I'm publishing this blog today, St. Patrick's Day, to honor my Irish/Chinese ancestry, and pay respect to my Europeon and Asian ancestors and their accomplishments, as their example serves my ambition to get elected into public (funded) office or become leader of a Church and never have to work for a living again.
My Chinese Great Grandmother, Low Fat, was the thinnest woman chef in Ireland at the time, and was married to my Great Grandfather, Pat Pending, The World's greatest inventor. Leaving me genetically predisposed to Canadian humor?
Saint Patrick, as you know, was perhaps The World' s Greatest Salesman?: There never were any snakes in Ireland. Just as, as of 2008, Canada has never been free of creatures that refer to Canadians as human resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves. Aliens? And don't criminals, pirates and other parasites , generally, regard humans as resources?
The Global Canada picture today is of the the largest "tin man" http://www.austinmetal.com/web/tinman.htm
in the world. A big, hollow, armored, brainless and stationary yet colorful soldier.
The Largest Tin Man in the World is looking over The "mighty" Fraser River http://snipurl.com/21l78 [www_chrs_ca] that's been used as a toilet for the past 150 years or so by rejects from 'Great?' Britain who, they claim, are "more English that the English" who got rid of them?
With the English; who are not British and who all live in England in 2008, they say, keeping a few inbred and obviously psychotic, by their own definitions, "royals?" in elaborate public funded zoos LEST WE FORGET how 12 year olds would behave if my class, grade 7 honors social studies, was rich and famous, i.e. wealth and emotionally disturbed.
Perhaps http://www.austinmetal.com/web/tinman.htm is an allusion to the tin man in The Wonderful Wizard of OZ ?
The Wonderful Wizard of OZ is a "Poor Me Story", PMS, about Dorothy, an abused child in Kansas, the geodetic center of The Contiguous USA.
Dorothy, like all abused children, is seeking comfort in an elaborate fantasy as far away from Kansas as possible. Abducted by a tornado (rather than Aliens?) with her dog Toto, into an adventure away from the horrors of "family values?" of psychotics, by their own definitions, into a version of "outer space" (or Heaven?); as similarly with Alice in Wonderland, where human girls with Monster Parents; who must seem like Gods in the image of 'man?' to human babies, get to tell the TRUTH about "Pimp Parents", especially "Monster Mother Figures" that 'have?' kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls?
"Mindless Monster Mother Figures" that, over all of Human History, have been everyone's first experiences of touch, smell, sight, sound (including a mother's voice) and taste. "Millions upon Millions of Monster Mother Figures" over the ages programming "kids?" into "gender roles" where prostitution, politics, crime and other parasitic activities are, they say, professions and sex is a trade?
The author of The Wonderful Wizard of Washington DC (OZ) , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Frank_Baum eventually tells us that The Wizard, a guy, is a psychotic little 'man?' in The White House at the end of "The Yellow Brick Road (Streets Paved with Gold?) " akin, in literature. to The Great Gatsby, a perverted yet wealthy degenerate. A classic character re-investigated in the movie "Chinatown" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinatown_(film) and a few other "fables", including The Bible, about how sexual abuse and incest are rationalized by the psychotics, by their own definitions to allow tribes (races), like The British; who're actually Germ-manic, to perpetuate 'family values?" that excuse all possible crimes and perversions among sub-human creatures. Sub-Human and clinically insane creatures that somehow objectify Canadians and Americans, for example, as human resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens?
And don't criminals (and pirates), blood sucking insects and all parasites also regard humans as resources?
However, it seems to me, that China in 2008 has decided to revise "The Chinese Dream" of tribal (and this racial) agendas for World Domination into a version of Communism (CommonWealth) that may be more practical for 6+ billion people, worldwide, to live like The Average Chinese government employee and/or occupant of public (funded) office?
So this blog will be about New China, The 6th Reich?, The Holy Chinese Empire led by China's brightest and best "Sane Seniors" combining higher (or advanced) academic education with practicable wisdom toward a New Chinese World Order?
Perhaps beginning with forgiving all crimes and even the most vile transgressions of decency and morality, if there's any chance whatsoever that China's human-resource can be tithed and/or eventually pay income-tax to support "Pimp Churches" and/or "Pimp Governments" in China? Blending religion and state into a thesis that, historically, in The West, has always been led by 'men?' who seem terrified of woe'men?' but very fond of each other? "Great?" 'men?' who're, they often claim, in the image of God? A God Who will most certainly, per The Chinese Dream, look Asian? Just as Asian Father-Figures must appear to Asian babies?
With the Asian version of "Father Knows Best" relative to "what (Asian) women want"? Women we must hope are among Asia's brightest and best Mother-Figures re: alma-mater (Mother of Knowledge) and thus that China's major academic Universities (Universe-Cities) will be teaching Chinese women and men simple reason and elementary logic before China's geniuses are elected into public (funded) office by populations of "Sane Chinese" to provide the first ever "Sane Democracy" on Earth, Global China as, however, modeled after my Dream, Global Canada?
This blog is about The Chinese Dream, Global China and ancient and con-temporary Chinese "family values" among tribes (races) with about 10,453 years of history. One Hundred Centuries during which The Chinese never invented a phonetic alphabet? Invented gunpowder but not guns? And, as everyone knows, had several comic Empires with several Clown Emperors, all 'men?', with armies (and navies) of ferocious 'men?' who, even today, seem terrified of Chinese Woe'men?' but very fond of each other.
Thus, The Chinese effort to emulate "Western Civilization?" seems to me to be a function of irrational and illogical arguments among psychotics, by their own definitions? Perhaps including hallucinations for a Chinese Global Village and CommonWealth (Communism=Materialism) for 2.5 billion Chinese to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed desperately trying to impress 'the poor' in China required as audiences for how all China's politicians live?
However, because I'm bored and have an hour before I go to work, I will try to discuss Chinese History in conjunction with "Western History" as a Global Social Evolutionary Process toward One Unified Global Village for 6+ billion people on Earth in 2008 to live like China's, The USA's and Canada's politicians do.
NB- Again, my blogs require a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better academic education in any major language (graduate school in The USA), a sense of humor and an iQ over 100 (normal/average) to read and enjoy a laugh with other locals* at adult aged children whore playing house and playing family like they're in the movies or on TV in 2008.
Human History is an ancient and con-temporary: what?, where?,when?,who?,how? and why?
Human History is written by the 'victors' they say? Usually (always) composed after wars that were and are always for territory as tribes (races) expand requirements for natural resources and human resources (slaves). Wars initiated by psychotics, by their own definitions, and fought by populations of socially and otherwise illiterate morons, mostly 'men?'. 'men?' who were all first exposed to their Mother-Figures, our first teachers, then, in Canada and The USA anyway, about 100% of teachers in the early grades, K-4, are also women? Women we must hope are sane and among our brightest and best?
Wars, historically,, as you know, have been rationalized by "pimp religions" and "pimp governments" in terms of "pimp Gods" in the images of 'man?' within ancient and con-temporary bizarre philosophies composed by 'men?' who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
The historical dialogue about separation of Pimp Church and Pimp States, limits debate to an "either/or" among the psychotics, by their own definitions, I've mentioned, excludes simple reason and elementary logic in favor of various world-visions, global (once flat?) hallucinations and at least Universal of bigger delusions that have been an international academic joke for centuries among "Sane Humans".<---- The Vocal Moral Minority? i.e Christians and other "Sane Adults" who take responsibility for what they (we?) do. "Sane Humans' being, in my opinion, people who, as Adults, take responsibility for our behaviors in The-Real-World where we live*? Lending to, I hope, "Sane Seniors" in 2008? A 'think tank" I'd like to create on The Internet. "The Sane Seniors Institute"? Toward, of course, eventually advising a World Government perhaps consisting of The New United Nations??? Excluding The USA who has never paid their membership fees?
The UN has always had problems with members refusing to pay the assessment levied upon them under the United Nations Charter. But the most significant refusal in recent times has been that of the U.S. For a number of years, the U.S. Congress refused to authorize payment of the U.S. dues, in order to force UN compliance with U.S. wishes, as well as a reduction in the U.S. assessment.
After prolonged negotiations, the U.S. and the UN negotiated an agreement whereby the United States would pay a large part of the money it owes, and in exchange the UN would reduce the assessment rate ceiling from 25% to 22%. The reduction in the assessment rate ceiling was among the reforms contained in the 1999 Helms-Biden legislation, which links payment of $926 million in U.S. arrears to the UN and other international organizations to a series of reform benchmarks.
U.S. arrears to the UN currently total over $1.3 billion. Of this, $612 million is payable under Helms-Biden. The remaining $700 million result from various legislative and policy withholdings; at present, there are no plans to pay these amounts.
Under Helms-Biden, the U.S. paid $100 million in arrears to the UN in December 1999; release of the next $582 million awaits a legislative revision to Helms-Biden, necessary because the benchmark requiring a 25 percent peacekeeping assessment rate ceiling was not quite achieved. The U.S. also seeks elimination of the legislated 25 percent cap on U.S. peacekeeping payments in effect since 1995, which continues to generate additional UN arrears. Of the final $244 million under Helms-Biden, $30 million is payable to the UN and $214 million to other international organizations.>
Human History Recorded, they say, lest we forget the past and repeat mistakes? Mistakes like World Wars? Mistakes like moronic populations electing Hitler?
Mistakes like tribal (and thus racial) "family values?" predicated on what kindergarten means to the psychotics, by their own definitions, I mentioned? Mistakes like "trade as ethics" promoted by today's mindless econo-in-the-mists and other socially illiterate functions of "what women want", historically and now.
Women who 'have?' kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls? After 'having sex?' (instead of having lunch?) and/or "making love?" among psychotics, by their own definitions, who associate love with copulation, who love to travel, love food etc. but mostly love money and 'rich men?' (like Mel Gibson?) with lots of chari$ma? Handsome is as handsome does? On planets where prostitutes, politicians and criminals for example, they say. are professionals and sex is a trade? Tourism (wandering around) is an industry? Venus? Mars?
And, perhaps funniest, globally, among The World's dumbest and dumber, in my opinion, these creeps promote CommonWealth (Communism) of 200+ nations in 2008 for 6+ billion people, worldwide, to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class, honors social studies, was even moderately rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed here in Vancouver BC? .
Thus "The History of History" ends and
1. Adequate food, clothing and shelter for all Americans
2. A proper public (funded) grade school or better education for all Americans before they can vote, drive, become American Medical Doctors, American Jurists. American Teachers or Journalists and/or occupy pubic (funded) office in The USA and/or, perhaps especially before anyone can become The American President The Commander and Chief of the American Armed Forces terrifying The Chinese and everyone else in the movies and on TV?
3.Freedom of the press, including English style American improved Canadian perfected but evolving humor. Including mercilessly flattering America's "hillbillies" who're, generally. desperately trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my grade 7 class was rich and famous, i.e. wealth and emotionally disturbed.
However, I digress, back to the subject of this blog:
But perhaps substitute where you live for Vancouver, and try seeing this blog and life in general through the eyes of a 12 year old awed by you as a godlike Parent and/or TEACHER-FIGURE in the image 'man?'
In 2008, The Years of The Rat, we apparently have about 2,536.356,487.43 people of Chinese origin on Earth who want to be more like The Average Canadian or Average American in the movies and on TV?
However, Canadians and Americans together represent on;y about 5% of Earth's human population in 2OO8, but consume about 65% of Earth's non-renewable natural resources while all wanting to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and emotionally disturbed?
Mindless consumption to, in my opinion, provide what Canadian and American "women want" from emotionally disturbed 'men?'.
'men?" who're functions of the ambitions of Canada's and The USA's Mother-Figures (and apple pie?) i.e. mater*-ialism and food (as love?) primitive 'family values' among "Primitive Pimp Parents" I mentioned?
"Pimp Parents" who 'have?" kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls within tribal (and thus racial, including Chinese) agendas for Global Villages (Universe-Cities?)?
Perhaps a Chinese Global-Village defined by China's brightest and best world visionaries? Chinese psychotics, by their own definitions, perhaps in the image of a Chinese God in the image of "man?" in a Chinese Heaven where only 'men?' go to get away from Chinese woe'men?'?
These behaviors, in my opinion, among members of any tribe (race) lend to reformations of ancient and con-temporary "Pimp Governments" and philosophically "Pimp Religions" led by psychotics, by their own definitions.
I say this is my opinion only because I've never read anything in classical literature that makes fun of 'what women want' where prostitution, politics, crime and wrestling, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? The USA?
Paranoid schizophrenics who're usually suffering from various world visions, global (once flat?) delusions and at least Universal or bigger hallucinations for CommonWealth (first for themselves) and other juvenile "thoughts" that have been an international academic joke for centuries among humans with iQs over 100 (average/normal) here on Earth.
Our discussion today about The Chinese Dream of becoming a comic juvenile SUPERpower (on the world stage in 2008?) will include wondering how 2,536.356,487.43 Chinese (according to Statistics China?) plan to become more like Average Americans and Average Canadian "Statistics Canada" employees in the movies and on TV?
Or...will today's Chinese geniuses in 2008 try to recreate Ancient Chinese Empires led by Chinese psychotics (Emperors etc.) , by their own definitions, who, for example, bury armies of "terracotta warriors" because they were insane?
Or, as in Canada in 2008, will The Chinese elect "sane adults" into public (funded) office? making China, eventually, as Canada is, the envy of The World and a model for a Global Village based on The Canadian Dream? Global Canada.
Will, in fact, The Chinese look to Canada as a model of The Future of China? Instead of "The Comic USA", increasing led by juveniles in public (funded) office elected by increasingly illiterate juvenile populations of intellectually retarded but very aggressive adult aged children whore all trying to live like movie and TV characters would, they say, if 12 year olds were movie and TV stars, royalty, successful criminals and/or got elected into public (funded) office in 2008 to embarrass "Sane Canadians" and "Sane Americans" (who all live in The USA) internationally?
Is Canada, however, the better model the fabled Global Village, Global Canada?
Is Canada or China a better model for 6+ billion people on Earth to all have government (funded) jobs where no-one works for a living but we all live like all Canada's and The USA's politicians do?
Or, is Ireland the best reference for Global Social and Political Literacy=Sanity in 2008?
I'll let "Sane Blog Readers" be the judge. Must get ready for work now.
Please write me at bryan_clifford@shaw.ca if you wish to join our 'think tank' "The Sane Seniors Institute".
There is no fee to join, but you must be human, 55 or older, of any race (tribe), a member of either official gender and have an iQ over 100 (normal/average).
Applications will be accepted as essays explaining what you do in The Real World wherever you are to share a laugh with other locals* where you live* at geniuses in your community whore playing house and playing family like they're in the movie or on TV.
We, the member of The Institute. . . , will accept 5000 words or more in any major language.
Words describing what you do that's rational and logical every day to improve toward becoming more like Canada's brightest and best politicians and others of Canada's 'elite' "upper classes" trying to ape. . . royalty, for example, who, in turn, seem to be trying teach 12 year olds, grade 7s, by example, how to impress "the poor" required as audiences for how The 'Great?' Apes would live, I'm told, if 1 million monkeys typing on one million keyboard were blogging like I am.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
9:am in BC and Chile, I must get ready for work.
A Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)
604 520 6612 days if you have anything intelligent to discuss
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings/Humans
*where you live- Earth
NB- will be editing this as I get time. Butt, as I said, I wanted to celebrate St. Patrick's Day LEST I FORGET that, as they say, "bullshit baffles brains".
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