Monday, February 11, 2008

"SANE SENIORS" (or "Sobrio Seniors" in Mehico) in 2008 "what men want". A discussion:

A partial list of the winners of The Global Canada "Google University" PH D lottery 2007 is at the end of this blog.

For a complete list send $10,000 CAN to The Fraser Institute in my name, A. Bryan Clifford, so I can become a member of their 'Founders Circle' and make fun of them in their own media products.

Hi from Vancouver BC,

More early am "Blogging Therapy" from "Bryan Clifford" in New Westminster BC on behalf of "Sane Seniors"(c) of British Columbia and elsewhere.

NB - My blogs require a proper grade 7 or better public (funded) education (graduate school in most of The USA) to read and share a laugh with other sane adults at how adult aged children play house and play family desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed in 2008 living like movie and TV characters and/or The Richest Morons in the World crying out for attention.

A message to my fellow "Sane Seniors" of Canada and The USA:


This week's Global Canada picture is of 'what bored men do' in Canada.

The pic was taken last year while I was walking to The Oldest Public (funded) Library in BC located in uptown New Westminster.

New Westminster was the first official capital of British Columbia but is now mostly a seedy slum associated with Greater Vancouver BC.

Greater Vancouver BC has a dozen mayors and city councils and police forces serving about 2.5 million people, about 1/2 the population of Brooklyn NY.

The titular Mayor of BC (Vancouver/Victoria) in 2008, Premier Gordon Campbell, presides over a juvenile legislature of adult aged children, in my opinion, who're drunk with political power, and literally, so these often well meaning but naive intellectual morons are easy targets for very sophisticated internationally connected salespeople who wouldn't live in BC on a bet.

Salespeople called 'carpetbaggers' by Americans. Financiers (pirates) who float huge flawed projects with OPM, Other People's Money, then go back to live in warmer climes. Places in the "sun belt' where Canada's politicians vacation (attend conferences and conventions etc.) at public expense. Sharing a laugh at Average Canadians or Americans who, increasingly, can't afford adequate food, clothing and modest shelter in 2008?

Yet all Canada's and The USA's politicians and religious leaders live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was elected into public (funded) office to embarrass Average Canadians and Americans internationally in 2008. Not to mention attracting terrorists and other criminals to places where, they say, prostitutes, politicians and criminals are professionals and sex is a trade among emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who, I believe, were intellectually raped from birth by Adults, who must seem like Gods to human babies, to then endure ugly world-visions and at least global delusions?

Including that CommonWealth (of 200+ nations??? in 2008) is possible for 6+ billion people to live like The Average American does in 2008 trying to impress 'the poor' in The USA required as audience for The Real American Dream of Empire, TRADE, shared among psychotics, by their own definitions, I mentioned that refer to Canadians and Americans as "human resources", objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Royalty? Predatory Salespeople? Cartoon Vampires (tithe/income tax collectors), Blood sucking insects?

And, don't pirates and other criminals, generally, regard humans as resources?

BC's comic 'elite?' in this regard, for example, never use public transportation themselves. Why should they ? The public pays for their SUVs and gas? Their houses and vacations. Even though they're public employees, paying themselves well above what the mythical Average Canadian gets paid, creating generous pensions for themselves for 'public service' as if they're somehow compromised by being in public office from making more money while, as everyone knows, most of these characters are 'on the take' in one way or another and/or have never worked a day in their lives at anything worthwhile anyway.

And, sadly major "pimp media" (directly or indirectly funded by "pimp government") in BC never flatters Canada's comic slob 'elite?' in this regard?

Following on international "pimp media" that, generally, refers to itself as "global" but merely represents tribal (and this racial) agendas for juvenile "comic SUPERpowers" to perpetuate "comic Empires" that, historically, provide CommonWealth for a few emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who're trying to impress 'the poor' with their life(as)styles while, as you know, Communism (dialectical materialism) promised CommonWealth (organic materialism=Capitalism +/- Communism ) for 2.5 billion Chinese, for example, to all live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 honors social studies class were political leaders in China in 2008?

Almost as if BC's (and Canada's) major media is perhaps government owned and/or subsidized through intricate refunding of the income taxes and tithes (on incomes of the humans) I mentioned so the local NEWs is never making fun of these morons in Vancouver BC?

Or, in fact, anywhere on Earth in major print media 2008?

No-one seems to be flattering "The World's Richest People" any more? Despite audiences, I believe, of millions of "sane adults" for English style American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor
Perhaps especially Genius GenXers, The Lost Generation, of whining sniveling materially spoiled soulless drunk/druggy young adults whimpering about everything while having ZERO representation in any government anywhere on Earth because they too lazy/stupid to vote for "sane adults" to form "sane governments" of public (funded) employees "of the people", "by the people" and "for the people". Lending to "proper democracy" where "literate populations" vote for "literate representatives" to occupy public (funded) office instead of the lunatics, by their own definitions, that refer to Canadians and Americans, for example, in the 3rd person as, say, "the public" as if they're not of "the public" themselves?

A "mental disorder" most evident, in my opinion, in 2008 AD among creatures that refer to Canadians and Americans as human-resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens? Blood sucking insects? Cartoon vampires (tax collectors?)? And, don't criminals, generally, also regard humans as resources?

BC is about 3 times bigger than Texas but is 3/4 un-inhabitable mountains that run south paralleling the Pacific coasts of North and South America along a 'time zone', Pacific Standard Time, PST, extending between the north and south 'poles'.

BC has no local* media representing Canada's unique history
The Canadian Dream for Canadian Children

1. sane Parents/Guardians
2. adequate healthy food
3. adequate shelter
4. adequate clothing
5. a proper grade 7 or better public (funded) school education (graduate school in most of The USA)
5. "sane Teachers", especially in the 'early grades', K-4,

BC, for example, easily has the economic resources to provide this for 4 million people in BC. If, however, and only if, the socially and otherwise illiterate rejects from The UK, Europe and Asia who're trying to impress 'the poor" here would all go back 'home' permanently, and be laughed at in England, Western Europe and Civilized parts of Asia by locals* there.


Power; usually required by bullies with low iQs to enforce their will, has historically required police/armies of lonely 'men?' in BC over the past 150 years to maintain 'law and order' toward the Canadian Dream of, they say, being more like 'Great?' Britain and/or The USA (or Europe and/or Asia) in the recent past. All grotesquely overpopulated with human-resources required for labor and to tithe and tax to create funding for a comic 'elite?' to play house and play family like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was in the movies or on TV aping royalty, aping the 'upper classes' or, more accurately perhaps, aping how The "Great?' Apes, monkeys and baboons would live if prime-mates were rich and famous?

Overpopulation encouraged by "Pimp Religions" and "Pimp States" led by, well, Pimps. Usually with reference to ancient tribal (and thus racial) preposterous 'civilizations?' that were social sewers and cultural toilets then and are, thank God, in ruins now. Admired, however, by psychotics, by their own definitions, in Canada and elsewhere, whose world-visions and global-thinking, they claim, are very much like Hitler's was, yet they, oddly to me, promote Global Israel, for example, instead of Global Germany or, even funnier, Global Canada? Free beer?

Yet all these assholes are somehow funded through or by Canada's public trusts? Just like Canada's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers (all conArtists?) living off grants, bursaries, huge salaries etc. all paid by the Canadian public, their employers, they refer to as human-resources as if they're not human themselves? Elevated, I guess?, by an higher. . . (or advanced?) education and/or unearned wealth to become among "Canada's Clowns" in "Clown Corporations" representing The British Clown per "Clown Land" and, as with the 'Great?" apes, fascinated by "The Clown Jewels" among characters to whom shiny rocks and dogs are, they say, best friends? Psychotics by their own definitions.

In Canada, however, I'm told, Katsup is man's best friend and, as in England, where all the Engs live, women have been equal but different for centuries where prostitution, politics and crime, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade.

BC's has an embarrassing 150 year history of a comic slob 'elite?' of adult aged children from 'Great?" Britain, Europe, The USA and Asia desperately trying to re-create the social sewers and cultural toilets that got rid of them.

BC's recorded history is an international joke in 2008. Yet celebrated, at public expense, by the beneficiaries BC's 150 year love affair (rape) of "Mother Earth?" with British ambitions for rejects from 'Great?' Britain, in particular, referring to "manifest destiny" with destiny, I suspect, referring to a "destination" and "manifest" meaning, roughly, "real" as with various "Manifestos" I've read, including "The Capitalist Manifesto" re: CommonWealth and "The Communist Manifesto" re: Communism that are both "MATERialisms" suggesting "prosperity for everyone on Earth in 2008 is possible for 6+ billion people worldwide in 200+ countries to live like you do if you have access to high speed internet and $1000+ computers?


Including that The Thames, for example, was used as a toilet for 400 years and London England could, they say, be smelled from Paris then, by Parisians who were using The Seine as a toilet that could be smelled from Berlin where The Spree could be smelled from Poland etc..


The winners of my "Global Google University" "Ph D lottery" for degrees in "ologies". theoretical "ics" and political science (whatever that is) are:

1. Dr. Marsha N Mallow (12) for her work in "How To Get a Government Position or Job in Canada Without a Brain"

2. Dr. Albrecht (egg head) Einstein (11) for his study titled "Since Albert Einstein's work was published 30 year before he was born by and others, are all Jews Geniuses?"

3. Dr. Maggi Davenport (12) for her work "How The Salvation Army and Other International Charitable Organizations Have Influenced Sane-Governments to Provide Adequate Food, Clothing, Shelter and Healthcare for Their Employers, The Public, in Places Where Prostitution, Politics and Crime, for example, Never Have Been, Aren't Now Nor Ever will Be Professions or Sex a Trade"

4. Dr. (Honorary) Bill Gates (III) for his being the richest 'man?' in The World in Seattle WA where about 20,000 homeless, 95% men, and other's of Washington State's poor without adequate food, clothing and/or shelter live The American Dream in the middle of winter. With Seattle, in my opinion, best defined by The University of Washington and Seattle University
i.e defined by Washington State's brightest and best who, in turn, define Washington States media. Perhaps especially local* NEWSpapers?

NB- Neither Mr. Gates or anyone else paid me to confer these degrees.

NB 2- Google , as yet, does not operate a 'Real-University'.

So the Ph Ds are instead certified by Global Canada University, GCU, through affiliation with The University of Bologna per The First Reich, The 1000 year old Holy Roman Empire. Combining Rome-antic nonsense with Germ-Manic tectonic BS into Global Fascism (Global Canada) and CommonWealth for all 40 million Canadians.

"The Canadian CommonWealth" in 2008 requiring the entire GDP of North America, leaving 400 million Americans and 100 million Mexicans as "the poor" required to admire The Canadian Dream of Canada becoming like Europe that got rid of , they say, only their brightest and best geniuses.

I can, and will, however teach simple reason and elementary logic to anyone for free. Please write me at however, if your have any crazier ideas than mine for Globalization of circumstances where you live.

The "Blogger Team" and the "Google Team" have no knowledge of my use of Blogger for these political purposes.

I have, as you can see above, made references to British Legal System, where possession was once 100% of the law. And I will be, in a future blog; if my wife doesn't take my computer away again, employing the notion of 'native land claims' applied to my heritage The UK, as the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son dating back to 1068, to claim lands awarded to

A deed that is still listed in The Domesday Books (there are 2 books. one still a state secret) and proof that I, Lord Clifford of Clifford, the oldest (surviving) son of the oldest son of the oldest son of the oldest son etc. of 'the Clifford line' retains legitimate title to most of Southwest England and all of Wales.

This would, of course, also extend to claiming vast lands on North And South America (The New World?) per The British Empire. However, I'd have to prove in court that 'common (organic evolving) law' is a more valid criteria for "rule of law" than "statute (mechanical/dormant) law" for such land claims.

However, it's 1:30pm here* in Vancouver BC and I should have lunch?

If you are a "Sane Senior" or "Sane Adult" please blog.

Tell the truth about wherever you are.

The truth will make us free they say.


A "Bryan Clifford" BsD (Oxford)

*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
*fact- anything that 'happens' in the real world that can be proven deductively or inductively through observation by 'sane humans' (Earthlings) with iQs over 100 (average/normal) in 2008
*here- Earth
*wherever they are- Earth
* insane by their own definitions- deferring all responsibility away from themselves and blaming various "forces" for making them do stuff then being "forgiven", for a fee, by assholes who claim to be ass-ociated with Gods (in the image of man?) that look to me suspiciously like how I must have appeared to the children who call me dad, and much else I'm sure, when they were babies, infants and toddlers, who were all, however, first exposed to their "Mother" leaving 'men?", no matter what we do, as vaguely remote "Father Figures" and eventually, perhaps, "Sane Seniors" concerned with "the real world" where we live*?

Special thanks again to my best friend and mentor for the past 45 years "Brenda Lavender" of "Evergreen Islands" for teaching me to appreciate human 'family values' after my exposure as a youth to my "Pimp Father" Jim.

A "Monster-Father-Figure" who seemed like a God to me as a child, who, as I recall, tortured and raped me and my siblings for 20 years? Even though he was away working for a living most of the time, and my mother, who didn't drive or work outside our little house in Calgary Alberta, 45 years ago, so was home about 100% of the time, didn't know, she says, what was "happening" to me and my siblings, my younger brother Douglas (an RCMP officer today), Dorothy my younger sister and Joy my other younger sister?

"Brenda Lavender" through endless Stories, parables, references to Bibles and other absolutely accurate histories, helped me realize that I can get away with almost any prevarication if I pretend to be helpless like my mother, Joyce, in association with "Pimp Religions" that objectify human children as "kids" (livestock) and pets, toys and dolls, with perverts, for example, well aware that children can be "programmed" like I was to "trade on sympathy" from dozens of girls I told my sad Storys to, while fishing for "Miss Right" with a "good job" so I could play house in The USA and impress "the poor" in Portland Oregon along with Portland's thousands of other hillbillies who, in The British Traditions of how apes with money can buy class from real-estate brokers and stores, I'm now able to live alone in New Westminster BC in a $500,000 US house not needing to dress up for Haloween to be scary.

And I'd like to thank my friend "Brenda Lavender" as the most truthful person I've ever met, for being the inspiration for this blog and the inspiration for never leaving the children in my care alone with psychotic adults, especially when they were infants and toddlers.


"Therapeutic Blogging" is fun. All Seniors everywhere should be blogging. Hey... maybe there should be a version of Blogger, Face Book, My Space etc. for local* "Sane Seniors" only?:

Blugger? In Your Face Book? My Space For Dummies?

Anyway, I feel better every day in every way thanks to Google and "The Google Teams"

NB - And... if you're a mature rich blond with an high iQ please contact me ASAP, my son, a well paid and handsome carpenter, he says, needs a dishwasher.

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