of sapient human beings living in The USA sharing a laugh with me at humanoid creepy creatures that refer to humans as resources, as if they're not human themselves, and who're thus psychotic by their own definitions, so don't share The American Dream: adequate food, clothing, health-care and shelter and a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better education for all Americans, perhaps before voting or being in public (funded) office and/or offering advice to other countries about how democracy works etc..
* high. . . American Culture(c)- The USA is the largest single market on Earth for illegal and legal drugs in 2OO7. The American public (funded) education system is an international joke in 2OO7. More and more American children are obese and psychotic in 2OO7 because non of them could read this far; let alone the bills and other rot submitted to male-fronted but fee-male, mom and apple pie, controlled Congress by very clever British inspired con-artists. There are more murders and other crime per-capita in The USA than anywhere else on Earth in 2OO7.
*pimp-media- public funded and other global/international products of Satan representing the D'evil on Earth owned and managed by creatures that refer to humans as resources as if they're not human themselves. often, however, made fun of in their own media products by local* journalists who flatter how 12 year old would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, were rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed morons playing house and playing family trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for BC's comic 'elite?' most of whom I know (of) after living here* for the past 45 years, including selling millions of dollars worth of class to to hundreds of BC's 'hillbillies', mostly rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe and Asia desperately trying to re-create the social sewers and economic toilets got rid of them?
*locals- Earthlings
*NEWS- North, East, West. South
*royals-> public expense- The English (who are not British and who all live in England) apparently keep a few royals in elaborate zoos, I was taught, LEST WE FORGET what human civilization has evolved from despite inbreeding among psychotics, by their own definitions, who share the iQs of the 'Great?" apes and monkeys and other critters they they admire while, however, more often identifying with lions and tigers, bull dogs and bears, eagles and bees, yet are, generally, as dumb as rocks; but usually well dressed?
*Universe-Cities-a rather bizarre concept that probably originated with the discovery of alcoholic beverages 48,345 years ago by geniuses who cleverly let fruit rot and/or ate ergot tainted grains, or were just idiots in the first place, but were capable of global-thinking about 50,000 years ago, they say, mostly very strong and masculine adult aged boys lowering their already compromised iQs with cortical depressants to, I think, become functions of what Neolithic cave-women wanted, even today, as various tribes, and thus races, of socially and otherwise ignorant and illiterate slobs elect other adult aged children in 2OO7 into public (funded) office instead of our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers in terms of 'what would Jesus, for example, be' in 2OO7 or even 2000 years ago in The Holy Land; a social toilet and economic sewer then and now?
*people- humans
*taxable- income tax is actually a 'tithe' on human labor penalizing productive work done by the humans to support creatures that have referred to humans as resources; objects/commodities, for millennia, creatures that also pay for armies/police from the public trusts to protect their property from other criminals and/or to conduct expansions of 'land claims', historically, on planets where 'possession' is 90% of the law (once 100%?) among a comic 'elite?' who're admired by (other) 12 year olds for their elaborate life-styles but have been international jokes for centuries among humans who can read this far without help.
*humans- Earthlings
*peers- anyone who agrees with me
*Universe- 'Uni' means one, that when combined with 'verse', as in re-verse, means forward in a zombie (undead?) language of The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire of The German Nations from which we get 'progre$$' as defined by geniuses I've mentioned who promote CommonWealth for 6+ billion people in 2007 to live like the average American in the movies or on TV playing house and playing family like all Canadian and American politicians do, trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for my Blog?
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
*here- Earth
*the real world- Earth
NB - must publish this, with apologies to GoogleMeisters. But thanks for the opportunity to vent early in the morning ...
New Blog (rant) next week. If I get time. X-mass lights to put up for my neighbors to enjoy, I hope. In Canada... in mid winter, with thousands of home-less and increasing ugliness brought from Europe, "Great?' Britain, Asia and The USA by rejects whore trying to re-create the social sewers and economic toilets that got rid of them here in BC? A comic SUPERpower to the south dominated by adult aged children all trying to impress 'the poor'. China with 2.5 billion people now awed by movie and TV lifestyles of intellectual juveniles? Democracy, generally, demon-strating the flaws of elected governments if the electorate is illiterate? Pictures worth a thousand words to morons. Movies and TV and other media lying to
everyone through mindless childish publishers, producers and directors? Only Blogs addressing the Truth? The New Bible? Beginning with Rev 22:22 "Go love thyselves" Jesus speaking to the translators of The Ancient Scriptures (journals). Translated into nonsense like The James Bible, and other tomes of rot composed about 500 years ago by adult aged boys who seem terrified of women, but were very fond of each other?
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