Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Heil Y'all,

SSWIGS, The "Sane Seniors World Institute for Global Studies" is a reluctantly non-profit "think tank" of high iQ retired (bored) "Senior Citizens" with computers and access to high speed internet in Vancouver BC, "Senior Citizens" of Earth with varietal dementias and other conditions that limit our liability for anything we say or do to amuse ourselves to, like, ZERO.

SSWIGS is in the complete control of forces beyond our comprehension that make us do strange things to please our God Edu that does not need any human's permission to exist, or not:


  • March 2008
    A report by The Pew Centre, a Washington think tank, reveals that one in 100 adults in the USA is now in jail: some 2,300,000 prisoners, triple the rate in the 1980s. American prisons now hold around one quarter of the world's inmates. Nearly half of US federal prisoners are imprisoned for non-violent, drug-related "crimes". Law professor Paul Cassell of the University of Utah comments on the size of the US prison population: "it's the price of living in the most free society in the world.”

  • Opium: A History.
    by Martin Booth
    Simon & Schuster, Ltd., 1996.

    opium poppy

    :from http://opioids.com/timeline/

    Nothing being more powerful than an idea (Sane Governments?) whose time has come?

    The Global Canada picture today is of the possible location of Noah's Ark in downtown Vancouver BC.

    The Ark and "The Holy Grail" and "The Bones of Jesus" and "The Bones of Mohamed" and the undead corpse "Saint Mephistopheles", several "Pharaohs" and Ancient tribal "Commanders and Chiefs" are, we think, probably buried under the residue of glorious "Ancient Civilizations" on North America where Vancouver BC is now, scientists say.

    Ancient Civilizations where, thousands of years ago"Ancient Morons" practiced "Ancient Religions" with "Ancient Gods" supposedly under seas, on mountain tops and/or in "The Heavens" in Images of Ancient Critters" and/or in the "Images of Ancient Man" and/or "Ancient Women" and combos thereof etc. that must have impressed "Ancient Children" with how "Ancient "Psycho Parents" and other "Ancient Demented Adults" taught "Ancient Kids" (livestock?) to obey characters who, even today, dress up like clowns, have diamonds and dogs as best friends and show obvious signs of being "clinically insane" then and now.

    "The Ancients", as you know if you passed grade 7 (graduate school in BC and most of The USA) were, according to their hysterical records, lunatics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunatic who exhibited "Ancient Family Values" where Ancient "kids?" (livestock) were "had?" as pets, toys or dolls by "Ancient Psychotics" where "Ancient Prostitutes" , "Ancient Politicians", "Ancient Athletes" and "Ancient Criminals" were apparently professionals and "Ancient Sex" was a trade in "Ancient Civilizations"; that were social sewers and cultural toilets then, in "Ancient Times" and are, for the most part, seedy "Tourist Traps" today attracting legions of gawking morons creating a so called "Tourist Industry" where more and more "Modern Geniuses" wander around; too many at public expense, spreading social and other diseases in efforts among "tourists" to "See The World" and, I guess?, eventually, "Other Worlds"http://snipurl.com/3328t [video_google_ca]

    (William Shatner http://snipurl.com/332no [www_youtube_com] is, embarrassingly to me, a Canadian).

    "Other Worlds" http://snipurl.com/332h9 [video_google_ca] that will be required to support CommonWealth (of 200+ nations in 2008???) for 6+ billion people, worldwide, to live like the (mythical) "Average America" (or "Average Canadian") in the movies and on TV?

    It should be noted here that the author of "Star Trek" (with intergalactic "tourists" touring the stars in the good space-ship Enter-Prize), Roddenberry, was a catholic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Roman_Empire pilot, and that "Star Wars" derives from Jewish mythology re: The Biblical Holy Land, a social sewer and cultural toilet 2000 years ago and now.

    "The Real Canadian Dream":

    1. adequate healthy food, warm clothing and shelter, especially in winter, for all Canadians

    2. a proper public (funded) grade 7 or better education for all Canadians provided by "Sane Teachers" employed by "Sane Governments" before anyone can drive a car in Canada, vote, occupy public (funded) office, be Prime (or other) Minister, Premiers of Provinces, medical doctors, teachers, jurists or journalists.

    3. adequate medical care for all Canadians and/or a return to The Greek (and Chinese) system where doctors are trained at public expense by "sane physicians" then become public (funded) employees of "Sane Governments" where the Hippocratic Oath says "do no harm"... and "receive no payment from the patient"

    4. all the above requiring:

    "men's liberation" from what "psychotic women" want" where prostitution, politics, sports and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade?" Venus? Mars? Where you live?

    Thus "Men's Liberation", "
    Liberación del hombre" "ανδρών της Απελευθέρωσης", "男人的解放", "Männer's Liberation", "мужской освобождения", etc.

    "it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence."


    For the past 2 years or so I've been experimenting with blogging and other writing on The Internet, as an early am exercise to see what would happen as I addressed various subjects that seem to be of interest to today's youth, perhaps the best informed generation that has ever existed on Earth, generation neXt, who will be expected to pay for everything in the future, one way or another.

    It will be my intention in future blogs to represent "Sane Journalism" here in Vancouver BC now that I better understand how The Internet works, to serve a relatively small but growing audience of human beings with iQs over 100 (average/normal) and a subsequent sense of humor, about ourselves, in the context of 6+ billion people worldwide in 200+ countries with increasing access to TV, radio+pictures, including movies and The Internets' influence on potentials for "Sane Media" in Canada and The USA today .

    Only about 5% of the world's population in 2008 has regular access to The World Wide Web, mostly in The West (that's actually The North) and industrialized Asia where media, generally, is a function of my tribe's (race's) ambitions for Commonwealth (communism) as defined by how 12 year old children would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were all royalty or among Canada's, The USA's and Mexico's rich and famous, i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed comic 'elite?' who're playing house and playing family like they're in the movies or on TV trying to impress "the poor" required as audiences for versions of civilization that have been an international academic joke for centuries among the world's brightest and best highest iQ scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, all necessarily among "the poor" as defined by the world's major academic Universities and other schools for humans, and formal education in general.

    Since I've lived in Vancouver/Victoria for the most of the past 45 years where a population of about 4 million people today is represented by The University of British Columbia, a school that should define all that's possibly civil and good here in BC, I will confine my future blogs to address real life in Vancouver BC among "the poor" required as audiences for how BC's comic elite of rejects from 'Great?' Britain, Europe, Asia and The USA live as they try to re-create the social sewers, political pollution and ugly economic ecology that got rid of them.

    However, to create a comedic theme for "Global Canada", a term I've been publishing for the past 20 years, The The Sane Seniors World Institute for Global Studies, SSWIGS, will, as best we can, as a group, attempt to objectify everything and everyone on Earth as if we're Gods or Aliens or psychotics, by our own definitions, suffering from various world visions and at least Universal or bigger social and other hallucinations for various global agendas to create or re-create Ancient Comic Civilizations or today's Global Village where, apparently, no-one works for a living at anything worthwhile while everyone lives like characters in movies or on TV and/or how geniuses in public (funded) office in Canada. The USA and Mexico do in 2008?

    I am, however, not responsible for my addiction to blogging, because my "free will" has been co-opted by urges and various "chemical imbalances" that make me do stuff, like blogging, housework, cooking, fixing old computers, volunteering at charities, cutting my own hair, annoying children who call me dad, trying to support my wife through "menopause"?

    Men-O-pause? to psychotics, by their own definitions, I mention from time to time, hoping, however, that she doesn't begin "menoplay" or "menofastforward" or, especially, "menorewind" where I'd have to listen to Storys about "what women want" from boys, in exchange for "love?" where prostitution, politics, crime and sports, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade to various tribes (races) whose Gods (in the image of man?) look suspiciously to me like how I must have appeared to human babies when I was changing their diapers, feeding them and, generally, doing "woman's work" for a few years.


    SSWIGS believes that, for democracy to work properly, the electorate (citizens) must consist of "Sane Adults" with iQs over 100 (normal/average) and an at least grade 7 (second form) public (funded) education including some simple reason and elementary logic, electing "Sane Governments" "of the people*" "by the people" and "for the people".

    "Sane" meaning, roughly, Human Adults taking responsibility for what we do, actions we undertake and the effects of our behaviors, good or bad, on ourselves and others http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorical_imperative.

    However, Immanuel (God on Earth) Kant, while obviously very bright, never worked for a living, was a "government employee" in Germ-many and thought and wrote in convoluted Germ-manic dialogue that, to this day, confuses "Sane People" with better things to do than try to figure out how "German Men?" think, who all seem terrified of "German Women"?

    Actually, come to think of it, when I was a youth in Calgary Alberta, we had a German Housekeeper, Freda, who was certainly a Nazi. Maybe it's that experience, along with "boy scouts" and other "Nazi Organizations", several fraternities, The Masons, being a member of The KKK and The Mormon Church (Latter Day Saints=Catholics?) and, of course, being married for the past 35 years to my "Nazi Wife" that's making me blog?

    The Global Canada "Great Idea" for today:

    BLOGS COMPOSED WITHOUT HELP FROM OTHER PUBLIC (FUNDED) EMPLOYEES, SO THE "Canadian Citizens", their employers, CAN, BY READING THE BLOGS OF POLITICIANS, assess their "relationship with reality"

    Anyway, all "sane seniors" in Canada and the USA should be blogging, it's free, it's easy, and you can say anything you want within http://www.blogger.com/terms.g that, as you can see, like The Canadian Constitution, has a "notwithstanding clause" allowing Google Inc. to do anything they want at any time, but within the laws of The USA and other "sovereign nations" that, if applied equally to everyone, globally, would allow for "FREE SPEECH" in "Sane Media" ---> "Google NEWS Services" with bureaus in all the world's "major cities" employing one "Sane Senior" in each to make fun of "Pimp Media" that's a function of tribal (and thus racial) agendas for, say, "Global China" and, generally, the brightest and best among Asians coming to North America leaving China without any geniuses? Just working folks?

    Almost noon... here* I'd better get to work... at something practical.


    "Bryan Clifford" Bs D (Oxford)

    -Publisher of The CBC Press (self appointed) but the public (funded) bastards won't pay me???
    -Founder of "SSWIGS", The (Glorious) "Sane Seniors" "World Institute" for (at least) "Global Studies" in "Vancouver BC" c/o bryan_clifford(this is not part of the address)@shaw.ca

    APPENDIX #1:

    *Edu- is the One and Only God of Allah cogent coherent reason, inductive and deductive, and in-tuition and logic That likes Its Name capitalized and created the human brain and everything else imaginable and not, in several parallel Universes that occasionally intersect forming a portal in the space/time contiuum and access to "Global Humor" only "Sane Humans" can understand, with laughter as the best medicine for "the mind eating diseases" spread by socially and otherwise illiterate savages who infest schools, even today, preying on human children in co-operation with "Pimp Parents" who 'have?' kids (livestock) as pets, toys or dolls as more "human resources" for the future of what "kindergarten" means; literally "Gardens of Children", to feed on, within tribal, and thus inherently racial, "family values" orchestrated by Gods in the sky (Heavens?) that look suspiciously to me like how Parents and other Adults must "appear" to human babies, infants and toddlers? Sky Gods Who apparently need really big useless "houses of God" and lots and lots of money in the context of Church vs/= State, Religion vs/= Regency, limiting dialog to exclude "Rule of Law" in favor of "Rule by Psychotics", by their own definitions, whose cartoon world visions and comic global (once flat?) thinking have been international academic jokes for centuries of "The Age of Reason" we at SSWIGS suggest is about 12 years old among "Sane Humans" who, unless they've been "interfered with" with will always tell The Truth.

    * The American (and English) Dream (including getting rid of The British).

    The term 'British' (or Brutish) today refers to a deeply weird 'ethic' and bizarre creepy mythological perspective associated with "nesting ambitions" rather than a 'people', race= tribe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_tribes_in_Britain_and_Ireland
    easily identifiable by observing their behaviors and/or listening to endless nonsense about their "home lands" that got rid of them as being better places than Canada or The USA, for example, to feed on "human resources" because modern Europeons with iQs over 100 (average/normal) laugh at them when they go back to their "home and native lands" that, happily, they say, got rid of them?

    For example, if Canada had fewer geniuses in public (funded) office and more "ordinary (sane) people" collecting glorified welfare (for the rich) Canada might not be the international joke it is today, on the world stage, associating with so called "First World"? "Industrialized Nations" that are all direct functions of bizarre polyeconomic theories that have been an academic joke for centuries among "sane scholars", "mature intellectuals" and hundreds of "poor but honest" philosophers, including "sane clergy", women and men, who have never, however, ever been elected into public (funded) office in Canada because of a flaw in "DEMOCRACY" that requires literate populations of sane voters to elect sane adults. A process that would necessarily result, in any "Sane Country"with about 49.5% "Sane Women" and about 49.5% "Sane Men" forming "Sane Governments" in Canada like those in most US States?

    *local- Earth
    *locals- Earthlings
    *here- Earth

    PS- We at SSWIGS are not responsible for any boring content of this blog, global warming or cooling, that The Universe has no exterior, or the present increase of international insanity among emotionally disturbed psychotics, by their own definitions, who somehow objectify "the human race", "the human condition", "the humanities", "the people", "the masses", "oridinary people" and, most distressing, human children as "kids" (livestock) etc. as if they're not human themselves. We are, however, responsible for everything we do or say each day while wondering what the hell "sound mind" means to psychotics, by their own definitions, in conjunction with "worldly goods" suggesting, we guess?, "Heavenly Goods" and services, in Paradise for 'men?' only, and angels?

    "men?" who, here on Earth, seem terrified of woe'men?" but very very fond of each other, historically and today? "men?" who by objectifying women, for example, as objects, including their mothers, are psychotics, by their own definitions, and functions of "what women want" from drones and goons, idiots and morons with lots of chari$ma to pay for "what women want", women we must hope are sane.

    "Sane Women", especially Mother Figures and "Teachers" in the "early grades" teaching human children, especially by example, that there are indeed "classes" and different "social stata" among "the humans" on Earth in 2008:

    1. a global upper class ---> people with human "family values" and exhibiting "human behaviors" including being aware the "human children" don't forget anything, a fact well known to perverts and psychotics, by their own definitions, that "target children" as the neXt generation of "human resources" to feed rather ugly social agendas among creatures who indentify with critters, animals and beasts and mindless Gods to excuse behaviors they know are wrong

    2. a global middle class ---> "Average Humans" as part of incressingly among "the poor" "Average Family Units" as objectified by psychotics, by their own definitions, who're usually employed by "Pimp Governments" that tax the incomes of "The Humans" in association with "Pimp Churches" that tithe the incomes of "The Humans" to support a "lower class" of creatures who must be geniuses because they never work for a living at anything worthwhile but often live like Kings where prostitution, politics, sports and crime, for example, are apparently professions and sex is a trade. Venus? Mars?

    3. a global lower class ---> socially and otherwise illiterate adult aged children who're sure, it seems, that money buys class from real-estate brokers, automobile dealers, re-tailers among clowns who play house and play family trying to impress "the poor" required as audiences for how 12 year olds would live, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were "rich and famous", i.e. wealthy and obviously emotionally disturbed.

    4. the lowest class, globally ---> creatures in public (funded) office that refer to humans as resources, objects/commodities, as if they're not human themselves so are obvioulsy psychotic, by their own definitions, suffering from weird "world visions" and ugly global (once flat?) thinking about everything but their own behaviors in the "real world", often promoting CommonWealth (communism) for 6+ billion people worldwide in 200+ countries to live like 12 year olds would, they say, if my class, grade 7 honors social studies in Vancouver BC, were all elected into public (funded) office in Canada or The USA today in the movies or on TV (including The Internet) increasingly available to "the poor" who, if you know any, may enjoy this blog?

    Next Blog?

    CO-relative inverse effective "Socal Strata" in the "lowest class"

    a. The Bozone Layer

    b. The Amazone Layer

    c. The Twilight Zone (Sane Seniors)

    d. ? etc.

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