A Blog From:
"The Sane Seniors World Institute of Global Studies"
SSWIGS is a reluctantly non-profit 'think tank' of high. . . iQ (bored/retired) senior citizens* located in Vancouver BC Canada, relying on the charity of others who don't like being referred to as human resources by creatures in Canadian public (funded) office as if they're not human themselves. Aliens. Brits? Blood sucking insects?
And, don't criminals (and helpless children) generally, regard humans as resources?
SSWIGS is devoted to promoting The Canadian Dream, Global Canada, The Holy Canadian Empire, NEW Canada, The 5th (and final) Reich, inspired by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire ; grade 7 social studies, Alberta Canada, 1957.
Today's blog will be devoted to making fun of "Pimp Media" in Canada, in the context of Canada's and other major academic Universities (Universe-Cities) that define Canada's and other country's major social sewer cultural toilet Cities in 2008.
Universities defined by Canada's and other country's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers who, in turn, define all that's possibly civil and good where they are*.
With University Presses, in theory, establishing the highest standards of academic excellence through publication of the work of the scholars, intellectuals and philosophers I mentioned. All government employees in one way or another, however, where prostitution, politics, wrestling and crime are apparently professions and sex is a trade? Venus? Mars? Where you live?
Traditionally, you'll agree, my tribe (race) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_tribes has always been a function of higher intelligence among our genius religious and secular leaders, chiefs, kings, queens, popes, emperors, professional criminals, generals, prime ministers, dictators ,presidents and, generally, governance by history's brightest and best over thousands of years of individual and social evolution among history's and today's "Great Men" who seem terrified of women but very fond of each other.
From my tribe's isolated ideal villages of the ancient past to today's Global Village, United Nations, World Bank, Creepy Multinational Borderless Corporations and attendant Global Religions and CommonWealth (Communism) for 6+ billion people in 2008 in 200+ countries to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class, honors social studies, was rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, 'White Men?" have demonstrated obvious higher intelligence combined with good character and moral superiority that's evident today in "Global Media" representing the ultimate expression of the ideas of the world's brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, past and present.
"Global Media" in 2008 being a direct function of the world's major academic Universities (Universe-Cities) and the brightest and best of the past and among us now. Genius scholars, intellectuals and philosophers communicating with us, the humans with, I guess, lower educations, through various University Presses that, traditionally, background local* literate media in terms of the past 5000 years or so of local* NEWS and subsequent literature in several major languages.
Local* major Universities thus defining all that's possibly civil and good through academic excellence, intellectual achievement and philosophical propriety, especially among my tribe's genius journalists/writers (scholars).
Scholars who, throughout "The History of Western Philosophy" and "The History of Eastern Philosophy", and thousands of years of local* NEWS and subsequent literature, have filled libraries, encyclopedia and dictionaries with the collected knowledge of humanity's struggle toward Global Literacy and subsequent Global Humor; laughter (at ourselves) they say, being the best medicine.
Global Literacy for 6+ billion people in 2008 with increasing access to TV (pictures+radio; including movies) perhaps noticing that "Pimp Media" today is obviously a function of "what (socially and otherwise illiterate) women want" from moronic drones and goons where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade? And, of course, trade is ethics to psychotics, by their own definition, I've mentioned from time to time. Promoting CommonWealth/Communism (both materialisms) through intricate (and insane) theories that have been an international academic joke for centuries among (surviving) "Sane Adults".
So, since I've lived in Vancouver BC for the past 45 years, today's early am before work therapeutic blog will try to address Vancouver BC's geniuses who demonstrate their high iQs and superior intellectual qualities by living like 12 year olds would, they say, if my grade 7 class was royalty, found shiny rocks or oil and/or otherwise became rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed, like the characters on Lists of The World's Richest Morons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_billionaires and were living in Vancouver BC trying to impress 'the poor' here. With, however, no-one making fun of them in major media any more??? Mercilessly flattering theirs effort to play house and play family like movie and TV characters (and successful actors/politicians) do?
"Pimp Media" in 2008 allows us a window into the minds of "Pimp Publishers" where prostitution, politics, crime and wrestling, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade. Venus? Mars?
"Pimp Publishers" are, of course, a function of the ambitions of MultiNational Borderless Creepy Lawless Mindless Corporations in 2008 that are led by psychotics, by their own definitions, who are, they claim, capable of "global thinking" yet behave like children would, they say, if my grade 7 class was on the list of The World's Richest Morons per the link above and/or on The List of the Wealthiest Idiots http://www.rich-bastards.com/d-RichLists.htm
Mindless Multinational/International Global (once flat?) Borderless Corporations and the "Pimp Governments" they control that are sort of, you'll agree, mindless amalgamations of adult aged children all trying to impress 'the poor' required as audiences for how the world's most successful (at making fools of themselves) people live in 2008 when wealth is controlled by intellectual juveniles rather than our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, toward CommonWealth for 6+ billion people world-wide in 200+ countries to live like royalty or the average Canadian, American or Europeon in public (funded) office does in 2008?
Historically, CommonWealth is either as a result of "Capitalism" and/or "Communism" (both are "Materialisms") that define political and social agendas in terms of "what women want" re: tribal (and thus racial) nesting ambitions among psychotics, by their own definitions, who 'have?" kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls within rather ugly tribal (and thus racial) paradigms like "go forth and multiply" (more human resources to tithe and tax) per my ambitions for Global Canada, if I can get elected, as Hitler was, by populations of socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children to, say, become King of The World? "Bryan The Great?" to impress my wife and children??? Who, at the moment, don't respect me at all???
'part 1 of 34,456,267 etc.'
'part 1 of 34,456,267 etc.'
My tribe (race) for example, British (actually Germ-manic)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Windsor has a long hysterical record of perhaps the past 2000 years or so of increasingly bizarre nesting ambitions among women; of both official sexes I guess?.
With "white?" women the ultimate product of human evolution, and the "white?" race (tribe) examples of God's plan for a world led by dumb blonds?
The 5th (and final) Reich, Global Canada will, ideally, have all fee-male (or gay) parliaments, legislatures, judiciaries, congresses etc.; fee-males doing all the dangerous and hard work with women taught from birth that they, not men, are in the image of an all powerful all seeing know it all psychotic God i.e Our Mother in Heaven?
The 5th (and final) Reich will have all women (or gay) armies, navies etc.; 90% of homeless will be women; 90% of prisoners in jails will be women.
Leaving "real men" liberated to pursue an higher. . . (or advanced) education, and, generally, become an academic elite of our high iQ brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers. Studying away from the concerns of 'what women (or gays) want' toward a greater understanding of the fact that anyone who defines themselves as a "sexual" is insane. Like. . . (as the children say) "WHO CARES?"
The 5th Reich, Global Canada, will tolerate the ambitions of every sane human being equally.
Sanity will be defined by the proactive behaviors of each individual in The Global CommonWealth. per The Canadian Dream, including getting rid of both the British and The French. Perhaps sending all Anglophonies and Frankaphonies back to the social sewers and cultural toilets on "The Old World?" that got rid of them. ASAP! Please??? Similarly "African Americans?" if the don't want to be American-Americans, will be gievn $1M US per 'family unit' to return to Africa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back_to_Africa_movement
Leaving only Canadian-Canadians, the master race, on Canada. Evolved over the past 300 years or so into the fabled SUPERmen (and SUPERwomen) of 2008. Canadians with super HUMOR.
Every year will be The Year of The Beaver. Castor Canadensis (means, roughly, 'stupid Canadian rodent' in a zombie language, Latin, that refuses to die, but lives on like a virus in dialog corrupting English (German+Gaelic) with Rome-antic drivel designed by demented 'men?' who seem terrified of woe'men?" buy very very fond of each other.
A Master-Race with one thing in common, a Canadian-Canadian sense of humor. Wit so withering that, if laughter (at ourselves) is the best medicine, then the cure for The British Disease and other similar psychological disorders among people suffering from weird world-visions and obtuse global-thinking and other at least Universal or bigger social and other delusions and hallucinations, will welcome "The Canadian Dream":
1. adequate* food, clothing and shelter for all Global Canadians
2. a proper grade 7 (second form) of better public (funded) education for all Global Canadians before anyone can get married, drive, vote and/or hold public (funded) office anywhere.
3. Universal Medicare for all Global Canadians with, however, differentials to reward people who choose to emulate supermodels and professional athletes toward breeding the Perfect Canadian 'family unit' (of Statistics Canada employees?) in the movies and on TV. . . a SUPER FAMILY UNIT. . representing muti-cultural-ism and the best of the world's races (tribes) achieved through controlled eugenics... in my laboratory. . . at The University of British Columbia, in a top-secret (public funded) project (especially from my wife) where, by combining the world's highest iQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_vos_Savant with tallest and buffest movie or TV (or UTube) male SUPERstar, The Reich will produce 'kids' (livestock/human resources) to become Global Canada's leaders of the future. Genius 8 foot tall high iQ androgenous Canadians?
NB- However, as yet, I don't have funding for this project. So please, if you're interested in Global Humor, send at least $25 in my name to "The Fraser Institute" http://www.fraserinstitute.org/toward my becoming a member of their "founders circle" ($10,000.63) so I can make fun of their own publications, from an academic (sane) point of view.
A Master-Race with one thing in common, a Canadian-Canadian sense of humor. Wit so withering that, if laughter (at ourselves) is the best medicine, then the cure for The British Disease and other similar psychological disorders among people suffering from weird world-visions and obtuse global-thinking and other at least Universal or bigger social and other delusions and hallucinations, will welcome "The Canadian Dream":
1. adequate* food, clothing and shelter for all Global Canadians
2. a proper grade 7 (second form) of better public (funded) education for all Global Canadians before anyone can get married, drive, vote and/or hold public (funded) office anywhere.
3. Universal Medicare for all Global Canadians with, however, differentials to reward people who choose to emulate supermodels and professional athletes toward breeding the Perfect Canadian 'family unit' (of Statistics Canada employees?) in the movies and on TV. . . a SUPER FAMILY UNIT. . representing muti-cultural-ism and the best of the world's races (tribes) achieved through controlled eugenics... in my laboratory. . . at The University of British Columbia, in a top-secret (public funded) project (especially from my wife) where, by combining the world's highest iQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_vos_Savant with tallest and buffest movie or TV (or UTube) male SUPERstar, The Reich will produce 'kids' (livestock/human resources) to become Global Canada's leaders of the future. Genius 8 foot tall high iQ androgenous Canadians?
NB- However, as yet, I don't have funding for this project. So please, if you're interested in Global Humor, send at least $25 in my name to "The Fraser Institute" http://www.fraserinstitute.org/toward my becoming a member of their "founders circle" ($10,000.63) so I can make fun of their own publications, from an academic (sane) point of view.
The 5th (and final) Reich will thus be obsessed with "what men want" and the masculine mystique. Where prostitution, politics, wrestling and crime, for example, never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade. Earth.
In the 5th Reich, The Holy Canadian Empire, women will be expected to provide for their families in a manner hitherto expected of 'men?' (goons and drones) within anthropomorphic drivel relating humans to beasts and insects and else? Birds and the bees? As brave as a lion? Wise as an owl. Clever as a fox. Dumb as a rock etc.
Women will gain exclusive access to major academic Universities in Global Canada in this regard, to learn how to make more money by gaining higher... (or advanced) educations provided by other women. MBA's and business education will allow women to become mindless office managers and super salespeople striving to afford "trophy husbands" to breed "trophy children", Canada's princes and princesses, where wealth buys class, apparently, yet British Royalty, as you know, is an international joke in 2008: No royal has ever graduated from a legitimate academic University .... ever. Fluff degrees notwithstanding.
And, since "real men" will be at home taking care of infants and toddlers in The 5th Reich, New Canada, Global Canada, men will have the opportunity to be children's first teachers when Parents and other Adults must seem like Gods to human babies.
About 100% of very well paid teachers in the "early grades" in Canada will be "real men" like Gods to 5 to 7 year olds, teaching, of course, that God is in the image of a huge provisional Woman hovering over The Father-Land (Father Earth) where Father Nature/Weather is, at best, unpredictable.
Old Mother Winter will compliment Mother Time in The Global Father-Land, The 5th (and final) Reich. "Pimp Media" will be a function of Nazi propaganda "machines" during the WW1 and WW2. Representing the ideal Global Village defined by The Nazis that somehow, however, included The entire Japanese Empire (also a world-vision) in the perspectives of psychotics, by their own definitions, then?
However, somewhere in The USA, perhaps where you live, there's a self appointed publisher with an iQ over 100? A publisher providing you with the truth, in print? Including making fun of the adult aged children there who're trying to impress "the poor" by living like 12 year olds would here in Vancouver BC, they say, if 12 year olds were rich and famous, i.e. wealth and obviously emotionally disturbed.
Women in The 5th Reich will be referred to as The Uberwench... the SUPERwomen of myth and legend and evolutionary theory and fact. Goddesses in the images of fashion models on steroids, becoming the best athletes in the world able to run and jump and play with balls better than anyone ever in the history of sport. Eventually too, all women will have Ph Ds in something? All engineers and geeks will be women in The 5th Reich. Clara Kunt, a journalist with The Daily Universe, will change into SUPERWOMAN to save Lois Loin in an enduring comic version of every 10 year old girl's fantasy about saving the prince from evil women.
Women we must hope are among our brightest and best scholars, intellectuals and philosophers where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example. never have been, aren't now nor ever will be professions or sex a trade. Earth.
Including laughing at today's economists (econo-in-the-mists?) whose always at least Global theories have been an international academic joke for centuries.
All described over centuries of "Pimp Media" in terms of "Pimp Religions" and/or "Pimp Governments" led by geniuses whore somehow able to objectify "the human condition" for example, as if they're not human themselves? Aliens?
And, don't criminals, generally, also regard humans as resources/objects?
Just as helpless human children must necessarily regard human Parents and other hopefully "Sane Adults" as resources?
Are then creatures that refer to Canadians, for example, as human resources from Canadian public (funded) office psychotic, by their own definitions, suffering from world-visions and global hallucinations that could be cured by a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better education including some elementary reason and simple logic applied to where they live*?
Should human populations be educated to a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better level of literacy before democracy can succeed in electing "Sane Governments" of the people, by the people and for the people?
Should then, there be a Global University (Universe-City) in 2008? Representing The World's highest iQ brightest and best genius scholars, intellectuals and philosophers with logical and reasonable world-visions and practicable global-ideas for CommonWealth for 6+ billion people and Wealth of (200+) Nations to live like The Average Canadian or American politician or bureaucrat does in 2008?
Should "Sane Seniors" of all tribes (races) all over the world form an International "think tank" in this regard? "The Global International Institute of World Studies"?
An University of only The World's brightest and best and wisest "Sane Seniors" meeting here* in Vancouver BC in the summer and in San Diego, my favorite place, in the winter? An University alternately called "The Global University of British Columbia" that defines British Columbia's 150 year history of only the brightest and best from 'Great?' Britain, Europe and Asia getting rid of their rejects who came to "The New World?" to re-create the ugly disgusting social sewers and cultural toilets that got rid of them?
Here* in Vancouver BC, "Pimp Media", as you may know, is obsessed with "what women want" through association with University (Universe-City) and higher. . . (or advanced?) education being required to get better jobs with higher incomes where "Pimp Governments" with "roots" in "Pimp Religions" tax/tithe the incomes of the human resources to support "Pimp States" and/or "Pimp Church" within dialog about "separation of Church and State" that limits options to a preposterous "either/or"
1. Either "Psychotic Religion"
2. Or "Insane State"
With the following observations about where I live:
1. Vancouver BC's and Canada's rich and obviously emotionally disturbed life(as)style junkie comic "elite?" of adult aged children like to be flattered, yet no-one is making fun of them that way?
2. "The Poor" they're trying to impress in Vancouver BC all enjoy sharing a laugh at how 12 year olds would live, they say, if grade 7s were royalty, successful criminals, won lotteries and/or got elected into public (funded) office by socially and otherwise illiterate populations of adult aged children.
3. "Sane Seniors" in BC are not represented by "Sane Media" defined by our brightest and best graduates in academic subjects from The University of British Columbia and "Literate Media" such as The UBC Press that, at least, should define literacy in Vancouver/Victoria BC with direct reference to people in public (funded) office.
4. Canada's "Sane Seniors" are certainly not represented by juveniles in public (funded) office elected by socially and otherwise illiterate populations of rejects from 'Great?' Britain, The USA, Europe, Asia and Eastern Canada who're playing house and playing family trying to re-create the social sewers and cultural toilets they came from.
A Bryan Clifford BsD (Oxford)
Publisher of The CBC ("Canadian Broadcasting Corporation") Press
Founder of SSWIGS, The Sane Seniors World Institute for Global Studies
*senior citizens- wise sagacious friendly sane aging cranky citizens of Earth
*local- Earth
*locals- Earthlings
*here- Earth
*where we/they live/are- Earth
PS- I am trying to get someone to steal my identity. Please call 604 520-6612 if you know of anyone who'd be interested in becoming "Bryan Clifford" and listening to the world visions and global ideas of my wife and children, paying off my debts and mortgages etc.
9am here* must go to work now... this was fun... all "Sane Seniors" in Canada and The USA should be blogging? Then, of course, edit edit edit. . .
new blog this weekend... new subject? Global Disney World?Land?---> Ottawa as a Global Village? Washington DC as OZ? Global Vatican? (no women) Global USA? (no men) Global China? if I get time.
Thanks for listening.
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